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What's happening?


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I don't mean to offend anyone or take a bit at Squad but news about development has slown. First of all the forum crashed and is sent back 6 months to the past, there hasn't been Livestream since and today Damion handed in his resignation. (We all wish him well with his future endovures). Does anybody know what is happening.

Edited by stargazer1235
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I think it may just be you, have you been playing it for a long time? It could just be time for a break...

* Ah editing your post making it seem like a different question is a dirty move my friend ;)

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I also felt a disturbance in the force! Whats going on at Squad? Seems that both CMs "disappeared" and now Damion left!? No KSPTV since ~20 days...

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Well the last time Squad opened their mouths about the future they got [snip] slapped by the community over phantom DLC problems. Seems it can be rather dangerous to share news with the community sometimes. :P

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There are three new(ish) blog posts by developers that explain upcoming update stuff which contains a good amount of information. I think everyone can appreciate that Squad have a lot of work on their metaphorical plates... I am sure we will hear more in the future but lets all have a bit of restraint and patience in the mean time.

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I'm going to close this thread because we've already had discussions like this before, and they didn't end well. Sorry OP, this is just to prevent another thread like what we had yesterday.

There's going to be a new development update article shortly, in which I explain the state of things, in as much detail as I can. Stay tuned for it.

In the meantime, please be patient, and



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