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Calling all astronomers past present and future!

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Have you guys ever been KSP and looked at the beautiful artwork that makes up our in game galaxy and said "we really need to name some of these"? Well then you've come to the right place. I want to start a movement to find and name the constellations, stars, nebulae, and galaxies that we all see.

Here are the rules:

1) try to avoid naming what you discover after yourself, its not like you've spent years of your life and a lot of money to do this.

2) any vulgar names will not be accepted, try to think of something original and scientific that has something to do with what you've discovered

3) you can not rename anything someone else has discovered. If you find it first, you get to name it.


1) give as much info as you can on it (where you were orbiting, stuff like that)

2) try to give a description (maybe some assumed science like size, composition, and other logical information you feel like adding.)

Other than that, have fun guys and lets start mapping the sky!

P.S. I will be posting my findings as i get them. Happy hunting!

Edit: Due to the uncertainty of the status of the skybox, I am going to open this up to geographers as well. If you see anything on any planet or moon that you don't think anyone has named, feel free to post them here, along with a picture and any other information you want to give (like coordinates, theories on its formation, etc.) The same rules for naming of astronomical anomalies apply here.

Edited by Super 6-1
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However, I need to verify something I don't know.

Do each of our respective Kerbin skies match? Like, is it a fixed system or is it randomly generated on each load of the game or per user?

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That is a very good question. Does the ring that looks like the milky way have a bulge in it? I would imagine that they are all the same, because I'm pretty sure that it is a piece of artwork.

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Seems like a fun idea but not very practical if even possible.

First of all, do you have the assurance from Squad that the sky won't change in later versions? If the sky changes all efforts were in vain.

Secondly, how can/will you determine which object was meant from the description? I imagine several posts will be like "I name the purple star above the horizon of Mun so and so".

Third, do you have a reference chart of the stars and other celestial objects? That seems to me to be the first (essential) requirement for such an undertaking.

Sorry if it all sounds negative. I do like the idea to create a (named) star chart.

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You bring up very good points. The first one i don't have an answer for. for your second point, simply insert the image into paint.net or something like it and select which one you are talking about. And I don't mean race to claim every little dot in the sky. I am talking about big or prominent starts, constellations, etc. For your third point, a star chart seems very logical, the only problem is that i don't know how and don't have the time to create one. If there is anyone who would be willing to do this, I'm sure that we all would be very thankful.

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There have been a couple answers. The sky map is not random, but it has changed over the course of the development of the game. we just need to know how often it changes or if it will stay the same for a while.

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well we know that Kerbin is not gooin to be changing all that much, at least not the locations of the continents, so we could start there. The features of the Mun are probably not gonna change either, at least not for a while, so we could pointy out some prominent features there too. What do you guys think? there are plenty of maps out there but no one has named anything...at least not yet.

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well we know that Kerbin is not gooin to be changing all that much, at least not the locations of the continents, so we could start there. The features of the Mun are probably not gonna change either, at least not for a while, so we could pointy out some prominent features there too. What do you guys think? there are plenty of maps out there but no one has named anything...at least not yet.

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Well while we wait for the verdict on the final skybox, maybe we should turn our cameras downwards and start naming the features on Kerbin itself. People map it all the time with the mapping mods, but no one, as far as i know, has gone and named some of these things. What do you think?

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Oh right, i'm glad you revived this thread!

There was a good bit of discussion over in the Dev thread: http://forum.kerbalspacep...QUESTION-Are-the-stars-randomly-generated

Have the continents and land masses not been named yet? I know booster bay is set in stone, idk where but i feel like i saw the names of geographic locations somewhere sometime... something... at some point... or something.

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As far as i know, the only thing that has been named is booster bay. No one has named any continents or landmarks from what I have seen. I have also not seen or heard any names or findings of anything on the Mun. Maybe we could be the first.

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Like make edits to the original post. For example:

Booster Bay
: The water beside ksc. [KSP]

Kycho Crater
: Big crater on the mun. [NASAFanboy]

The Great Kerbinian Undersea Basin
: The crater island on Kerbin [NASAFanboy]

Upper Duna Highlands
: North Pole of Duna [NASAFanboy]

Just an idea.

Edited by Latcarf
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So something like "this is what we have so far" and then list those 4 things?

Yeah, so long as it is tidy.

I call for the mountainrange on Minmus in around the equator (the triangle shaped thingy) as the minmalayan mountain range. Otherwise known as the minmalayans.

I love that! The Minmalayas.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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