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The Modded Craft Repository for Version 0.20 (Updated)

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  renesi said:

Not enough info sorry but very nice ship though!

Edited by TheOfficialStorm
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Alrighty then! First submission:

Name: Duneshot Lander

Category: Lander :D (1 man)

Mods required: MechJeb. Honestly it's a stock lander with MJ slapped on to make it qualify as a modded craft.

Purpose: Reusable single stage lander for use with interplanetary transfer vehicles, solar system touring fleets, etc. Will land on anything except Jool/Kerbol. You can land on Eve, but good luck getting back off.


This lander was tweaked over the course of a few hours. It doesn't quite have the oomph to make it to Kerbin orbit on its own (burns out during circularization), so I gave it a booster stage which EASILY gets it to 100x100 with enough fuel left over to rendezvous with anything in Kerbin orbit within reason. From there, refuel it, and take it wherever you wish. Or, take off the booster stage, and put it on top your own rocket and do it all in one go.

My test was landing it on Duna and then taking off again to meet back up with the transfer vehicle.

The stats:


This lander features two Drogue chutes to absorb most of the shock of atmospheric deceleration, along with two large chutes which bring it down to a comfortable 16 m/s before touchdown on Duna. One short blast from the engines at touchdown and this thing lands like a feather. The chutes are all packable from the exit hatch as soon as you EVA, so no fumbling around the craft looking for things to right click. RCS moves you in the correct direction and is balanced, and the landing legs are strong (I did try the weak ones but they seemed a bit too flimsy for something of this mass).

Fuel routes from the outer four tanks into the middle, then out to the small two tanks above the LVT-30s. Solar panels around the pod mean you'll likely never face power issues either.

CRAFT FILE HERE: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2gU8i82Ok0VbGxFOXRzRWVsZlk/edit?usp=sharing

Now for screens of the test mission and directions on how to fly!

Starting off, we've arrived at Duna. Undock, and deorbit. No need to kill all velocity, just get your projected landing to where you want it, and freefall down.


I've created two stages to separate the drogues from the main chutes. HOWEVER, since they open at different altitudes, I just popped them both the second I hit Duna's atmosphere and let it do all the work.


Again - One low-throttle push from the engines at the last seconds of descent and you touch down like a feather. The lander's wide stance allows it to land on uneven terrain without much risk of tipping over. Each foot is well beyond the tanks which means the center of mass is nowhere near the struts, making it very stable.


Obligatory pose!


Off we go again! I opted for a low angle of attack straight after taking off. This thing has so much fuel it really doesn't matter how you point it as long as it's upwards. To be honest, this thing is probably flexible enough to land on Ike too and then come back and dock.


Getting back to the transfer vehicle with LOOOOADS of fuel to spare. Docking again was easy; if you're anywhere decent with docking, you'll use practically no RCS to dock this thing. You could EASILY take off 3/4ths of the RCS fuel and be FINE. It uses two of the stock small radial RCS tanks though, so good luck shaving some off.



NOTE: The images of the lander show old RCS block placement. They were moving the craft in irritating directions (45 degrees instead of 90 etc). When I got to the VAB again, I immediately changed this and tested to make sure RCS was now translating 100% correctly and was balanced. The craft file has the new placements.

Edited by Immashift
New RCS block placement and a few updated bits of info.
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  • 2 weeks later...

A pair of SSTOs - there's plenty of info in this gallery. Please note that the lighter craft is an tweaked version of the cargo shuttle bundled with the B9 pack - in addition to the aesthetic changes, I reckon it performs a bit better.

Mods used:


MechJeb 2.0.x

Modular Multiwheels

Taverius' Pack

RLA Stockalike

Heavy SSTO craft file

Light SSTO craft file


Bonus Super Heavy SSTO



I've added infodrives to the craft that don't have them, which should make them easier to fly. I've also up-engined the superheavy, and slightly tweaked its wings as it was tending to pitch down with large loads onboard.

I've done further tests on load capacities, so here are some guides for payload sizes to 80km orbits:

Light: 2 tonnes

Heavy: 6 tonnes

Super Heavy: 12-14 tonnes


Ultra Heavy SSTO

20 tonnes to orbit, provided you treat it carefully and shift fuel back to the tank in the tail early on.



Edited by SufficientAnonymity
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If your PC can take it: I present to you the S2W-18 X5! (~330 Parts)

Pictures (click for bigger version):

8mxavb6w.png 9tsmdhie.png nch8mqkk.png fwjc4eyq.png qb78d5uh.png

Download: http://www./download/a0teesur0x3v72j/S2W-18_X5.zip

Action Groups:

1 - Toggle the 18m cargo bay

2 - Switch SABRE engine modes, and toggle all intakes

3 - Toggle all solar panels, dishes and antennas

4 - Toggle the throttle mode of the front wheels

5 - Toggle cockpit lights

6 - Toggle cargo bay lighting

7 - Toggle ladder into the cargo bay + path lighting

8 - Toggle ladder from cockpit to the ground + path lighting

9 - Toggle all navigation lights ON/OFF

10 - Toggle all warning lights FLASH/OFF

Mods you need:

Aviation lights

B9 Aerospace pack

KW Rocketry


Ferram Aerospace Research


Kerbal Attachment System

TTModular Multiwheels

When flown right, it gets into orbit with a decent payload and fuel left to spare.

Also, it has a build in RemoteCommand plus 2 dishes for interplanetary control of drones should you decide to take some with you... :D


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Here it is... she's a beast...

Antonov 225 Replika. A KSP replika of the largest transport aircraft in the world, and one of my favorites.

Ship Name: Antonov An-225R Mriya

Type: Transport Aircraft (Atmospheric)

Mods: B9 Aerospace Pack / Mechjeb

Description: Jet Transport Aircraft

6 CF34 Turbofan Engines w/ Reverse Thrust

Max Thrust: 1000 kN (225,000 lbs. of thrust)

Max Cruise Speed: 230 m/s (~520 mph)

Flight Ceiling: 11,000 meters (~40,000 ft)

Wingspan: 85 meters

Length: 110 meters

Vessel Mass: 76.07 tonnes (167,705.64 lbs.)

Download: http://www./download/rpbat5ixhpwotyd/Antonov_225R.craft


An-225 with it's iconic down sloped wing and split rudders.


I've been fascinated by Soviet Aerospace recently, here is one of the fruits of my interest. Enjoy :cool:. This is a replika of the massive Antonov An-225 Mriya carrier aircraft that the Soviet Space Program used to transport their space shuttle (Buran) from the high tech factories outside of Moscow where it was assembled, to the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the Soviet launch site and space center in the high deserts of Kazakhstan. Designed by the Soviet Union's Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980's, it remains the largest aircraft in the world.


- Taking off can be a little challenging, but once airborne she is a breeze to fly.

- Take off instructions

Engage brakes. engines on / throttled to max. Disengage brakes, speed to the end of the runway. The airplane WILL NOT take off when it reaches the end of the runway (Do Not Panic), pitch up and keep going. When the terrain starts sloping downward towards the beach, the aircraft will begin to "hop up". Only at this point do you stage, engaging the RATO (rocket assisted take off) and continue to pitch upwards. After a second or two the plane will lift off. Lift off should occur ~30 meters from the sea, off of the runway. Take off is a bit challenging at first, but once mastered, the plane can easily take flight both safely and consistently. Once airborne she is a pleasure to fly.

- Landing is simple, just remember SHE IS NOT A GLIDER, lower thrust under 30% at your own risk. Line up and ease your way down. Powered landings are smooth, and the gear is sufficient to handle the weight and shock. Once you touchdown engage thrust reverse and come to a smooth stop.

Edited by Chimochay
link errors
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Here are more pictures - Antonov An-225R Mriya





The Antonov An-225 Mriya (Ukrainian: ÃÂýтþýþò ÃÂý-225 ÃτۄЄÂ, Dream, NATO reporting name: "Cossack") is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft, designed by the Soviet Union's Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980s. The An-225's name, Mriya (ÜрiÑÂ) means "Dream" (Inspiration) in Ukrainian. It is the largest airplane in the world; it is the heaviest aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 640 tonnes and the biggest heavier-than-air aircraft in terms of length and wingspan in operational service. The single example built so far currently bears the civil registration UR-82060 of its Ukranian operator.[1]

The Antonov An-225, originally developed specifically to transport the Buran spaceplane, was an enlargement of the successful Antonov An-124. The first An-225 was completed in 1988 and a second An-225 has been partially completed. The completed An-225 is in commercial operation with Antonov Airlines carrying oversized payloads.[2] It holds the absolute world records for an airlifted single item payload of 189,980 kilograms (418,834 pounds),[3][4] and an airlifted total payload of 253,820 kilograms (559,577 pounds).[5][6] It has also transported a payload of 247,000 kilograms (545,000 pounds) on a commercial flight. - Wikipedia

Edited by Chimochay
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Figured I'd sign up and contriboot my best ship.

Behold the interplanetary craft, the Korvette K5-2D- 'Kerbus'

Stock she gets ~7,000 delta-v fully fueled and in orbit, which is theoretically enough to go anywhere and back, assuming your or mechjeb is capable of it. She's equipped with a towing Clampotron Sr. docking port on the rear and a refuelling port on the underside. Inside her cargo bay there is room for 18 Kerbals, and/or well as small probes with the provided docking ports.

1 toggles the solar panels and 2 toggles the underside docking port. Once put in to orbit (not an easy task) it will most likely need to be refueled with ~2000 units of liquid fuel/oxidizer, as with the stock lifter, the central fuel supply is used for additional fuel. She can technically carry an unlimited amount of weight, but will slow down as more weight is added.

Mods used: B9 Aerospace release 3, Mechjeb 2.0

dl: With lifter (kinda cobbled together, but gets ~6000 delta-v) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6Jc6t1iaRrwaklSQk1zc0hXeFk/edit?usp=sharing

without lifter (design your own!) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6Jc6t1iaRrwc0txM0xUX1NZb28/edit?usp=sharing

Some pics:


(with a small lander in tow)


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I have two to post :)


(Note: My ships each have individual names, Model: [Name] is the name of the ship in the VAB, Name: [Name] is the name of the ship used in the screenshot

The KSDF StarBlazer

StarBlazer is a Starsha class scout boat used by the Kerbin Space Defence Force, aka the KSDF. Powered by 5 nuclear engines and with her relatively small size the Starsha Class is one of the faster ships of the KSDF fleet, the Starsha class comes equipped with the following as standard equipment:

8x Hull mounted ID lights in KSDF blue

2x Buran Manipulator arms, these have multiple applications including: Dockers to guide small shuttles to the docking ports and vice versa, these can also be used for industrial and salvage uses.

1x ISA MapSat Scanner

1x ISA MapSat GPS

2x Front Mounted Bass Guns

Mods: Pirated Weaponry, ISA Mapsat ,Robotic Arms Pack, Lack Luster Labs 0.09.9, WT-51 Kerbin Transport, lazor system, aviation lights, and the Firespitter pack


The Starsha Class is designed to launched from a much larger carrier and thus has not been constructed with her own launch system.

She has not been tested in atmospheric environments of any gravity, if some does test this please tell me how it goes.


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KSDF Ikazuchi

Ikazuchi is a Jazroth class Gunboat for the KSDF, the Ikazuchi herself was destroyed during an atmospheric exercise in Kerbin, I will go into details on that later in the description.

The Jazroth Class Gunboat is one of the first ships constructed for the KSDF, her light armour mixed with the speed of her 5 open reactor nuclear engines and long range capabilities make her an ideal addition to any fleet.

All Standart Jazroth class' come equipped with the following:

8x Union ID lights in KSDF Blue

2x Front Mounted Bass guns

2x ISA MapSat Scanners

1x ISA GPS locator

1x Lazor (Red)

1x Lazor (Blue)

1x Lazor System

1x Sunbeam Lazor Cannon

Mods: ISA mapsat, Lazor system, Sunbeam lazor, Lack Luster Labs 0.09.9, pirated weaponry, WT-51 Kerbin Transport, aviation lights and The firespitter pack

The Jazroth Class was destroyed during the first atmospheric test, she flew fine until I pushed the engines too hard and they overheated and exploded, she had only one engine keeping her afloat resulting in the crash and destruction of the Ikazuchi.

Note this ship does not come with a launcher as I cheated this one into orbit because I was short on time.

Download: http://www./view/nm8a3k38kdqsl8s/KSDF_Jazroth_Class.craft


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