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- InfiniteDice Strong Struts Pack - KSP 0.20.1 -


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Plugin isn't needed for the struts... just the bonus jetpack. I thought I put the source in the file but perhaps I forgot. On the next update it will be there. In the meantime there are ways for people who know how to check it until then.

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Yeah I know the plugin is for the jetpack.

But then what do these lines in the CFG do? I figured the plugin also had some optional strength enhancement functionality.

// --- Strut Connector parameters ---

linearStrength = 1e30

angularStrength = 1e30

maxLength = 60

Maybe accidentally left in and not really needed? They don't appear to be standard parameters--but I could be totally wrong.

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  ahappydude said:
Every strut looks amazing ! The tubes will be very fun to have in your station and bases :D Just saw that you added some parametras for us to play around with, cheers for that to :) Wooott, jetpack ? haha cheers

This is exactly the kind of stuff ahappydude loves.

*Goes to download it himself* Not on KSPort? NOOOOOOoooooo ;.;

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Are you really that conceited that as soon as someone who is an already trusted member of the community would attempt to sabotage other peoples things just because of one single instance of a forgotten source file? Think thru your comments before posting as this one makes you sound like you are accusing InfiniteDice and the rest of our team without any proper evidence, and as the old proverb says when you accuse you make an ass out of you and me.

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  InfiniteDice said:
New download link!

Does the SUPER KERBAL & JETPACK Booster still work and if yes does it come with the download link?

And can you make a speperate download for the SUPER KERBAL?

Edited by eran100
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  hoodedarche0 said:
as the old proverb says when you accuse you make an ass out of you and me.

Close enough. The word is actually Assume... hence Ass U Me, related to false assumptions. Oh and its not an old proverb, its a quote from Oscar Wilde.

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  eran100 said:
Does the SUPER KERBAL & JETPACK Booster still work and if yes does it come with the download link?

And can you make a speperate download for the SUPER KERBAL?

Super Kerbal and Jetpack were causing some issues. I'll add them back in or as a separate download later.

Good thing this isn't a literary forum! :) The topic for discussion here is the Strong Strut pack.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  DeeZee said:
Close enough. The word is actually Assume... hence Ass U Me, related to false assumptions. Oh and its not an old proverb, its a quote from Oscar Wilde.

Look at that i had no Idea where it came from but now I do and you also pointed out a spelling error that myself a regular Grammar Nazi missed.

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Mod please delete this second post as I mistakenly recreated it with improvements down below. Thank you.

P.S. any mod that sees this that know when we will be regaining our ability to delete double posts ourselves again please PM me and let me know.

Edited by hoodedarche0
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  John FX said:
Looks like the link has stopped working. Why is this not on spaceport?

We have pulled all of our addons down to review them and fix any problems that might be in the coding ect. It will be re-released when this process is finished. You learn something new everyday. BTW this was not meant in spite it was meant to be a friendly reminder that our stuff was pulled down and is being worked on as I type this by InfiniteDice.

P.S. This is also not a sarcastic comment. So I apologize for the confusion.

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I love this thing It made some great tunnels, However it would be easier if struts did not disconnect on decouple, :P. If possible could you add that to the context menu or action bind things

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there. I originally asked this in DYJ's Procedural wing thread, but seeing what you have done with struts tells me that you might be able to help me.

What I would like is a part that that acts just like the EAS-4 Strut Connector (connecting two stages to increase structural stability and reduce wobble) but looks like a fairing piece so it can be placed in 2, 3 or 4x symmetry.

This is a mockup I made using DYJ's Procedural wings as an example:



Currently, all fairings connect only to a single stage, doing nothing structurally and frequently the engines and other parts that are underneath the fairing will clip through it if the rocket starts to wobble wildly, which does not look very nice... The only other solution is to use both fairings AND struts, which complicates the design and placement of parts...

Basically, I am asking if it is possible to make a strut connector that looks kinda like one of the fairing pieces shown here:


Of course, different variations might be needed to cover all possible combinations 1m to 1m parts, 2m to 2m, 1m to 2m etc...

Is that even possible?

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I think this is easily possible, I can't say I've done much with symmetry but if it were to be set to specific values... 2m top to 2m bottom for 4x symmetry then that would be simpler I think. or 1m top 2m bottom 8x....

doing 8x with sections that mate up using 4 pieces would clip. and doing 4x with sections that are cut/mate using 8 sections would look like wide flared struts with spaces in between.

I suppose the only way to find out would be to make one. :)

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  • 4 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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