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    InfDice Mod Team Member
  1. Thanks guys as Dice and I go through this I will make sure we keep you all updated on our progress. - - - Updated - - - IVA's aren't really our Forte so if someone wants to take a crack at creating a new one please contact me via DM.
  2. I know InfiniteDice so I will contact him and see whats going on, Ill report back here but I am betting that he is probably just playing the game for once and enjoying the 1.0.X release just as much as everyone else has been. - - - Updated - - - Ok so I spoke with InfiniteDice and He is waiting until all the post 1.0 release patches to stop coming down (ie let the release become stable) before he starts working on the parts. But at the same time it will take a while as with the latest releases they changed the way that Nodes are aligned and how they connect together, so There are alot of Config Files to edit, alot of things to test out, etc. I am coming back to KSP so I am offering my expertise to Dice (as I helped work on the Project before) so I will try to keep you guys updated as we work to get it release ready. To answer the question about new Carrier parts, Dice says for now its not a primary thing to look at so we will see after the update to 1.0.X is finished.
  3. Nice craft to carry it to orbit, want to share that one as well?
  4. Wow what a great look to all of your parts! Your idea is awesome and I love it!! This is definitely up there along the lines of our Carriers and weapons this is of variance that other people aren't doing or have given up doing! Keep up the awesome work!! P.S. I can't wait to land a craft made out of your parts on our Carriers!!
  5. Any chance of getting the craft file I would like to look at your craft more closely as this has given me some awesome (possibly) ideas!
  6. Moderator please lock this thread as it hasn't been updated since 0.21 and there were no other posts since November. Also what is it with new forum users resurrecting old pages recently!
  7. Myself as well! Only word of warning in 0.23 the Ares Solid Rocket Booster is a little unwieldy (ie. It can become uncontrollable through the games attempt to correct trajectory causing an unstable wobble)
  8. No need to be hyper-critical of other peoples work Krosulhah. I personally loved them!
  9. Deltac when has this thread ever not gone off topic I think the admins are used to this one thread going off topic.
  10. Guys lets just go with the BobCat style for deciding on a release date: Soonâ„¢
  11. Man I cannot wait to get my hands on this! I have been watching from afar without comment during early development and am Incredibly impressed with how far it has come!!
  12. Give Bobcat some time people the update was just released yesterday as I have seen many times before (as I have played since 0.15) he can do amazing things just give him time as he can do anything whenever he gets the time. 0.23 might not have put the nail in the coffin for the DEMV's they just need a little love and attention from Bobcat or someone with his Russian ingenuity.
  13. I don't really have a preference to how much it can lift (The more the merrier!) but it doesn't really bother me, I just want to have a reliable shuttle that in the past the only one I have found that accomplishes that goal is your Tiberdyne shuttle, so in short I am as excited for the re-release of this as I am for the upcoming release of GTA 5.
  14. Horstj, Until we are able to find a work around for the Editor Extensions you are currently unable to build your own carriers and just have to make due with the premade ones we have given you in the craft files.
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