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The MachingBird Challenge!

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Alright, I guess I'll bring back the Stock Unmanned Exploitational Category. I present to you my newest creation, the Hawk. It's very prone to accidental suborbital hops, and even escaping Kerbin's SOI. The highest speed overland while in Kerbin's SOI was 8,401 m/s. The highest solar orbit speed I achieved was 190,735 m/s, or somewhere in the realm of mach 560.

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I imagine that we should probably judge by speeds on Kerbin, as the solar orbit speed was actually the result of what on Kerbin would have been a slower flight than the other Mach 24 flight. It's your choice, but I feel that the solar orbit speeds are not truly indicative of the actual speed of the craft, and instead luck of the draw when flying out of Kerbin's SOI. I'd like to then enter my Mach 24 8,401 m/s speed of the Hawk into the Stock unmanned exploitational category.

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Alright, I guess I'll bring back the Stock Unmanned Exploitational Category. I present to you my newest creation, the Hawk. It's very prone to accidental suborbital hops, and even escaping Kerbin's SOI. The highest speed overland while in Kerbin's SOI was 8,401 m/s. The highest solar orbit speed I achieved was 190,735 m/s, or somewhere in the realm of mach 560.


I imagine that we should probably judge by speeds on Kerbin, as the solar orbit speed was actually the result of what on Kerbin would have been a slower flight than the other Mach 24 flight. It's your choice, but I feel that the solar orbit speeds are not truly indicative of the actual speed of the craft, and instead luck of the draw when flying out of Kerbin's SOI. I'd like to then enter my Mach 24 8,401 m/s speed of the Hawk into the Stock unmanned exploitational category.

How does the Hawk work? That's actually pretty impressive despite exploits.

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It's effectively a probe core with a solar panel on the front and a ton of small control surfaces on the back. By spamming the up and do buttons it flaps it's way to ridiculous velocities. After a few of these were created for the last leaderboard, we were given the 'Stock Unmanned Exploitational' category.

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I've got a .23 FAR version, top speed of 2,032 m/s. I'm using a few mods, like clouds, chatterer, Kerbal alarm clock, and KER, but none that should affect the performance apart from FAR.

So, for your appreciation, the SUSA 4:




Turns out, while she's perfectly capable of a powered landing, her glide profile is atrocious. Mus remember to make sure she has fuel for landing next time, or at least a 'chute!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

after some hours building and testing on many different planes i came to the result that ~2378 m/s seems to be the limit for ,,normal constructions,,.

To beat this mark i came up with a spaceplane named ,,TRB 1,,

This plane is manned only use liquide fuel! All ruels are observed and no modds or machjab were used.

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This was my first record try with this plane and it ends at 2508,4 m/s !

The concept behind this plane made even higher speeds easy possible.

kind regards


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So, was my attempt disqualified for some reason, or is the leaderboard simply unmaintained?

This challenge generally goes unmaintained for a while, until the creator looks at it.

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after some hours building and testing on many different planes i came to the result that ~2378 m/s seems to be the limit for ,,normal constructions,,.

I'm pretty sure your plane will be disqualified for being decoupler powered, see; (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39947-From-the-launchpad-to-the-Mun-in-13-seconds) but I just wanted to challenge what you said here

Since it's been like a month since my entry I've decided to share the prototype design I was holding onto the past few weeks while waiting for someone to beat my record

Here's the results from the run I did today

Orithiya Super


Runway beauty pic


Runway moving pic


Flight pic 1


Flight pic 2 (at speed)


Flight log

2418 m/s top speed! Mach 7+ and breaks the 2400 m/s "wall" 100% stock, 100% single turbojet powered, and nothing is modified.

Edited by Lesbiotic
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I've got a .23 FAR version, top speed of 2,032 m/s.

So, for your appreciation, the SUSA 4:http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy142/peadar1987/screenshot28.png

Good looking craft there, I can help you make it faster.

Lose some of the intakes, you don't need to airhog intake spam with FAR, all it does is create excess drag. And I would strongly suggest updating your FAR.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Machingbird challenger. the "Thrust Exercise"

stock .23 with FAR. no parts clipping or such.


Clean image on Runway


This was originally going to be a spaceplane but while fooling around with the balancing act I noticed something. those tanks were emptied for the challenge but left in place.


In flight, KSP in background upper right.


LudaCRist SpeEd!!!


End flight shot. Note what the craft is doing. @_@

Edit for pics not coming up.

Edited by Ace_Warbringer
bloody pics didnt come up.
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  • 1 month later...

I pretty much did this just for the LOL's but actually got surprising results :D

My K-71 Stealth Bomber had a highest speed over land of 2,135 m/s. I know this hardly competes with the other entries, but keep in mind this craft was built to deliver a payload and have a long range, not to fly extremely fast :sticktongue: that's just a bonus.

On the runway...


Ascending to its pathetic service ceiling of 25,000 meters when compared to the other entries.


Speeding up.


The payload bay of the bomber. As you can tell, certainly not built for speed.


Main cockpit view.


Successful landing with fuel to spare.


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OK now for my serious entry, the V Sabre, named such because of its distinctive experimental "V" shaped wing design. I was able to get it up to 2,367 m/s,putting me in the top 5 speeds of the leaderboard :D

Also I apologize ahead of time because during and after my little space trip during the flight, it became night time so pictures were not that good.



Taking off!


Ascending into the heavens...



Whoops...accidentally jumped into space :confused:


Falling too low into the atmosphere and beginning to lose speed. Topped at 2,367 m/s. The rest of the flight was me pretty much wasting fuel trying to regain altitude.


Flight log shot. I started slowing down again after I had fought really hard to stay at altitude, hence my complete lack of fuel.


Edited by Kingtj44
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  • 1 month later...

Here goes:

The cleverly named "Untitled Space Craft"

Stock, manned, 2355 m/s

Oh, and it looks like a plane :D





Fastest I got:


Note: I did eva the guy in space, but no monoprop was used.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

At these speeds, who even needs wings, they just slow you down. Sure takeoff is interesting, straight down the runway to about 100m/s, then go wildly squiggly doing everything kerbanly possible to point the right end towards the sky. After that it's smooth sailing.

2325m/s was the final number before I ran out of gas.

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