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Hydroponics Module

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Here is a quick work up of a 2 meter hydroponics module. Click the image for a link to a larger version.


Any suggestions what to add? I am planning on adding some detail in general and to the plants in particular.

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Yes, a must have for our bases in the future :D Hm, can you make it so it "produce" , and kerbal can interact with it in eva? Right click option for if you want to growth food, or making research

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I like this a bunch. Maybe add some reinforcement to the glass.

As for production you could create a food or oxygen resource and use ModuleGenerator, but you'd need to do some additional work on the consumption side of things.

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  • 2 months later...

i like it, but it also looks delicate. I don't think you should be able to in-line it between heavy stuff if it's just a glass tube. Maybe make it radial mount? Either that or put some industrial support around the edges and through the middle.

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I watch a film last night, and the idea I would also like to put forward is to have a doom, on the plant were we can see the Hydroponics / tree, water etc through the glass, the way I would like to see this being deployed is by having us drop / pluging in a module and when we want to us it, we click on the module, and the doom inflates.

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If the animation is just to look nifty ModuleAnimateGeneric is indeed what you want, it will just put "toggle" in the right click menu.

But, if there are supposed to be associated actions, for example, I ran into this trying to animate a generator, but only while running. You require a custom plugin. Though, I don't think it's a hard plugin to make, I just have yet to get around to making it for my part.

Edit: Oh, and those updated models look nice.

For strength. Could you wrap them in a fairing type thing, sort of an in flight shield, that pops off before setting them down?

Had this window open for quite a while, lol, 2 pages now :P

Edited by Cheebsta
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How about a door. I see no way for anyone to get in the and collect the food. Before anyone says anything I don't mean functional but it needs to look like you could. Just a Kerbal sized door on the top and bottom inside texture

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  • 1 year later...

[MOD - As this add-on is no longer actively developed, I'm afraid I'll have to lock this thread to prevent unnecessary bumping. SasquanchM can PM myself or another moderator if and when he decides to continue the project.

Another friendly reminder - if you spot a necro'd thread, please REPORT it rather than posting a response.]

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