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What do you think about MechJeb 2


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I currently prefer 1.9.8 because I'm happy with how it is... I will leave off until MJ2 is finalised for a final decision though. I don't like how Romfarers mod takes over MJ2's panels and changes the look and feel which doesn't help yet I can't do without the docking cam so for now 1.9.8 it is.

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The maneuver node integration is awsome, but it needs to be complete. Every auto pilot should make a node. Every auto pilot should also have an accurate text indicator of what it is trying to do.

It also seems to want to be too accurate with maneuvreaers. Like a simple phasing orbit. It will fight to get that last .2 m/s to make a154k orbit, when in reality, being at 153.8k is fine.

If you leave rcs on, it will eat the fuel like it is at a buffet during maneuvers. It feels like loosening up its accuracy tolerances would help. Along with using rcs a bursts rather then on or off.

I'm sure it isn't easy to code, and 2 is a beta of sorts. So it preforms wonderfully for the stage it is at.

The new custom window editor is a great feature for just displaying what you want. Maneuver planner and editor are a good addition for when you just want help with what the best route is, but not the execution.

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The custom info windows are a blessing. I did my first ascent into orbit without the map view using them! You can have much more detailed information when you're planning a rendezvous, or simply let it fly your rockets into orbit like a Pro.

Personally, I like to climb into orbit using mechjeb. My rockets look better when mechjeb does it, just like IRL; but when it comes to flying the ship in space, I do it manually.

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I like mechjeb 2, because it tells what it is doing. Unlike the original mechjeb, where it just did what it wanted, and wasted fuel, and caused lots of explosions. Of course, the mechjeb 2 spaceplane guidance is extremely buggy. If you tell it to land, it nosedives into the ground.

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Having the windows be transparent is the single best feature of MJ2. I had trouble going back to MJ1 even when I was using development versions of MJ2 that were horribly broken: I preferred working around the bugs over losing so much field of view.

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You can adjust your maneuver completion tolerance from the default 0.1m/s to whatever you like. Larger ships would probably be better at around 0.5m/s and MJ will just make another planned burn after this one is done to get you where you wanted to be. For rondevous that is. For circularizing yeah 1m/s isn't a big deal.

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I use it only for the readouts, now, after its "instant thrust" policies have repeatedly rammed the afts of my ships through the fronts. Also, its tendancies to try to get that perfect burn often wastes ungodly amounts of fuel. Autostage, in the ascent autopilot does not turn off after you deactivate the ascent autopilot, leading to some "hilarious" situations. It often passes up perfectly viable transfer windows for ones that often aren't as good, and might wait several "years" before deciding to actually use a node it has made, because it "missed" the point the first time around.

I find it novel, but it has a ways to go on the usability front. Manual flight is more reliable...

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I love MechJeb 2, it's much more capable. I don't see how it's less user friendly. If anything it's more user friendly, because it actually shows you what it's doing, using the nodes created by the Maneuver Planner.

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It seems like every topic on everyone's favorite mod eventually devolves into an argument on the merits and pitfalls of relying on an autopilot...

Me, I don't use it. I don't expect I ever will. But I also don't consider anything to be wrong with it. Not everyone wants the same things out of KSP, and who am I to tell you what you want? Me, I get a proper thrill out of seeing my complex and comprehensive designs function the way I intended and be able to handle a wide range of contingency situations. I like that I can engineer in a reasonable margin of error, and that I actually get the chance to make use of said margin. That's part of the experience for me personally, and having an autopilot and information computer there to take all the mystery away would kind of dampen it for me.

Though from what I have seen of MechJeb 2.0 in other peoples' videos, it's quite a nice tool if you happen to want its features. Definitely one of the most comprehensive mods I've seen for the game, and I am genuinely impressed at how well it manages to what it does. Hats off to the maker(s) of it.

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Mechjeb 2 has made it so much easier to fly SSTOs. Too easy? Maybe, but who am I to complain? MJ has superior throttle control to me, it can do what I cannot - I can't make microscopic adjustments whilst monitoring intake air. :)

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