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Laythecat is bestcat. (Chobit's house of madness) The one thread to rule them all!


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  TheSuperintendnt said:
Well if you base your space battleship on the Yamato, or ANY of the ships from Iron Sky. Yes, they don't work, they have artificial gravity, anti gravity, theoretical FTL, tachyons, etc. But I was designing a game/story concept that humans only use real/soon real/mathematically sound concept(warp drive) technology.

Oh aye, I'm the same, I'm working on a plausible reality sci-fi novel set in 27th century. However, the BBY-1 Yamato is FAR more realistic than an orbital weapons platform that can vapourize a man with pinpoint precision. And ANY laser-based weapon requires massive amount of energy output.

  Roflnuts said:
They apparently use a giant hammer to get energy out of (what I believe is a fusion reaction)

.......hammer? where.

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  Nutt007 said:
The US Navy says otherwise.


The hells is that oh and

  ROFLcopter64pit said:

The UNSC says otherwise as well (read all ship main weapons read)

[RANT=1]And please don't start a flame war like on the latest thread ppl you try putting IRL thinking in shows with homing cannon shots? OK missiles can do that but a cannon that can? were in its shell is all the RCS fuel? Or LFO? For engines? but if its plasma you could say its using hi-tech mag tech to do it[/RANT] < needs to be added

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A steered shell would either use fins, or the whole thing would flex and bend on joints to maneuver through the air. It wouldn't be able to corner like a Mazda but it would have some minor control.

A lot of what you see in some tv shows is plausible, but not with current technology. Then there is **** like warp drives and laser swords... no. Just no.

Edited by chobit-389
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1. Current railgun tech is only semi-reliable in a atmosphere that is due to the entire gun being washed in plasma!

2. Yes, the Yamato is more realistic that a (insert technobable here) Satellite weapon

3. Are we really getting this off topic?

4. ON TOPIC: looking forward to any new art! wish I was that good....

Someone say steerable bullet?

Edited by TheSuperintendnt
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  botse said:
And the hyper-V? what is that?
  ROFLCopter64bit said:
My Hyper-V (overpowered celestial orbital cannon) fires activated fusion pellets, which fuses with eveything in a 50 to 10^68km radius on impact/within a countdown with a maximum of 10^7 years (thanks to quantum slipstreaming and exponential fusion growth) for literal timebombs. Also can rip apart some of the universe if you compress the fusion pellets so much they collapse into miniature black hole.
  ROFLCopter64bit said:
The Hyper-V does use the non-existent quantum slipstreaming, which grants access to the hyperspace which contains all the wormhole connection thingos and places a fusion pellet in that space to be retrieved at a later date/distant location. Think of it like the nether in minecraft. When you take one step in the nether, its 8 steps in the overworld. If you can abuse this (with time assumingly being frozen in this hyperspace) then you can time delay the fusion reactions and place them very far away. If you think about it, the Hyper-V is merely a teleporter with a high-power lazer array. But I can't say the same for the Hyper-Z.

-Stupid 10char doesnt count quotes

  TheSuperintendnt said:
This subject:



Nuh-uh! Chobit let it happen on her thread, so its totally valid!

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I have a simple way to end this discussion. Rofl, you've given basically no information regarding your fanciful OWP, only a (very cheese) name and a minor list of capabilities which is little more than a kid in a sandbox sticking a twig into a mound of dirt and calling it a turret. Bring me some schematics and I'll be inclined to listen more intently.

You have a choice: Let me work on PfL, or continue ranting and forcing me to devote all my time to intricately designing a rail-cannon weapon system simply to make a point.

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just a rail gun that simple? what you need is my ultra dense anti exotic matter cannon or UDAEMC pronounced uder-mech

capable of firing a small ultra dense exotic antimatter ball of plasma at near relative speeds

it works similar to rail gun except it uses negative gravity too. causing not only high speed damage, but the shell anniallates its self in the process

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From what the pictures so far are suggesting, I don't think any kind of unstoppable hyperweapon from the distant future is really relevant to this project or on topic for this thread. Looking at the images produced thus far, it suggests some type of vacation or new life on Laythe from the perspective of a young person writing to their relatives back home. Not really the kind of setting for such war-like equipment.

Although no reports have been filed regarding that, if chobit-389 wants I could remove said offtopic posts.

Please keep to the topic at hand, this is about the Postcards from Laythe project. You're welcome to make your own topic elsewhere on the forum (perhaps in the science section) to develop this fusion cannon.

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GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! The war against the fuzzy has ended in a Valhallan victory! Call me sadistic but I have impaled the lil fuzzy corpses on spears outside the chicken coop.

You can mock me personally. You can insult my artwork. BUT DON'T #$*% WITH MY POULTRY!

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  Dr. Muttonstache said:
This pleases me greatly. Not enough anime astronauts, I tell you. Either that or I'm not looking hard enough.

[sarcasm]Here, let me help you[/sarcasm].

On a serious note, why impale the dead bodies of the stoats? Chances are those corpses will attract coyotes/ wolves or the like right to the coops, Chobit.

And another thing, what's up with the fanfiction section of the website? It's been empty the last time I've looked, is the writer doing it all in one go or just taking a long time for the first installment?

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  Wait, Was That Important? said:
[sarcasm]Here, let me help you[/sarcasm].

On a serious note, why impale the dead bodies of the stoats? Chances are those corpses will attract coyotes/ wolves or the like right to the coops, Chobit.

And another thing, what's up with the fanfiction section of the website? It's been empty the last time I've looked, is the writer doing it all in one go or just taking a long time for the first installment?

Shes been busy moving, but as I write this shes making notes and other fancy stuffs, there should be at least a rough draft within a week, give or take a day

As for the stoats attracting more things to a feast. There is no feast, nothing else lives in that coop now, so meh, just means I'll have a wolf pelt or two

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