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Laythecat is bestcat. (Chobit's house of madness) The one thread to rule them all!


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What have you done Trekkette? Now that song will be permanently stuck in my head for all my exams!!! I don't want to put weasel stomping day as a answer!!

Edit: I care about the environment as if we mess it up we will all die. Plus you have the added bonus of the pretty views.

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  LeonG17 said:
What have you done Trekkette? Now that song will be permanently stuck in my head for all my exams!!! I don't want to put weasel stomping day as a answer!!

Edit: I care about the environment as if we mess it up we will all die. Plus you have the added bonus of the pretty views.

It's only fair, in high school I had a friend who made a point of getting the song "Savages" from Pocahontas stuck in my head every. single. math class. I wasn't too keen on math anyway, then that!
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Or we could introduce a biological pathogen which makes all stoats suddenly become vegetarians by rewriting their DNA. Then everyone's happy :D

Edit: Two wrongs don't make a right!

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  LeonG17 said:
Or we could introduce a biological pathogen which makes all stoats suddenly become vegetarians by rewriting their DNA. Then everyone's happy :D
Thats probably the most humane idea. But is it the most satysfying?
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I have recovered from the feels overload of yesterday. Games like Portal 2 and Mass Effect 3 can really emotionally tug you. But in the end I came through and chose the extended control ending (and not the refusal ending, why should someone else win against the reapers beside us?).

Tactical headache inbound.

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I have assembled a team of a grey haired white commander, a strong black man, a nutjob and a playboy. They can weld wood and will apparently never be hit by bullets. They survive as soldiers of fortune having escaped a maximum security military prison. You can hire them ofcourse.

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*sigh* Some people are just violent. *looks at everyone in thread then self*

Edit: just wait till you read this thread ROFLCopter64bit.

And I'm quite happy with my vegetarianism of stoats.

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  ROFLCopter64bit said:
I did. See what happens when I'm not here to give a (mild) sense of control?

Since when did you give even a mild sense of control? This thread runs rampant on a daily basis.

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None of you people are thinking in the long-term. Destroying the stoats outright is ultimately a net loss, when we could kill them all cleanly and make the pelts into moccasins and sell them to unsuspecting travelers.

I repeat, "a knife and a plan." Never deny yourself the opportunity to gather more resources.

EDIT: ...Wait. When did I start taking this thread seriously?

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  LeonG17 said:
Then why don't we change our nature starting now? We constantly change our nature. Why not make another, unfortunately big, change?

Getting all of mankind to change their nature? Never going to happen.

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We have before, such as farming than hunting and gathering , or deciding to live in cities , its the first people who foray into the change that pave the way for everyone else to. Everyone else later sees the change as good and follow, leading to mass change.

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