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Life after Mun landing?


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Apparently I am missing something completely obvious BUT.... I'm gonna ask anyway. So I landed my Mine Craft v3.0 on the Mun. First actual successful landing but with my discovery of MechJeb I figured I would go for broke and make my first craft a landing rover. ANYWAY after a few days of R&D on how much TNT I had to strap to this ugly non-aerodynamic monster to get it to space I finally landed and then that was it... My problem is how do I get to launch another craft with this one on the Mun? I hit escape to return to the KSC and it was grayed out, all I could do was end the flight which my craft now doesn't show up on my map or in the KSC so apparently its no longer active. How do I launch multiple active missions? I know it has to be something simple :blush:

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First things first, check you're using a recent, 0.19 being the most recent.

Second, sometimes the game can be a bit picky about letting you switch to the space center. Make sure that the craft you landed on the Mun had come to a complete stop. Try using to time-warp to cancel out and rotation that might be happening.

Just some things to check. :D

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If your lander was a big monster, it might be getting wobble preventing you from going back to the space center. If a craft wobbles too much, the game interprets it as the craft moving, and won't let you exit unless you end the flight (if you can't get it under control). I've build a big ramp that does 3 m/s sitting still.. :/

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wow thanks for all the responses, I didnt expect this level of interest lol but I did throttle down, I didnt think to quicksave quickload but I thought of a few changes I could make to my ship after I got there so I'll mod it then try again with all of these suggestions in mind. Thanks!

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