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[AAR] Odysseus: Voyage to Jool


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  NASAFanboy said:
I'm planning an exploratory mission using an massive, oversized mothership, equipped with shuttles, habitat landers, solar farms, hangars, and a heat shield. Before departing the ship will release its remaining landers onto Laythe, forming the seeds of a colony. Also, there might be more than one mothership involved, providing for an "Huge Battlestar Galanticia" approach to exploration.

Long story short, it is going to Jool in an over-sized, over-budget, and over-built interplanetary cruiser.

I like your patch.

Sounds big :P

Like I say, if you want me to try a patch, then just give me a few details (the name of the mission/ship most importantly) and I'll have a go for you :)

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Jeb: "Retracting the solar panels."



Jeb: "Brace yourselves, this is going to exert a few G's on us."

Lengas: "Structural integrity is still 99.9%. I'm not sure if I'd like to see what this'll do to Odysseus."

Bob: "I'll keep monitoring the acceleration and temperature."


Bill: "130km above the so-called 'surface' and we're already lighting up like a mainsail engine!"

Bob: "Temperature is at 3500K, well within expectations, and we're at 3G's."

Lengas: "Structural integrity is at 99.2%. If it drops below 60%, we can expect hull breaches."

Jeb: "We still have a few minutes left, so keep monitoring."


Jeb: "Alright, we're coming out now. Final readings?"

Lengas: "Structural integrity at 98.8%."

Bob: "Temperatures peaked at 3884K and the G's topped out at 4.1."

Jeb: "More than I'm used to, but we survived that. Bill, how's our trajectory?"

Bill: "It's an orbit, and believe it or not, we'll be passing Vall."


Jeb: "We can't afford to get into orbit of Vall right now, we need to reduce the apoapsis and manage inclination changes first."

Bill: "Oh alright then..."



Jeb: "Inclination change is going well. We should be on an essentially equatorial orbit after this."


Jeb: "There, equatorial orbit. Now to just perform one mor --"

Bill: "Hold your horses there, Jeb. With a small burn, we can get into the SOI of Vall again."

Jeb: "You're pretty obsessive over Vall, aren't you?"

Bill: "I just want to make sure we get a good encounter, and we can get a very good one here."

Jeb: "Ok then. Lengas, power to the engines just one more time for now."

Lengas: "Got it!"



Bill: "Trajectory for Vall confirmed, we'll be there in a few hours."

Jeb: "And so begins our exploration proper."

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  RogueMason said:
Sounds big :P

Like I say, if you want me to try a patch, then just give me a few details (the name of the mission/ship most importantly) and I'll have a go for you :)

The name of the first ship is the Galantea, the second is the Dawn. There are eight shuttles and return landers, plus eight hab landers for a base. There also are several propellant depots and a refueling/pit stop station at Duna

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Jeb: "Prepare for the deceleration burn."

Lengas: "Engines are ready, and we have more than enough fuel for now."

A few minutes later...



Jeb: "Engine shutdown. Congratulations guys, we've made orbit around Vall!"

Bob: "Woo!"

Bill: "And it's a nice circular, equatorial orbit, too. Should be easy enough for the fuelling vessel to reach us here."

Jeb: "That should only be a week away now. In the meantime, let's get some scans done and take some pictures."

Bob: "As long as you don't stray too far from the ship, the EM shields should protect you from all the radiation around Jool."


Jeb: "Isn't this a pretty ball of ice? Sort of reminds me of Minmus..."

Bob: "With the exceptions that it's slightly darker in colour and has about one and a half times the gravity of Mun."

Jeb: "You're a killjoy, you know that Bob?"

Bob: "Just stating some facts..."

Jeb: "Alright, I'm coming back in now, Mr. Fact-Stater."




KSC: "Right, the trajectories are completely sorted out. Odysseus will be fine for now."

A few days later...







Bob: "Jeb, the fuelling vessel just achieved orbit around Vall. Should only be a few hours now before we can sort ourselves out."

Jeb: "Thanks Bob. Control, do you read?"

KSC: "We read you Jeb. What is it?"

Jeb: "Just confirming that the fuel ship made Vall orbit."

KSC: "Ah good. Our computers are just registering it now, actually. Not long until you can land now, Jeb. Control out."

Jeb: "Lengas, prepare Odysseus for refuelling."


Jeb: "Ok, I'm going over to the lander."



Jeb: "I'm in. Undocking in 5 seconds."

One minute later...

Jeb: "Umm, control? I think your fuelling ship has a glitch in its manoeuvering systems!"

KSC: "We've literally just found this ourselves, but there's nothing we can do about it. You'll have to jam the reaction wheels to stop it from twisting all over the place!"

Jeb: "Can you activate the ASAS and RCS systems at the same time, that should stabilise it for docking. I can handle it from there."

KSC: "Done. Be quick though, that RCS fuel won't last forever."


Jeb: "I'm docked. Transferring fuel to my tanks."

*Jams reaction wheels in fuelling vessel*

Jeb: "Odysseus, you may want to head over here quickly to refuel before my little fix un-fixes itself. I'm done fuelling and am heading to the surface."

Bill: "Copy that."


Jeb: "A night-time landing on an unknown world. I must be insane... wait, the Doctor did tell me that..."



Jeb: "Deploying landing legs, should just be a few minutes from the surface now."

A few minutes later...


Jeb: "Odysseus, control, I'm on the surface on Vall."

KSC: "Masterfully done, Jeb."

Bill: "I bet you're glad now that I pointed out that manoeuvre a week ago, hmm?"

Jeb: "You're not going to drop that are you? Oh well... time to stretch my legs."


Jeb: "And here I am, on the surface of one of our more elusive destinations, out near the edge of our little system. This is a testament to the ingenuity of our greatest minds, and it shall forever be preserved in time."

Bill: "I preferred your 'One Small Step' speech on Mun, but this was quite nice."

Jeb: "Nothing's gonna beat my 'One Small Step' speech. Now then, I think I'll wait for daylight before I go snooping around here..."

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  Itsdavyjones said:
For some reason I thought that the tanker was armed.

What, the Space Program would be sneaky enough to send an armed vessel to rendevouz with Jebediah, who stated he didn't want weapons on his ship? Risky business I'd say. Jeb would be having words with some people back on Kerbin... :P

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  RogueMason said:
What, the Space Program would be sneaky enough to send an armed vessel to rendevouz with Jebediah, who stated he didn't want weapons on his ship? Risky business I'd say. Jeb would be having words with some people back on Kerbin... :P

That doesn't mean the tanker can't be armed:cool:

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  Itsdavyjones said:
That doesn't mean the tanker can't be armed:cool:

I knew you'd say that... :rolleyes:

Jeb would still be annoyed. His word is almost law around the space centre. I heard that he once told a newbie off for not strapping enough boosters onto his rocket. Needless to say, that newbie was scared. Very scared. And concerned for the mental health of Jeb :P

Besides, the fuel tanker was completely drained. It wouldn't have been able to go anywhere even if it was needed.

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Jeb: "Now that it's daytime, I can have a proper look around."

Bill: "Don't stray too far from the lander."

Jeb: "I know, I know..."


Jeb: "I'm no geological expert, but this looks like an igneous rock. Add that to the fact that I've found it on Vall, an icy moon, and we have ourselves a problem, don't we?"

Lengas: "Could just have been from a meteor impact, and that meteor was composed of igneous material. Otherwise, the only other explanation would be that there was a time when Vall was more geologically active, and then it froze over."

Jeb: "I suppose either of those could work."

1 hour later...

Jeb: "I guess I should get back to the lander. It should have had plenty of time to record data from the sensors."

Bill: "You can stay there for a little longer, we won't be in range for another twenty minutes."

Jeb: "Ok then."





Jeb: "Ok, engines are prepped. So long, Vall!"


Jeb: "Wow, this is harder to lift-off from than Mun, alright."


Jeb: "There we go, I'm in orbit now. Beginning rendevouz burn."

1 hour later...



Lengas: "Docking confirmed, welcome back Jeb. I hope you brought some sample back with you."

Jeb: "Ice core and rock core, just as the mission required. Let's get them into the refrigerator."



Jeb: "So Bill, anything unusual to report or can we launch our first probe?"

Bill: "We did detect a smaller solar flare from the Sun. Communications are a little bit awkward with control at the moment, but it's more of a problem at their end than ours. We should have comms back within a few days."

Lengas: "Probe 1 is ready."

Jeb: "Ok, Bob, you're the master probe pilot, you can handle this."

Bob: "Aye."


Bob: "Probe is free from the docking port, moving it away."



Bob: "Beginning de-orbit burn. RCS will also be used in the descent."



Bob: "We have touchdown, and just in time too; the poor thing was practically running on fumes then."

Jeb: "Aww, poor probe..."

Bob: "Don't patronise me."

Jeb: "Sorry, Bob."

Bob: "Ah, it's ok mate. Just messing with you, that's all!"

Jeb: "Ok then... Now, everything is complete at Vall. Let's prepare for the Tylo transfer."

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Jeb: Ok, time to say goodbye to Vall. Tylo transfer burn in 5 seconds."



Bill: "Encounter confirmed, five days and nine hours until we get there."

Jeb: "Excellent. Now, what's the verdict?"

Bob: "Based on the fact that the Vall probe was essentially out of fuel by the time it was on the surface, the best plan is to just leave the next probe in Tylo orbit while Odysseus remains on a fly-by trajectory. Otherwise, if we try to land, the probe won't make it."

Lengas: "After all, Tylo is about the same size as Kerbin."

Jeb: "Ok, so an orbital probe it shall be. It will have to be another mission that lands on Tylo."


5 days later...


Bill: "Tylo. It's really quite a different place, and I'd say that makes it quite beautiful."

Jeb: "The only violently volcanic moon in the entire system, and you call it beautiful. You know, I'd have to agree with you on that. Volcanoes make for nice explosions."

Bill: "Ever the pyromaniac..."

1/2 hour later...


Jeb: "Ok Bob, we're approaching the drop point, are you ready?"

Bob: "Running final system checks now."

Jeb: "Alright, but you have five minutes to do that."


Bob: "Probe deployed. Now it's only a case of decelerating it to orbital speed."

Jeb: "Which I can definitely trust you to do."


Bob: "There we go, the probe is now in orbit around Tylo."

Jeb: "Well done Bob. Now then, we still have a little while before we leave Tylo's SOI, so I'd like more scans and readings to be taken, while I get some pictures sorted out."

Bill: "Same deal as before Jeb, don't go out of the EM shields."

Jeb: "I'm not a fool, Bill. I may be reckless, but idiocy is absent from my mind."

Bill: "I'd hope so too..."




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A few hours later...




Jeb: "Now then, Bop has a very pesky orbit and we have to match it. Lengas, any idea about how much fuel we'll have afterwards based on the trajectory Bill has plotted?"

Lengas: "Well, we still have plenty, but even now we don't have enough to return to Kerbin. Control will need to send another fuelling ship our way."

Jeb: "Ok, I'll contact them now... Control, this is Odysseus, do you read?"

KSC: "Just abou-- -hat solar flare caught u- off guard and took out mo-t of our comms satellites. Anyw-y, what do you need?"

Jeb: "Fuel. More fuel. Lengas says we don't have enough to get home, and honestly, I agree. We've yet to reach Bop, and we're around half full."

KSC: "Not a problem. Next transfer window and you'l- -ave it."

Jeb: "And when is the next transfer window?"

KSC: "We'll get back to you on tha-- Control out."

Bill: "Now we've just got to wait for our manoeuvre point."

Jeb: "Yeah. This is going to be a nasty transfer, but we've managed Moho and Dres on other missions, so we should be ok..."

1 day later...


Bill: "Ok, we're now in the same inclination as Bop. All that's left to do now is wait for our closest approach and try for an encounter."

Jeb: "Try? Do, or do not; there is no try."

Bill: "Hmm... I'm still counting that as trying."

Jeb: "Ugh..."

A few days later...


Jeb: "There we go, a Bop encounter!"

Bill: "Periapsis is about 70km, although with terrain like that, I wouldn't be surprised if the actual surface rendered that altitude a few kilometres lower."

Lengas: "Ah, the wonders of low gravity on a celestial body..."

Bob: "It'll be interesting to compare Bop with Gilly. I know Bop is bigger and more massive, but still."

Jeb: "Well, you can go down to the surface then; Bob on Bop."

Bob: "Me? Land on Bop?"

Jeb: "You may as well. I've landed on Vall; I'm not exactly going to hog all the landings!"

Bob: "Well, alright then! Bob on Bop; Kind of catchy..."

One week later...




Bill: "We've made orbit about 10 degrees out of a completely polar trajectory."

Jeb: "That'll need sorting out for our next transfer. Bob, you ready?"

Bob: "Yeah, I've picked a landing site too."

Jeb: "Go on..."

Bob: "The north pole; sensors detected something a few kilometres from it."

Lengas: "An anomaly?"

Bob: "Yep, and a rather weird one too. Anyway, I'll head to the lander. Oh, and Jeb?"

Jeb: "Hmm?"

Bob: "Keep an eye on the systems, some of them are malfunctioning a bit, for whatever reason. Keep a very close watch on the EM shields, we don't want those to fail."

Jeb: "Which goes without saying. No problem, my man, I'll keep watch."

Bob: "Thanks. See you guys in a few hours or so."


Bob: "I'm in the lander, undocking now."


Edited by RogueMason
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Bob: "I'm beginning my descent burn."

Jeb: "Copy that Bob. Be careful."

Bob: "I know how to fly a ship, Jeb."

Jeb: "Just checking..."

A few minutes later...


Bob: "Nearly there..."

Jeb: "This is the tricky part now, Bob."

Bob: "Don't put me off, I'm landing in a dark zone. A very dark zone..."

Jeb: "Maybe there are space snakes there."

Bob: "JEB!"

Jeb: "Just messing with you. But seriously, watch yourself."

Another few minutes later...


Bob: "There we go, I'm on the surface! First Kerbal on Bop! Woo!"

Jeb: "Well done, mate, very well done."

Lengas: "Great job. Make sure you bring samples back!"

Bob: "Yeah sure, I bring you a few rocks back."

Lengas: "Thanks."

Bob: "Now then, the sensors..."





Bob: "Alright, I'm leaving the pod now."

Jeb: "Don't forget the famous last words."

Bob: "Last words?! I sure hope not!"

Jeb: "Did I say...? I meant first words, sorry!"

Bob: "Don't be, it's fine. Well, here I go..."


Bob: "I'm on the ground; the ground of a desolate little moon far from home, thanks to the brilliance of the minds at that home. And to those minds, I thank you. So, Jeb, what do you think?"

Jeb: "Meh."

Bob: "Meh? Well, next time I see you, you're going out the airlock!"

Jeb: "I'm just kidding, that was a good speech! I know you aren't one for such things, but it genuinely was a good speech!"

Bob: "Thanks Jeb, thanks very much. Anyway, time to hunt this anomaly down..."



Bob: "Oh there is definitely something down here..."


Bob: "What the...?"


Bob: "Argh, I overshot it!"

Lengas: "Keep an eye on your fuel levels. Any less than 50% and you're walking back to the lander."

Bob: "I know, I know. Now then, what do we have..."


Bob: "...here? Mother of Kerbin..."

Jeb: "What is it?"

Bob: "Well, I'm not sure if you'll believe me when I say it, but..."

Jeb: "Yes...?"

Bob: "It's the Kraken, Jeb. The Old One that the Mechani-Kraken mentioned."

Jeb, Bill, & Lengas: "Mother of Kerbin..."

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  ShachonianX said:
You should've tried to find the Vall Stonehenge when you were on Vall.

Unfortunately, I was flying blind with respect to the stonehenge. Didn't have a clue what part of Vall to look on. I will find it some other time though :P

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Jeb: "THE Kraken? The one that tormented us before we devised the Krakensbane Device?!"

Bob: "Apparently so. Dead. Here, on this cold little moon of Jool."

Jeb: "Bob, be careful around that thing, you don't know what could happen."

Bob: "Honestly, if anything was going to happen, it would have happened by now!"

Jeb: "If that's the case, stand on top of it to show our victory over it!"

Bob: "Erm, alright then..."


Bob: "See? Nothing's happening to me. It's perfectl --"

Unknown: "GET OFF."


Jeb: "Bob? Bob, wha---"

Bob: "Jeb, you there? Odysseus, you copy?"

Unknown: "No, they do not copy, Bob."


Bob: "And who is this...? *Quivering voice*

Unknown: "We are the Kraken."

Bob: "The Kraken?"

Kraken: "Yes. Now, why are you here, desecrating the body of the Old One?"

Bob: "Exploring the system..."

Kraken: "That doesn't answer the question of why you, Bob, are here, besides the Old One."

Bob: "I, uhh, spotted the Old One from orbit, and not knowing what it was, I decided to take a look."

Kraken: "This is why we sent the Mechani-Kraken to dissolve your spacefaring society; you interfere with us far too much. Clearly you're more resourceful than we first thought though..."

Bob: "Wait, wait, wait; you say you're the Kraken, but I'm looking at the Kraken, dead in front of me. How does that work?"


Kraken: "Our name, forged by the tongues of your ancients, is plural as well as singular. The Old One is not the only one of our kind."

Bob: "Oh..."

Kraken: "Now, if you wouldn't mind, could you please leave the resting place of the Old One? We have stated to the crew of your Libra vessel that our initial intentions were not to bring harm to your people in our efforts to isolate you on your planet. But, we will remove you if necessary."

Bob: "Ok, I'm going, I'm going, and, uhh, thank you for the mercy?"

Kraken: "Leave."

Bob: "Leaving."




Bob: "Time to make orbit, I think..."

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Bob: "Odysseus, do you copy? Odysseus, respond!"


Bob: "GAH! Control, this is Bob Kerman, do you copy?"

KSC: "We read y-- Bob, what'- -he proble-?"

Bob: "I've completely lost contact with Odysseus from the lander. I'm on a sub-orbital trajectory around Bop, so I need to get comms sorted!"

KSC: "We'r- talk-g to Odysseus right now, ---- patch you in but the-- will be comms lag."

Jeb: "Bob, wh-t the hell happe--- down there?"

Bob: "The Kraken happened, that's what. Hell, they spoke to me!"

Jeb: "They?"

Bob: "Turns out the name is plural too. Listen, I'll explain later, but right now I need to know your position."

Jeb: "Bill, send our cur--nt position to the --nder. Bob, get an ---atorial orbit, we'll meet --u there."

Bob: "Ok Jeb, I'll see you in an hour or two."


Bob: "I suppose now is as good a time as any to go equatorial. Besides, that mountain looks ominously close..."




Bob: "Odysseus, I'm in an equatorial prograde orbit."

Jeb: "Copy that, we're now matchi-- orbits."

1 hour later...


Bob: "I'm closing in now, 2.4km away."

Bill: "We're monitoring you. May want to reduce your relative speed."

Bob: "Will do. Sounds like comms have improved."

Jeb: "Yeah, there was some disruption field coming from the location of the Old One, but we seem to be clear for now."

A few minutes later...

Bob: "Stay on target."


Bill: "Your too close!"

Bob: "Stay on target!"


Jeb: "Slow down!"

*Loud bang*

Bob: "Aaaaaand I'm docked!"

Lengas: "You knocked the flipping docking port out! That's going to take a good few hours to get right!"

Bob: "Sorry. The lander control panel might be a bit damaged, because it was registering lower speeds than you were suggesting. Plus, I can't exactly use the window of the lander to see you."

Jeb: "Yeah, sure. We'll check it anyway, but you're going to help Lengas repair that docking port."


Bob: "Now that I'm back in the ship, I think it's time to release our third probe."

Jeb: "Of course. Just don't land it next to the Kraken, or we may end up with another interplanetary invasion force attacking us, and if that does happen, it's coming out of your wages!"

Bob: "I'm not that foolish..."


Bob: "Probe is away, beginning de-orbit burn."



Bob: "There we go, the probe is on the ground."

Jeb: "Well piloted. Shame you weren't as good with your docking. Now, help Lengas, please."

Bob: "Alright, alright..."


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