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'Real' KSP Campaign


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Hey everyone my name is Astocky aka anjstockwell but my parents call me Andrew. After longing for a proper KSP campaign I found some rules that I really like and have decided to record with them. This is my first KSP Lets Play and if you look at my channel and the vids you will see I have grand designs (that are badly executed :P)

Here is a link to my channel and the playlist:


here is the first video in case the playlist doesn't work correctly

The following is a summary of the campaign rules taken from XLordStimpyX's Campaign Rules (Highlighted in red where changes have been made)


And his youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/XLordStimpyX

Mods Required - In Install Order



RemoteTech Probe Compatability


Deadly Reentry


Ioncross Crew Support


Ferram Aerospace Research


Other Mods Used (Links to be added)

Payload Pack

Subassembly Loader

Kethane Pack


MechJeb 2

Tiberdyne SBS 3 (only use 3 parts - TD_CargoBayRadialDecoupler, TD_CargoBayStackDecoupler, TD_ShuttleCargoBay)


KSP Node Select

Part Search

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Romfarer Sunbeam

Romfarer Lazor System

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Main Rules

How to Play

its a very simple game, you begin with an amount of currency, call it what you will, Kerbdollars, spacebux, Kerbits, Kennies, etc. For starting, I set that amount to 100,000(k) or, 'one-hundred-thousand Kerbits'. (k) from now on will designate currency, to differentiate between shorthand terms such as '100k' (100,000).

With this 100,000(k) you must pick a Mission and a Target, and build a vehicle to accomplish that combined goal. For example, 'I want to put a Kerbal on the Mun' Kerbal Landing is your mission, and the Mun is your Target.

All parts in KSP have a cost, albeit an arbitrary one. This is what we measure by.

Once you have built your vehicle, use a handy mod such as Kerbal Engineer to find out the final cost of the vehicle.

Alongside the Mission and Target are rewards in (k)erbits. Upon a successful mission, you will receive half your overall vehicle cost returned to you (as an investment in your ongoing success), and the combined rewards for the Mission and Target. A Failed Mission will not grant you any rewards, and in some more painful failures, incur penalties and/or fines. An example of a failure would be dropping a NERVA engine onto Kerbin, or Kerbinaut Death.


NEW: After each successful mission, all missions of that type reduced by 50% in Reward. (this is a balancing factor i used heavily in the first iteration of campaign mode, and therefore is subject to change all input is greatly appreciated!)

The 50% reduction applies only once, so that your second, third, fourth and so on mission of the same type will all be rewarded half the reward for the first mission. The 50% reduction only applies to Mission rewards, Not Target Rewards.


Missions are relatively self-explanatory, I've tried to cover all the objectives I could possibly think of, if you have anything to add, please don't hesitate to ask, this is very much a Work in Progress.

Notes on Missions:

What happens if you overshoot a Mission? lets say a suborbital probe reaches stable orbit. You have technically failed your Mission, but achieved unmanned orbit! take the reward for the Mission you PLANNED to achieve, and deduct 10% from the reward, lets say this 10% went into altering documents, forgery and keeping a few mouths shut.


Targets are a way of balancing Missions around the difficulty in getting to the various planets and moons. Each planet and moon has two Targets, Orbit and Landing.


A step up from the Mission&Target system are Operations. Operations are any Mission&Target that requires Two or more Missions working together, examples being a Rendezvous mission, or an Apollo-Style Moon Mission, and anything up to complex multi-part moon and space stations.


After Two vehicles in an Operation, the 50% Vehicle Cost Return is reduced to 10% vehicle Cost.

If an Operation is undertaken with a single Mission, such as launching multiple Satellites in one launch, you gain the reward for the Satellite Mission, plus 10% of the Reward again for each Satellite after the first.

10% of the Average Vehicle, Cost of all Vehicles in the Operation, times the number of vehicles in the Operation, is rewarded upon Mission Success.


Separate from the Mission&Target structure, Reusable and Semi-Reusable Vehicles can be purchased for one-off payments of their cost, plus a base price. Such things may be as simple as a taxi to move Kerbinauts around the space centre, to a complex sea rescue craft, and whatever you can imagine.


Each Kerbinaut is purchased individually for 2,500(k), to cover the cost of his “elite trainingâ€ÂTM


Some events in these Rules such as Life Support are defined by Time. The easiest way to find out the true game time is to make your first active vehicle a 'clock' . Stick a probe body nearby the space centre, and use its MET time in the Tracking Station as your overall time spent playing.

Fuel Cost

Fuel costs 10(k) Per KMU of LiquidFuel (This is around average of the contents of stock fueltanks, plus mark up, transportation, etc.)

Use the Cost listed above for mod-added and stock Fueltanks, for balance reasons. this only applies to Fueltanks specifically for the purposes of refueling another vehicle.


Penalties can be incurred from anything from land-falling debris below the burn-up threshold, to loss of Kerbinaut life.

Achievement Bonuses

An Achievement Bonus is a One Time Only bonus awarded after certain goals have been achieved. You get the achievement bonuses when you achieve them, regardless of the state of the mission, collect all that apply, but they each apply once as a one-time-only award.

Development and Test

All Vehicles Marked as Test Types cost only 25% of their actual cost, but must not leave Sub-Orbital Kerbin flight around the KSC. Loss of Test Type Vehicles have no penalties, unless Crew die.


I have taken this part out as it was not really finished.

Random Events

Random Events are a dice-decided amount and type of Missions that represent Government, Civilian and Military job offers to your space program. Some can be ignored, some can be ignored for a penalty, some are mandatory.


Assets are Reusable Vehicles you have purchased. Keep track of them and when not in use they can be 'mission ended' and returned to 'storage' and launched again whenever, to reduce active vehicles hanging around.


Damage over 50% of the Vehicle Cost is Unrepairable.

Repairs to any Reusable Vehicle are at a set cost of 10% of the Vehicles original Cost plus the Cost of replacement parts.

For In-space repairs, the Repair Mission's Vehicle must carry the MASS of the replacement parts in any form of dead-weight.


All Missions (excluding Station and Base related Missions) that are done using a probe (unmanned), reduce the reward by 50%, this includes satellite missions, which work on Orbit Mission, with the 50% reduction. These missions do not make the next manned mission have a 50% reduction. Treat them as two separate missions.


Any Kethane that is brought back to Kerbal is worth 5 per unit. Kethane CAN NOT be mined from Kerbal.

Mission List (Rewards and Penalties)

Sub-Orbital Flight---------------------------------- 20,000

Orbit---------------------------------------------- 40,000

Lander ------------------------------------------- 80,000

Rover ----------------------------------------------85,000

Space Lab-----------------------------------------100,000 additional 10,000 per successful mission due to scientific stuff.

Space Station (Small)------------------------------120,000 additional 15,000 per successful mission due to scientific stuff.

Space Station (Module)----------------------------- 60,000 additional 5,000 per plus 10,000 per successful mission per additional module attached due to scientific stuff.

Base (Small)---------------------------------------140,000 additional 30,000 per successful mission due to scientific stuff. Increase to 45,000 if within 500m of an anomaly

Base (Module) --------------------------------------80,000 additional 10,000 per plus 20,000 per successful mission per additional module attached due to scientific stuff. Increase reward by 50% if within 500m of an anomaly


Rescue ------------------------------------------ 15,000

'Part' Space Stations and Bases

This refers to constructing a station or base in multiple parts, an Operation over time. Research Points are awarded on the addition of a second 'Module' to the station or base, with any yearly or bonus points that would be incurred over time, starting on completion of the entire station or base.

You must declare how many Modules your Space station or Base will have before beginning.

Module-Constructed Space stations and Bases must be made of atleast 3Modules.

Rendezvous Mission or Rewards relating to Rendezvous do not apply to 'Module' Construction.

Targets List








Vall----------------------25,000 ----------------12,500






Gilly--------------------- 30,000 ---------------- 15,000





Add target list reward to mission list reward. No 50% penalty for same mission with new target.

Reuseable Vehicle Purchase Cost


Shuttle------------------------------- 15,000

SSTO Vehicle--------------------------20,000

Transport (Ground)----------------------1,000



Achievement Bonuses

20KM Sub-Orbital---------------------------------------------2,500

60KM Sub-Orbital---------------------------------------------5,000

First Orbit---------------------------------------------------10,000

First Spacewalk-----------------------------------------------2,500 ------- All that training finally paid off!

First Satellite-------------------------------------------------5,000

First Geosynchronous Orbit------------------------------------5,000

First Moon Landing-------------------------------------------15,000

First Planet-fall----------------------------------------------15,000 -------Kerbin does not count.

Satellite Network (8 Satellites in stable orbit)------------------10,000

First Rendezvous---------------------------------------------10,000


Land-falling Debris (Excluding KSC Zone)

(Debris falling from above 50km is considered burnt up)................-2,500 Per mission incident.

Crew Death (Explosion)....................................... ..................-10,000

Crew Death (Suffocation or EVA death)................................ ..-20,000

EVA Death............................................. ..............................-2,500 Per Kerbinaut

Crash............................................. .....................................-2,000 Per Kerbinaut

Random Events

Not implemented yet, but I will keep the missions.

Military Contract: Spy Geosynchronous Satellite.................................................. ......Reward:0

Place a Spy Satellite (Value 10,000+) Into Geosynchronous orbit

Penalties for Incomplete: Yes (-10,000)

Ignorable: No (Immediate Contract)

Military Contract: Orbital Deterrent.................................................. ...........................Reward:0

Place a Weapon of Moderate Destruction in LKO

Penalties for Incomplete: Yes (-5,000)

Ignorable: Yes

Broken Satellite.................................................. .................................................. Reward:0

One of your satellites has become faulty, Rendezvous with it and repair it.

Penalties for Incomplete: No

Ignorable: Yes

Scientific Institution Civilian Satellite.................................................. .......................Reward:5,000

You have been asked to provide a launch vehicle for a satellite (5,000 value or less)

Penalties for Incomplete: No

Ignorable: Yes

'A Rich Kerb's Dream'.................................................. .................................................R eward:20,000

You have been approached by a wealthy Kerbal wanting a tourist trip into space!

Penalties for Incomplete: Yes (In the event of an accident, all crew death penalties tripled)

Ignorable: Yes

Edited by astocky
Updates to Required Mods List
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Progress on the campaign front:

Mission 1 - Get into stable Kerbin 100km (+/- 1km) orbit

Result - Built Ship (-9.872k), Hired Bob Kerman (-2.5k) Sucessfully got into stable orbit, got orbit mission completion (40k), got first orbit achievement bonus (10k), sucessfully deorbited, panicked and messed up entry, killed valiant Bob Kerman (-10k).

Total = 100k - 9.782k -2.5k + 40k + 10k - 10k = 127.628k

Mission 2 - Launch Communications Relay Station (Space Lab) to 150ish km circular (+/- 2km) orbit

Result - Built Ship (-78.320k), Hired 3 Kerbals (-7.5k) Sucessfully got into stable 150km ish orbit, got Space Lab mission completion (100k), got 50% vehicle cost back (39.160k).

Total = 127.628k - 78.320k -7.5k +100k + 39.160k = 180.968k

Mission 3 - Launch Comms Sat I to Keosync ish orbit

Result - Built Ships (-8.270k -8.970k -11.170k -12.770k -12.770k), Got 5th revision into orbit (+20k), two achievements[satelite, keosync] (+5k +5k), 50% ship return (+6.385k), +10k research bonus

Total = 180.968k -8.270k -8.970k -11.170k -12.770k -12.770k +20k +5k +5k +6.385k +10k = 173.403k

Mission 4 - Launch Comms Sat II to Keosync ish orbit

Result - Built Ship (-12.770k), Got into Keosyncish orbit (+10k), 50% ship return (+6.385k), +10k research bonus

Total = 173.403k -12.770k +10k +6.385k +10k = 187.018k

Part B - Test Fly KX-1

Costs = Built 4 Ships (25% of (-26430 x 3 -24650)) = -26.435k

Trained 4 Kerbals (-2.5k x 4) = -10k

Killed 4 Kerbals (-10k x 40) = -40k

Total = 187.018k - 26.435k -10k -40k = 110.583k

Mission 5 - Launch Comms Sat III to Keosync ish orbit

Result - Built Ship (-12.770k), Got into Keosyncish orbit (+10k), 50% ship return (+6.385k), +10k research bonus

Total = 110.583k -12.770k +10k +6.385k +10k = 124.198k

See below for Missions 6 and on.

Edited by astocky
Added New Mission
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Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Campaign mode works now?

Sorry, I'm new to KSP and I've been playing Sandbox, This is wild.

Anyway, congratulations on your start!


I see now, you're manually doing the calculations. Manual facepalm. Still, congrats.

Edited by Imaginer1
I'm a bit stupid
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Hey Stocky just a quick note to say that, I am now playing ksp and I hope to do well...

Also the last video you made was the best one yet...

making the rocket is the perfect climax to actually launching it and seeing how it performs

I think ksp is perfect for videos like these! :) Ron.

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We should make a program that auto calculates these things

It just so happens there is such a thing:


But you have to manually program all the missions into it and then assess and enter the results. Not exactly what you are looking for, but it keeps track of the accounting. I think when they finally release the campaign mode, it will be something like this; I really can't wait

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  • 2 weeks later...

Continuation of Mission Thread:

Mission 6 - Launch Munar Comms Sat I to Munar orbit

Result - Built Ships (-30.880k -12.770k -12.770k -12.770k -12.770k), Got into Munar orbit (+20k +2.5k), 50% ship return (+6.385k), +10k research bonus

Total = 124.198k -81.96k +22.5k +6.385k +10k = 81.123k

Mission 7 - Manned Munar Orbit Mission (K2M-Man1)

Result- Built Ship (-15.832k), Got into Munar orbit (+40k +2.5k), 50% ship return (+7.916k), Research Bonus (+10k), Dead Bill :( (-10k)

Total = 81.123k -15.832k +40k +2.5k +7.916k +10k -10k = 115.707k

Mission 8 - Manned Munar Orbit Mission 2 (K2M-Man2)

Result- Built Ship (-16.932k), Research Bonus (+10k).

Total = 115.707k -16.932k +10k = 108.775k

Edited by astocky
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I find it amusing to think that, perhaps one purpose of creating this forum, is for SQUAD to check into posts like this and say, "Aha! So THAT'S how we're going to implement career mode." They already have a free think-tank in place. :D

But yeah, how the threadstarter managed to make this detailed "career" plan is just amazing, and really never fails to wow me, how resourceful, enthusiastic and just plain EAGER KSP users are :) Great work.


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Really glad you like it. The credit for all the hard work really needs to go to LordStimpy who developed the Campaign criteria I am playing. I am just showing how much fun (and frustration) can be had when setting some strict guidelines and goals for vehicle construction.

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Glad you have Deadly Re-Entry all worked out because I sure haven't!

I've got some good tips to check out though. :)

The trick with deadly reentry is to bleed off as much speed as possible prior to getting to 35km. Not anything like a real reentry, but it is what works for that mod. It is also kind of fun as well, I can't wait to try and return a capsule from the Mun :)

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