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Since the old thread i'd seen before apparently got lost in the crash, i'll start another, since I finally have my Mun base more than just a couple of parts now.

This so far consists of four separate launches (for the base itself), and is completely vanilla save for kerbal engineer redux.

These screenshots are of me sending the habitation module up, which I got around to tonight. Though I didn't think to start taking screenshots until I was already in the Mun SoI.









Now, let's see everybody elses. :D

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Heres a rather pathetic Duna base I made to test the Bobcat's HOME mod. It's a pretty cool mod.


Here's my mun base. It's currenly got 18 Kerbals living in it (because I used a Munox as a bus), but it can hold up to 32. this shot was taken right after detaching it from the skycrane.


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Mun Base One. Images from its landing, relocation, addition of extra habitat space, and the arrival of the Munar Ground Shuttle.

And that last one is out of order because it just looks cool.

(Note the altitude change between site one and the final site.)

Edited by Tw1
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MOSS (Munar Orbital Science Station) - the gateway to and from my (currently unnamed) Mun base. Seen here with attached Kerbin shuttle, awaiting the arrival of the first-generation Munar Bus.


Lonely outpost (hey, that's not a bad name...)


MOSS with Mk. 1 Munar Bus docked




Munar Bus Mk. 2 (Spirit of Sedona) en route after it was discovered the Mk. 1 didn't have enough thrust to reliably land on the Munar surface. This important piece of equipment will allow crew rotations to occur between Kerbin, MOSS, and the base. The Mk. 2 bus is capable of Munar descent and SSrTO. Two Mk. 2 buses will be stationed out of MOSS but remain landed at the base for easy egress. The remaining fuel in their transfer stages will be placed in MOSS's fuel bunker. The bunker will continue to be topped off by the Kerbin-Mun shuttle transfer stages.


Spirit of Sedona test flight to Munar south pole.



All systems go! Spirit of Sedona is back on-orbit and has plenty of fuel left to adjust inclination and dock with MOSS. After it arrives Spirit of Prescott will dock with MOSS and then descend to the Munar surface to support base operations. It is expected that 10 Kerbals will be boots-on-the-ground before the second habitation module is launched. It is expected that keeping an abort-to-orbit option for all Kerbals at the base will be the most challenging aspect of the project. A rover will be delivered Mun-side after the second bus arrives (sometime later this week).

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B.O.S.S(Bacon Orbital Space Station) Neamed by BaconDestructor in one of my live streams. As you can see I lost a docking node so I'm going to have to send out a replacement node to fix it. It's powered by the deep Space Mission's 300 power/s nuclear reactor.

edit: the node was lost due to a completly random explosion...Go figure.

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Since the old thread i'd seen before apparently got lost in the crash, i'll start another, since I finally have my Mun base more than just a couple of parts now.

This so far consists of four separate launches (for the base itself), and is completely vanilla save for kerbal engineer redux.

These screenshots are of me sending the habitation module up, which I got around to tonight. Though I didn't think to start taking screenshots until I was already in the Mun SoI.


What are those engines you have on the large fuel cell at the bottom? I've not seen those before and I've been looking to do something similar for ages. Is this a mod or completely stock?

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I finally finished all the parts of my MinMus base and orbital refueling station. Here is the orbital station, it's all stock parts. I put it together with just 2 launches of identical parts. There are 10 orange fuel tanks for 28000 fuel, and 8 large RCS tanks for 6000 units of monopropellant. I wasn't stingy at all with parts, there are a ton of aesthetic touches, like the fuel lines, and the docking ports (6 large and 4 small) could have easily been stuck directly on the fuel tanks, but I think this looks better.


After 7 or 8 refueling trips I filled it up, the fuel lifter is slowly drifting into the darkness at the top of this picture.


And here is the ground base. Lots of mod parts, from HOME, Kosmos, KW, and Kethane. It was put together with 8 launches. Except for the central component and the fuel lifter everything was built with detachable wheels and landing systems used to move everything into place without adding to the total part count (around 250 parts with the lifter docked).


After filling up the orbital station I have another 9000 units of fuel, 1000 units of monopropellant, and 14000 units of Kethane.


I'm still not completely happy with it. The central component is poorly designed, the main section is just a useless Kosmos part, so it doesn't hold nearly as much fuel or kethane as it could. And the lifter could hold a lot more fuel. But overall I think it's pretty good.

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