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why are there no terrain altering mods?


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I was browsing the mods over at the space port just looking for something fun, when i realized they are no mods that add new things the terrain of ksp. Why is this? Are new planets moons and other satellites just to hard to code in and texture?, or is there simply no demand for them? Any ideas?

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Easily done with hyper edit. Put them where you want them too!

I think he is talking (IN COMIC SANS OH GOD) about making new planets, not just moving around old ones.

Edited by Schweehog
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There is definitely demand for them in certain parts of the community. But I think it does come down to difficulty. Better men than me have tried, and quit, so I think thats something best left to be coded into the game at the base level, by the devs

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Why is this? Are new planets moons and other satellites just to hard to code in and texture?, or is there simply no demand for them?

As far as I know it's simply a case of nobody has yet spent the couple of weeks worth of trial and error needed to get a grasp on how the extensive but undocumented planetary terrain system works.

Although if you mean stuff like adding buildings then that's easy enough so I'm not sure why nobody's done that yet.

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