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Altitude Record with 4000 liters of Fuel

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This challenge is simple: get the highest altitude whilst using exactly 4,000 liters of fuel (10 FL-T400 Fuel Tanks equivalent). It's basically a copy of khyron42's old challenge, which was posted back in September. There are some rules:

  1. Full thrust all the way. You are not allowed to throttle down until all your fuel is depleted. This also includes pausing for too long between stages - a short pause is OK.
  2. Use the Mk 1 pod (1-man) or the Mk 1-2 pod. No bonus points are awarded for the Mk 1-2.
  3. No sources of propulsion that are not liquidfuel+oxidizer rocket engines

With those out the way, I present my entry to the challenge:


You'll be scored by the altitude of your rocket the moment all of your fuel depletes.

Here is the scoreboard so far:

  1. tavert - 19 Mm
  2. zarakon - 18 Mm
  3. Plur303 - 17 Mm
  4. zarakon - 11 Mm
  5. clapanse - 9.6 Mm
  6. tavert - 9.6 Mm
  7. Jason Patterson - 4.8 Mm
  8. Jason Patterson - 1.5 Mm
  9. Holo - 1.4 Mm

Edited by Holo
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I was a bit confused about the rules at first, since so many of this type of challenge involves getting the highest apoapsis and the challenger doesn't realize that they've provided more than enough fuel for escape velocity. Then I got all literate and actually read what you wrote... :D

Here is my entry, the screenshot is just before the engines ran out of fuel.



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I have an idea for an entry, but I don't think you'll like it..

I suspect that I know what it is, and I had the same idea and resisted. That said, I'm firing it up right now because I know you're in the contest, you sneaky bugger...


There is definitely room for improvement here, but we'll have to see whether it is better to add staging or less fuel in the last stage (in exchange for greater initial velocity) or whatever on another day.

Using an LV-1 gave me 52 minutes of burn time, and I was able to get to 4,778km before it ran out of fuel.


Edited by Jason Patterson
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Let the silly rule-bending (or perfectly obeying rules that don't take into account parts that weren't around in September) commence! I'm sitting in 4x warp at 7.5 Mm with 30 units of fuel still left. Thinking of rearranging fuel a little to get even more silliness.

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Not sure how you are going to score that... Currently uploading youtube video as well.

You'll be scored by the altitude of your rocket the moment all of your fuel depletes.

So something less than 1663 K for you, depending on your timing in taking that shot.

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I achieved scape velocity from the Sun with my rocket "Stinky P". Not sure how you are going to score that... All engines were firing at 100% throttle 100% of the time. Currently uploading youtube video as well.

That's exactly what I thought when I first read it, but the challenge is something else entirely. It's not highest apoapsis with this much fuel, it's highest altitude at the moment that the fuel runs out.

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Stinky-P was rebuilt into Stinky-P-ants in honor of the LV-1 ant engine added to it. It achieved an altitude of 17,153,493 meters with 0.02 fuel remaining after 1:31:27 of burning at 100%. At no point were the engines off or below 100%. The staging allowed me to have the engines on the entire time.

Album with more shots at different stages of the mision: http://imgur.com/a/DhSEM


At this point I activated the LV-1 engine on the top of my rocket, deactivated the nuke engine, decoupled the nuke engine, and flipped my rocket retrograde so that the LV-1 was now burning prograde.


And finally, after leaving the room to do laundry and have a snack, even on 4X time acceleration, I'm finished...


Edited by Plur303
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It was never stated, and so far everyone has done this anyway, but is it safe to assume that we're only using stock building parts for this? Just waiting for the person to come along and tell us how they got an additional 4k m/s using FAR or what have you.

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with Dynamic Warp you can do 8x speed!

actually it can do 16x, but sometimes that causes the game to choke a bit and often results in the altimeter going blank

not sure where you'd find it anymore though..

edit: are you able to DL from here? never tried this before: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bz_Zk5oTok77NVNXLVhFbVBJWjg/edit?usp=sharing

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Is mechjeb allowable? I have one that's looking really promising (it has 28min left in the top stage burn right now), but I can't fly it to orbit manually.

EDIT: Well, this one isn't looking as promising as I thought, but the question still stands...

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