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Altitude Record with 4000 liters of Fuel

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You should use a Jet fuel and Ion powered ship. I once launched up an ion system with ~8400 m/s dV that used 8400 units of fuel using under 100 units of jet fuel. That said, you could go to Laythe with 4000 units of fuel I bet.

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You should use a Jet fuel and Ion powered ship. I once launched up an ion system with ~8400 m/s dV that used 8400 units of fuel using under 100 units of jet fuel. That said, you could go to Laythe with 4000 units of fuel I bet.

This challenge is LiquidFuel+Oxidiser only, sorry. Even with Xenon, you couldn't get to Laythe for the purposes of the challenge because all engines need to be constantly on, full thrust.

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Can you clarify rules?

1st try: simplest asparagus design done in 5 minutes, standard orbit ascend sequence... escaped Kerbol.

2nd try: same design, burning straight up all the time... Still escaped Kerbin.

What's the catch?

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Can you clarify rules?

1st try: simplest asparagus design done in 5 minutes, standard orbit ascend sequence... escaped Kerbol.

2nd try: same design, burning straight up all the time... Still escaped Kerbin.

What's the catch?

The catch is that it is not your highest apoapsis, but your altitude at the moment you run out of fuel.

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