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The Juggernaut of Minmus; My old planet cracker!


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After deciding I hadn't been to minmus in a while, I went there. What I found I almost could not believe.

I found my old Juggernaut, The Thor. A 658 part megabuild that I had almost forgotten about.

Here's a video on the discovery and ressurrection of the Juggernaut:

If you can't watch the video for whatever reason, keep an eye on this whilst I look for screenshots.


Edited by Asmosdeus
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That's a really cool ship, nice video too, I'm going to check out your channel.:)

EDIT: Checked out your channel and you have some real nice stuff you earned a sub, keep up the good work. :wink:

Edited by sarge1022
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Holy crap, that things a monster, and your videos are pretty cool! Maybe its the scotch I've had, but I was laughing so hard at 'Maybe if I crash him into the ship again...' my cat was looking at me like it might need to call 911.

Edited by Dictator Dan
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