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Docking problem

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I'm trying to learn how to dock to test out a multi-part craft I have made (It's a funny design, not sure if it will work) and I'm rather dodgy at it but I'm slowly getting better. Anyway, the issue which I don't THINK is supposed to happen is that if I hit the two parts together not perfectly on the docking ports, even if it's REALLY slow, the entire thing (both parts) just instantly dissapears and turns into a puff of smoke. That seems a little extreme... is this supposed to happen? Haven't had a successful docking yet. Any advice?

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Usually, when two docking ports get close enough and well aligned, the magnets do the rest. The only explanation i could see is that your docking port could be upside down. A quick screenshot will get us an answer

What exactly do you define as really slow? I do my dockings at about 0.2 m/s. In reality 0.2m/s is fast, I believe real life dockings happen at a slower speed.

I think the MIR/Shuttle docking was in mm/s... 33 mm/s according to the wikipedia page on STS-71, when the first docking occured.

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