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Comic Sans


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I declare the rest of this week and the week that follows to be Comic Sans Week! Everyone, use comic sans as much as possible, and all the comic sans haters may like it! If you don't care, then you will like it! If you already like it, then yay for comic sans!

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No, I guarantee you'll probably just annoy a fair few people. There're very good reasons Comic Sans is one of the most hated fonts ever created. There's a video about it on the vlogbrothers channel on YouTube from a while back. If you want to, then eh, whatever, but if it ticks too many people off I'd stop it :P

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No, I guarantee you'll probably just annoy a fair few people. There're very good reasons Comic Sans is one of the most hated fonts ever created. There's a video about it on the vlogbrothers channel on YouTube from a while back. If you want to, then eh, whatever, but if it ticks too many people off I'd stop it :P

It's only hated because it's overused, otherwise it's a nice looking font in my opinion.

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I don't mind it on sings and what not not, where its a few letters at a time. When reading sentances though, I find it to be about on par with Type Writter for readability. It would be like if I suddenly decided to make all my posts in Monotype Corsiva, or whatever this font actually is (I tried a number of fonts in the same vein, all of which look like this for some reason).

Actually, this is a bit nicer, but I still wouldn't want to read entire posts in it.

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No, I guarantee you'll probably just annoy a fair few people. There're very good reasons Comic Sans is one of the most hated fonts ever created. There's a video about it on the vlogbrothers channel on YouTube from a while back. If you want to, then eh, whatever, but if it ticks too many people off I'd stop it :P

I've been using it for a while now, and I have yet to get any hate for it. Why does anyone hate comic sans?

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That's actually not to bad, though unfortunately the only real trait that mystery font shares with the real Monotype Corsiva is that it's really tiny. Unfortunately, web browsers do not seem to support any of the similar fonts, though I did not try them all (I tried 10-15 of the 30 or so I quickly found that look similar).

The specific reason I hate Comic Sans on these forums is because pieces of the letter appear to be missing. It actually has holes in it. For example, the front side of the loop in a lower case e is too white and thin, and the entire font at that size overall is actually kind of grey, instead of black, which I think goes back to some of the technical details the Vsauce video talks about. If I could use Corsiva here, it would probably have a bit of the same problem, because it's a very detailed font that does not do well when shrunk.

Also, that Lucida Console above me is atrocious. It has type writer spacing and style, which is what makes that font so difficult to read (the only font that ever made me sleepy when trying to read large quantities of it).

Edited by Randox
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It's not monospaced


most of the time it doesn't really matter. And my code looks cooler to me that way.

You really only need a monospace font when writing code in specific circumstances. (and a few languages, but not C++, most of the time)

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most of the time it doesn't really matter. And my code looks cooler to me that way.

You really only need a monospace font when writing code in specific circumstances. (and a few languages, but not C++, most of the time)

To each his own. I, for instance, like to break things like array literals across multiple lines; and if I have several related assignment statements in a row, I like to have them line up. I often give related variable names with the same number of characters so they all line up nice. Using a variable-width font would mess all those things up and drive me crazy, but if that's the way you like to do it, I'm not going to tell you it's wrong. I'll just never work at your machine ;)

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Comic Sans is especially nice with the Microsoft Word's 'word art' tool. Also looks very futuristic with -or on your ksp screenshots, very dynamic. 'Don't you think'? :cool:


Edited by mosolov
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I don't really find Comic Sans to be a terrible font. It is overused, but I don't hate it. The only problem I have with it is that it feels weird to read because I mostly read normal fonts that I see on the Internet or KSP.

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