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Twist and Shout, Floppy I-beams?


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Has anyone else had problems when trying to use the I-beam part to construct a frame for say orbital construction, or their mun base? I've had some limited success buy strutting a not rockomax 6 way part at the end of each I-beam to the main core but also have found that attaching anything to the side of those beams even when the weight is balanced causes them to twist and contort in sometimes unpredictable ways.

I've been trying to construct a ship with a fairly large superstructure useing these beams as the backbone but even then it just seems that at the joint between two of them that they're more then happy to twist up to a full 180 degrees.. Thoughts?

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Maybe you should try the truss pieces instead?

Or in combination.

I had the I-beams dance the tango (more or less) if I turn the warp up one more on this thing.


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What about making something like this accrsd? :)

I know this is going to come across as snarky, but I'm honestly just curious: How is that accomplished if you can't connect a new piece to more than once existing piece? Do you have to resort to cheating with struts or docking ports?

I've been struggling with how to create strong structures like this.

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wait.. what? "Do you have to resort to cheating with struts?"


Since when is using Struts .... Cheating?

Cheating as in "Normally I wouldn't be able to connect these 2 pieces at this joint, because the pieces are already connected to something else, but I can use struts to connect them". What ends up happening though, is that the joint is much weaker than it would be if you could just connect the pieces directly together.

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Why is it that struts can "connect" at each end but regular parts don't?

Structs don't use attachment nodes... regular parts do? (And attachment nodes are suppose to do other types of physics (breaking the ship apart) while links never "fail" (the strut breaks, the link does not).

Tw1, what is wrong with that design not functioning? You have no "foundation" so ibeams bending (even though it is really the attachment nodes but I digress) should be expected (Of course, they wouldn't just "bend back"... and attachment nodes can be insanely weak when they shouldn't be.)

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What about making something like this accrsd? :)

I've used that technique before with struts but i think this would negate the point of useing the i beam part since i'm trying to build a solid chassis. a rover design i posted before whatever happened to the previous forum had a solution where i just strutted everything with copious amounts of space tape but that craft has proven to occasionally be more floppy then a limp noodle, while other times is solid as a rock

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