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The Colony Ship Challenge

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For too long the kerbal race has been bound to kerbain, Now is the time to expand into the stars. Your mission is to build a ship in orbit composed of the following parts that must be indivdual units: Engines,Power Core, Colony Module, and the bridge. Ships can have a max of 6 engine modules and 2 power cores with the bridge and colony module only allowed to have 1

Entiries can be entered in 2 catagorys Mod and Stock. You can enter only one ship into each catagory.


Main points will be awarded for Capacity,Outer Design, and Viablity

Bonus points will be awarded for interior design and optional modules such as hanger bays, crew quarters, and a refueling area

(Will redo formatting after I sleep)

Edited by mikethete
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while I know what a `bridge` is, in the sense of a ship., what constitutes a bridge for this challenge? a command pod?

also, what constitutes a `power core`? as unless you are running ion drives or kethane converters or something, any ship will be at maximum electric charge permanently with 2 RTGs.

when you say capacity, do you mean kerbals or fuel or what. and how is it to be judged viable? a deltaV stat, or balance etc?

additionally, you say 6 engine modules. Does that mean 6 engine parts, or can I have 6 separate modules with like 8 engines on each?

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The challenge seems rather prescribe in terms of ship design. Why not just "the mission is to send 200 guys to Low Laythe Orbit, knock yourselves out" and let those who want to take up the challenge try to figure out the layout of the ship?

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Sorry but the scoring system is completely lacking on this one, is it all down to your judgement or what?

And the restrictions on modules? C'mon we want some freedom to build!

This challenge needs a rethink, don't forget the challenge guidelines at the top of the challenge section as well :)


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