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Felsmak's drawings


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the second picture seems to have the inside of an artery or blood vessel clip-art, radially opaque and sitting inside the moon, which has me utterly confused, other than that nice work!

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Didn't you make one of a view of Jool from a polar orbit of Tylo? I really liked that one and would love to see more like it.

Yes! I had decided to remake the surface of Tylo at first, but as that might take a while I suppose I could upload that one as well. :)

the second picture seems to have the inside of an artery or blood vessel clip-art, radially opaque and sitting inside the moon, which has me utterly confused, other than that nice work!

I assume you're talking about that weird cloud band on Jool's right half? Maybe that one could've been done better, yes. That part was a little bit rushed. :)

Edited by Felsmak
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you! :)

Now I'm currently working on an improved version of the first picture I uploaded here, the one with the Kerbal, where I've fixed the proportions and the generally awkward body shape of the original. There are still quite a few details that have to be ironed out before it will be ready for digitalization, but this sketch should give you an idea of what it will look like. :)


I'll eventually improve the one with Tylo and with Layhte as well, when I feel like it.

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Haha, he does look like him! The head shape also makes him resemble Nefertiti a little. :D

Anyways, I'm aware that real Kerbals have taller heads than this, but I like to take some liberties and add my own, personal touch to them and to their universe. :)

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  • 11 months later...

So I felt like reviving this thread and adding a new drawing. It's not new as in has-just-been-finished-and-hasn't-really-been-seen-by-anyone. It's more wasn't-in-this-particular-thread-until-now new.

I should stop creating separate threads for everything. I have this one, after all! Aptly named and everything. Yes, I'll just continue with this one, and from now on there will also be a lot more gore!

Here is a Kerbal who removed his helmet a little too early. Enjoy!


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  • 1 month later...

This is not KSP related and thus fairly off-topic. But just as a one-time thing I'd like to introduce you all to Wafar, the illegitimate ruler of Swagrabah. He insists that you take him seriously.


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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