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Are you not allowed to make mods that dont involve parts?


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Hi, I have recently been browsing the spaceport and I noticed something all the mods for KSP or at least the majority of them involve parts.

I have been learning the basics of c++ recently and I hope by the start of summer I will be able to program at least a simple mod for KSP but since I have been seeing mods that mostly only involve parts in some way or another I was wondering if its forbidden to add something else to the game like a new planet or some

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Look ar subassembly saver/loader, Haystack, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and FAR.

All of these are game changers, and none of them require a special part on your craft.

EDIT: Dayum, got ninja'd by lyndonguitar. :/

Edited by astropapi1
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I checked those mods and they still deal with parts, I was wondering if for some reason you were not allowed to make some kind of mod that its totally different from parts such as changing the landscape of a planet or even adding a new solar system or something that dose not have anything to do with parts

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if its forbidden to add something else to the game like a new planet or some

Well you can't to mod anything, there some restriction, not because "foribdden" but because "thing" hardcoded and you can't change it without source, it's not opensource project . But you still have enougt freedom. people make amaizng things with game, and this not only just new parts, even if they involving, parts sometimes used to make game to call for custom code.

Edited by zzz
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I have been learning the basics of c++ recently and I hope by the start of summer I will be able to program at least a simple mod for KSP but since I have been seeing mods that mostly only involve parts in some way or another I was wondering if its forbidden to add something else to the game like a new planet or some

KSP mods are in IL (.NET bytecode), and C++ usually compiles to machine code. While you can get C++ .net compilers I'd recommend switching to a different language if KSP is your primary motivation. C# is by far the best bet because that's what everyone else is using so there are lots of example of stuff.

As for mods doing other things, it's for much the same reason there aren't (m)any C++ mods - it's much easier to do something when other people have already done it and there are plenty of people out there to share knowledge and examples.

Of course, the devs have done it but:

A) They're busy people.

B) They have access to the whole codebase and have to sort out behind the scenes knowledge from modding knowledge before answering.

C) They often use different tools, so sometimes not even they would know the best way for a modder to go about it, or even whether it's possible using modding tools.

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