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Mechjeb 2.0 "circularize" question


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I was testing out the option where mechjeb 2.0 puts a node for you to circularize your orbit but it asks you how much time you want before you start you burn. I was wondering if there's a way to make the node appear directly on your Ap rather than a certain amount of time away?

Edit: Random question - What are the ascending/descending nodes for when setting something as your target? What information are they giving you?


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I think there's an option to make the node appear at the next ap/pe, check the maneuver planner part. The AN and DN are the points where your orbit changes from being below the other orbit to being above it, and vice versa. It's the most efficient place to change inclination (in almost all cases) because it's a bit like a pivot point for your orbit, relative to the other one.

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I was testing out the option where mechjeb 2.0 puts a node for you to circularize your orbit but it asks you how much time you want before you start you burn. I was wondering if there's a way to make the node appear directly on your Ap rather than a certain amount of time away?

There are two arrows next to the time. Click them and it cycles through different points where the node is placed. Apoapsis is one of the options.

Edit: Random question - What are the ascending/descending nodes for when setting something as your target? What information are they giving you?


Ascending node = When your orbit is passing over the target

Descending node = When your orbit is passing under

(Or vice-versa)

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If you try to align two orbits the AN and DN are the points where you want to pivot at to make your orbits match. If you pivot outside those points you will end up offset which isn't what you want. One thing that is useful using these AN and DN positions is when you are doing a rendezvous and are trying to get your intercept position right. When you go prograde or retrograde you will most likely find there is a minimum intercept distance you can get. Using the purple up and down (normal/anti-normal?) you can move the AN/DN nodes so that one of them matches the location of the red intercept and it usually drops the minimum intercept distance.

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I was testing out the option where mechjeb 2.0 puts a node for you to circularize your orbit but it asks you how much time you want before you start you burn. I was wondering if there's a way to make the node appear directly on your Ap rather than a certain amount of time away?

Keep in mind that even if you select Ap for your burn, the actual maneuver node will appear some time before Ap as it's generally most efficient to split the burn so it's midpoint is at the node.

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