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Docking Help

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- wait until target is passing overhead

- launch vehicle

- aim for an orbit that's about 10-20km lower than the target's

- fast forward untill you are almost side by side

- set target on the map

- burn prograde untill it gives you an intersect

- keep burning untill the intersect widens again

- wait untill you reach that intersect

- kill all your velocity relative to your target

- burn toward target

- repeat the above 2 steps untill you are close enough

- active docking mode

- use rcs to get close to docking port

- you'll dock automatically if you are close enough

i don't think it can get any shorter than his :P

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Welcome to the community Maverick377 :)

My best tip when docking is to take it slow, you'll have more time to think and will use less fuel, oh and practice with a small craft first, send up something that can undock then redock to it's own launcher.

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Don't be afraid to turn on infinite fuel/RCS for your first docking. The last thing you want is to be so close and then find you're out of fuel/monoprop. The challenge is getting the two ships together, once you do that, overcoming a fuel shortage is easy. I had to do it myself on my first docking. It lets you focus on the docking mechanic itself, rather then worrying about burning fuel to make corrections.

Edit: Don't forget to F5 Quicksave often during the process.

Edited by The Flying Ham
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Another tip that is useful for me is to put thruster to both end of my vessel to dock. Using action groups to switch on and off thruster at one end. This way, i don't have to turn around to thrust prograde / retrograde. It reduce tha amount of errors.

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