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I need help finding addons that do that thing and that other thing


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I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, but I'm looking for a few things (and yes, I did look around the spaceport for them):

- A bigger gimbal UI. Something about twice as big as what it is now. It is hard to read the numbers on the current gimbal.

- A digital Gimbal readout to go by the side of the current gimbal that includes the option to display the digital heading of all markers.

- Digital pitch, roll, and yaw velocity readouts. Taping F gives me an idea, but sometimes the ASAS is not good enough and I have to null it out by hand.

- More zoom in map view when I have a planet set as focus. It's hard to adjust and fine tune maneuver nodes when the camera is moving

- 2 more orbit markers. Periapsis and Apoapsis are already in, but what about the 2 points between them?

- The ability to type in numbers to adjust maneuver nodes. Using a mouse is good enough for getting it close, but it is a pain to fine tune it with a mouse.

- A match obit maneuver node (without auto pilot). Instead of me guessing at what to do to match the exact obit of my target, the node would be auto adjusted for me.


- A taller VAB. (Raise the roof) If I use struts to stich the tanks together, then I can make rockets much taller than normal. But, the roof of the VAB is too low to properly work on such rockets and they end up with half the rocket in the floor when you go to save making it hard to work on later.

Edited by Tontow
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"- The ability to type in numbers to adjust maneuver nodes. Using a mouse is good enough for getting it close, but it is a pain to fine tune it with a mouse."

As far as pointing your ship at the right position, MechJeb has a very useful thing called Smart A.S.S. which gives you Normal, Radial, Node, Target, Parallel, etc on your nav-ball. However, MechJeb is a large package of functionality, which includes as components several auto-pilot modules. Worth looking at, but depends on your self-restraint/purity if you want to avoid autopilot.

Edited by sewerbird
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  sewerbird said:
"- The ability to type in numbers to adjust maneuver nodes. Using a mouse is good enough for getting it close, but it is a pain to fine tune it with a mouse."

As far as pointing your ship at the right position, MechJeb has a very useful thing called Smart A.S.S. which gives you Normal, Radial, Node, Target, Parallel, etc on your nav-ball. However, MechJeb is a large package of functionality, which includes as components several auto-pilot modules. Worth looking at, but depends on your self-restraint/purity if you want to avoid autopilot.

That's not what he meant.. He was talking about setting/adjusting maneuver nodes.. which has nothing to do with actual ship control..

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MechJeb 2 integrates entirely with the stock maneuver node system. You can tell MechJeb to make a maneuver node for you and fly it manually, or make a maneuver node manually and have MechJeb fly it for you. It's much more educational and capable than original recipe MechJeb, IMO.
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As others have mentioned Mechjeb 2 allows you to edit numbers in maneuver nodes.

As for the navball being too small, why not just turn up the UI size in the settings menu?

Mechjeb 2's surface info shows digital displays for pitch roll and yaw and if you need a readout for how fast they're changing for docking and stuff try the Lazor docking camera. (you need a target selected for the readouts to display)

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Just use the things of mechjeb 2 you want. The custom window editor of Mechjeb 2 is awesome because you can just add the info to it you want. If you only want digital readouts of pitch, yaw, roll you can make a window do just that.

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Edit to first post:

- A taller VAB. (Raise the roof) If I use struts to stich the tanks together, then I can make rockets much taller than normal. But, the roof of the VAB is too low to properly work on such rockets and they end up with half the rocket in the floor when you go to save making it hard to work on later.


Thanks for all the feedback. I had missed the UI setting and I will give Mechjeb 2 and Improved Maneuver node.

So that more or less leaves:


- More zoom in map view when I have a planet set as focus. It's hard to adjust and fine tune maneuver nodes when the camera is moving

- 2 more orbit markers. Periapsis and Apoapsis are already in, but what about the 2 points between them?

I might think of more later on.

Like free look in map view and the VAB.

And an AutoCAD type layout for the VAB. On ships that have allot of parts packed into a tight space, it makes placing some parts in the right place pure luck. Also, the x,y,z movement of parts seems to hate the odd camera angle. At the very least some kind of push/pull key to the foreground/background would go along way.

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IIRC, there was an editor mod that modified the VAB height,but it seems the thread was lost in the great purge. Perhaps someone has that mod still lying around somewhere and could send it to you. There is also the possibility that the mod in question can be found on Spaceport,but i do not remember what it was called exactly.

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Having tried both, I think MechJeb's maneuver node editor is better than the improved maneuver node. They are extremely similar, I just found MJ easier to use for some reason. MJ will also give you a whole lot of other readouts.

- 2 more orbit markers. Periapsis and Apoapsis are already in, but what about the 2 points between them?

What do you need them for?

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  Noticeably FAT said:
Having tried both, I think MechJeb's maneuver node editor is better than the improved maneuver node. They are extremely similar, I just found MJ easier to use for some reason.

Does MechJeb's maneuver node editor allow you to open a node with a keypress (like Improved Maneuver Nodes does with the "o" key)? Because I find that to be the most useful part of the mod. Although I do also like being able to change the Conics Mode on the fly.

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  Brotoro said:
Does MechJeb's maneuver node editor allow you to open a node with a keypress (like Improved Maneuver Nodes does with the "o" key? Because I find that to be The most useful part of the mod. Although I do also like being able to change the Conics Mode on the fly.

Not that I'm aware of, but that wasn't a feature of IMN I ever bothered to use. The features it adds are IMHO well worth not having that. You're not forced to type in the number each time (though you can certainly do that), you can also bump it up/down by a given value. I find it much easier to add 10m/s at a time instead of manually reentering numbers. Also, no more guessing at the time. I just place a node and have it snap to the apoapsis/periapsis. Couple that with the maneuver planner and setting up maneuvers is a snap. I just have it set up a Hohman transfer to wherever, then fine tune it to get the precise orbit I want.

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  Noticeably FAT said:

- 2 more orbit markers. Periapsis and Apoapsis are already in, but what about the 2 points between them?

What do you need them for?

It is possible to have an orbit that is off center (and not perfectly round). I can match my targets Periapsis and Apoapsis, but I can also be off center of my target orbit and that is bad when trying to get close enough to dock. And when docking, you have to be dead on with your orbit or you will fail every time. So, I figure you need at least 4 points, Periapsis, Apoapsis, and the 2 points that they intersect at to center your orbit and get that perfectly round orbit.

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um, any three points would give you the same orbit as the target, so, what you really want is your PE, AP, and "Inclination", which is your DN or AN node.

match PE, AP and Inclination, and you will be as 'on target' as you are going to get.

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Yes you can do it with 3 (I think it would be harder to do it with 3), but I think you mean Eccentricity: A scalar describing how non-circular an orbit is.

Inclination is the tilt of an orbit: The angle between an orbital plane relative to a reference plane (e.g. an orbit with 90° inclination to an equatorial reference plane would be called polar). Low Kerbin Orbit.

You could get really close using Eccentricity, but even with Eccentricity, might still be off center. - You can have a perfect Eccentricity, but your Periapsis and Apoapsis will move a little (left or right depending on the orbit) after every orbit and with your very big orbits, that can be a very big problem.

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Well there's actually one missing in your guys lists. With AP, PE, (Which define eccentricity) and Inclination you can still have the orbits rotated from one another so you also need the value of Longitude of the Ascending Node. (I think that's what it's called) Anyway the standard game shows relative ascending and descending nodes once you pick a target that you are trying to rendezvous with. I am not sure what you mean by "not perfectly round"? An orbit is only perfectly round if AP = PE and unless your target has that orbit you will still be off the target. You want to match AP, PE, and zero relative inclination (ascending and descending nodes = 0.0 deg). I would also highly recommend watching Scott Manley's guide to docking on YouTube. It has helped me a ton with understanding how to get good consistent rendezvous. Finally as mentioned there are natural errors in the game so no two orbits will ever be exactly the same, they just need to be close enough to allow docking.

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  ShroomOfDoom said:
IIRC, there was an editor mod that modified the VAB height,but it seems the thread was lost in the great purge. Perhaps someone has that mod still lying around somewhere and could send it to you. There is also the possibility that the mod in question can be found on Spaceport,but i do not remember what it was called exactly.

[ Download v0.1.1 ]

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After drawing it out, Your right, if PE and AP are the same then the object your orbiting has to be in the center of your orbit from a 2D perspective. That is to say that the object is center to the plain or Inclination of your obit.

But, what about an oval orbit?

Also, what about the latitude and longitude of the center of your orbit? Better off would be the latitude and longitude of PE and AP.

The point of wanting more orbit info is to make orbiting easier to match up to a target, even if the target is not in a perfect orbit. (without using a cheat-ish type tool)

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