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Landing Rovers

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I've actually did that to the Caterpillar, since the truss frame raised the whole assembly and there's no way to reach the connecting point of the pod.

As for the coolness-symmetry ratio, a balance between them is necessary, since you can have the coolest rover you can build, only to find out that you can't put it in orbit in any ways possible.

Yeah, I've done it as well, but some rovers have no space for that sometimes. Anyway, I guess I'll just make do.

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I love rovers and using remote tech its a match made in heaven, i normaly have a fixed lander then drop the rover like 1m nice and softly but i Think the hardest thing i have actually done in Kerbal was using a sky-crane to lower my Rover to Mun (Used Mun for a test platform) SOOOO many fails hehe

On the way down


Started to lower the Rover


Managed to unhook the rover before the lander went haywire


Dangling things on the end of a cable gives massive problems for keeping your Sky crane stable, i think it could be how i am doing it though?.

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I doubt anybody will care since 0.20 was just realized, but I managed to land my big rover.

I finally chose the Rover above the landing stage, a-la Lunokhod. option, although it's technically part of the rover as it is know.

And thanks to the Poddle engine I ended up with a surprisingly large amount of DeltaV.



The only problem is that I've obviously got stuck in it when I decoupled.


After a while it finally broke without damaging my rover


So now I can drive around in a NEW seat-less 0.19.1 rover


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