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Hello, fellow kerbonauts!

After a simple misunderstanding of the word "spaceship", the scientists frowned and began the project. Shortly after, "The Spaceboat" came out. After a series of failed tests the KSC agreed it was absolutely impossible to make the boat able to fly, and then sustain a balanced flight. After another test, it also appeared it could not be used to cross the oceans, as the ship would flip over in the water, due to a tragic balance issue. However, they also agreed the boat looks completely epic, and the boat will serve as the new face of KSC, and hopefully attract the required private investors or governmental funding to fund future space missions.



"Sometimes one should just accept weird things exist" -Jebediah


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Edited by Wonderboy24
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You know, if you take this down to the water it might actually work. :P

I did actually drive it down there. It instantly flips over because the center of mass is to high. That's also the reason it can't fly. Maybe if you remove the pole in the middle, but that removes the entire spaceboat aesthaetic.

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I did actually drive it down there. It instantly flips over because the center of mass is to high. That's also the reason it can't fly. Maybe if you remove the pole in the middle, but that removes the entire spaceboat aesthaetic.

Add some ballast ye scurvy dog! We'll never be able to raid those landlubbers over at the second runway with an upside down boat!

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Thanks for the help guys, it's actually capable of 'sailing' across the oceans now (with jet engines :P). Yarr, let's do some pillagin'!

Making upgrades to the ship is really hard, as its max speed over land is like 15 m/s, so it takes somewhat like 15 minutes to drive it to the water. But seriously, it floats! I am so happy right now.

Edited by Wonderboy24
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