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Everything posted by Catullus

  1. If it helps to add a data point, I recently experienced this problem and I can pinpoint exactly what I changed to make it happen. It was all working fine, until I installed Filter Extensions. After that, X and C stopped working. Installed both mods from CKAN. Interestingly, uninstalling FIlter Extensions didn't help. The reset keys button fixed it though. Editor Extensions version:, Filter extensions (plugin) version - 3.2.7
  2. The settings.cfg created with a plain vanilla install from zip has a version of 1.5.0, not 1.6.0. Is there somewhere better to report this bug?
  3. That's fantastic, but why no satellite category?
  4. I love this mod, it's rapidly becoming one of my most-used, especially for landers (landing gear on L shaped tube assembly = stability). Keep up the good work!
  5. I have a soft spot for Kethane after all the fun it gave me back in the day. Thanks for keeping it updated, taniwha.
  6. Yeah, about that... https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/55vozd/theres_no_easy_way_to_say_this/
  7. Come on, it's been out almost an hour! What are you doing over there! (only joking, love these parts. Take your time
  8. Looks good to me. The weather mod sounds interesting but I haven't got any free time at the moment, unfortunately. If that changes I'll drop you a line.
  9. I've been programming since the C64 days, but no, haven't written any mods. These days I write more for embedded systems and random Python scripts to make life easier.
  10. You're a legend As a programmer myself I know how complicated "simple solutions" usually end up being, so just keep doing what works for you.
  11. A simple solution may be to have an "All contracts" type that applies unless the individual types have changed from the default.
  12. Is there a way to apply criteria to all contract types? For instance, I'd like to filter out anything with a reward less than 50,000 funds, but I don't see a way to do that other than editing each type individually.
  13. In other words, drive your car at the speed limit off the edge of the Grand Canyon. Float gently across to the other side.
  14. Is there a way to disable the App Launcher button? I'd prefer to just have the icon on Blizzy's toolbar.
  15. Ah, gotcha, the dependencies thing makes sense. I was thrown by Karbonite+ showing up even though its dependencies weren't there.
  16. Many of those 85 aren't actually compatible though, and it's missing some of the few that are compatible (most of RoverDude's stuff, for instance).
  17. Is there an updated download for this? The dropbox link is giving me a 404.
  18. Exactly the same symptoms here, with lots of mods. Installed through CKAN if that makes a difference. Mod list: http://pastebin.com/282Ge0nM https://www.dropbox.com/s/xsrkz2q7vtbpxa7/output_log.txt
  19. This is brilliant, especially with the survey contracts and their "at the surface" points. I resorted to using a suborbital craft and parachutes to get the last waypoint after my aircraft had picked up the rest. In the words of the song... O say KAN you C? That would make it perfect
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