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Everything posted by Catullus

  1. Do you realise that apart from HarvestR, you've probably shaped the Kerbal universe more than anyone else?
  2. You might be able to convert waste using one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_gasification
  3. Are you kidding? They are AMAZING. I use them for the structure of all of my rovers and bases, they're incredibly handy. I'd be lost without them. Edit: Actually I was talking about the girders, but the radial mount adapters are handy too.
  4. Extraplanetary Launchpads uses the Kethane plugin for its mining.
  5. This is exactly what I came to ask, but I'd like to see a remote console output as well. Complete remote control, just like NASA uses - upload a program, command the probe to run it, download the results.
  6. How much science did you get on the wedding night, and was the mystery goo well received?
  7. I picked 0.18 over 0.17 because with docking, the planets became much more accessible.
  8. After being harshly critical of the science stuff before it was released, and being absolutely addicted to it afterwards, I'm going to trust the devs to do it right with the observatory. No more speculation from me, I'll take what I'm given. They obviously know better than I do!
  9. Try making a hard link from hilo.dat to Hilo.dat.
  10. I think a full grey fuel tank and a 3 kerbal pod should be within the limits, and at the moment four LT-2s can't hold that up.
  11. Setting suspensionSpring = 10 worked well for me.
  12. You can do temperature scans in low orbit around bodies.
  13. I'd like a probe-sized science bay for sure. Hard to make a science rover using the baby wheels and the 1.25 m science bay.
  14. I'm wondering if mystery goo is the waste product of the Kerbal to Kethane converter.
  15. That would be NACA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Advisory_Committee_for_Aeronautics
  16. This solves the problem: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25563-0-20-KAS-v0-3-1-Kerbal-Attachment-System?p=541926&viewfull=1#post541926
  17. Procedural Fairings. Don't go aerobraking without them!
  18. I'm loving the new version, the engines are a thing of beauty. One minor request though - any chance of "pancake" tanks like KW Rocketry has? Ones that are half the height of the current shortest ones. They're very convenient as engine mounts.
  19. And those people should sit back and think about their sense of entitlement for a while. To address the OP's point, I've always assumed that every new release will break saves, which is why I keep playing the old one too. As long as the craft files are portable I don't really mind. If they're not... well, it gives me a chance to get it right! This, btw, is why I don't think career mode is such a good idea until KSP is a bit further along in the dev cycle. If I was playing career mode and my save was borked, I might get a bit miffed.
  20. I love the spherical tanks. I made this out of the kethane one: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1humnd/may_i_present_the_kethanophage/
  21. Ah, that makes sense. I was trying to wedge it in between fairings.
  22. How exactly are you supposed to use the explosive bolt? I never had any luck figuring it out, but it looks like a helpful part.
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