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Getting Banned for Stupid Resons


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  drakesdoom said:
In high school I researched a paper on a German SS unit that had no part in atrocities just to point out that it is past time to drop all the propaganda and understand most Germans had no idea what was really happening. It didn't go over very well.

try stating the truth, which is that the Nazis were socialists and real chummy with the USSR for over a decade and you'll get much more than "didn't go over very well"...

Apparently the Molotov-von Ribentrop pact now never happened, the German army between 1932 and 1939 did not receive clandestine training in the USSR, there were no oil and grain shipments from the USSR to Germany during that period at well below market prices, etc. etc.

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  dr_jt said:
I was banned from Avsim a flight simulation forum because I got sick of the FSX fans trashing the MS Flight fans and said that if they didn't like the MS Flight sim and didn't play it then they should stop whining about how much they disliked it and stick to their own FSX forum. Even got a real nasty email from Tom the owner. The nastiness of the email put Tom very much into the complete a-hole category from my perspective as nothing I said was insulting to the FSX people. One does not insult the king's fanboys I guess.

uh, what? FSX IS MS Flightsim, it's just a different version...

But understandable, I got banned there (and I was a mod at the time, go figure) for taking a tough stance against addon piracy, which was well in accordance with their forum rules but apparently some other mod didn't like me stating the obvious which is that a lot of the piracy was coming out of certain geographic areas, apparently saying so was racist.

That happened not too long after I'd met Tom in person btw, when he was on a business trip close to where I live. He's a pretty decent guy, but can get harsh and uncompromising when defending the decisions of his team (whether correct or not, he stands by them).

Edited by jwenting
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  • 4 weeks later...
  swiftgates24 said:
I got banned from a Minecraft server for asking if the server was 24/7. An admin asked why it mattered, and I responded I just wanted to know. I was banned because I didn't give a good enough reason.

Must be a pre-teen child (or a basement dweller) running that server...

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I got banned from a G-mod server once.

it was some kind of "storm chaser" thing or whatever (i was hanging out with one of my steam friends). and so the tornado picked up the car i was in and it landed on an admin. they banned me for random killing...

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  rewdew2 said:
I got banned from a G-mod server once.

it was some kind of "storm chaser" thing or whatever (i was hanging out with one of my steam friends). and so the tornado picked up the car i was in and it landed on an admin. they banned me for random killing...

thats because the server logs would say "sonso killed by physics prop [owner: rewdew2]"

so they probably thought you physguned them.

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Ages ago me and my Friend built this great base on a minecraft server, it was a proper bunker and it took us ages to build, it had a design i came up with -1 layer of Obsidian, a layer of Lava then one more of Obsidian, and it had this trap at the entrance where people could fall into a square room with same layering on the walls (if you didnt have a diamond pick you where trapped and if you did and you dug up you'd be killed by Lava).

Anyway one day i was on doing something in the base and i heard the piston triggering the trap i went over and ended up having a debate with the admin (who had fell in the trap) over the chat, he insisted i let him out we had plenty of suttle warnings to turn back on the way in (and by suttle i mean attempts on said persons life) - i maintain the defense that he was trying to get into my base and suddenly im banned, the next day my mate went on and the admin was using our base as his own then he banned my friend - i have not played minecraft since the abuse of Admin power is ridiculous on some servers.

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  Dyflinn432 said:
Ages ago me and my Friend built this great base on a minecraft server, it was a proper bunker and it took us ages to build, it had a design i came up with -1 layer of Obsidian, a layer of Lava then one more of Obsidian, and it had this trap at the entrance where people could fall into a square room with same layering on the walls (if you didnt have a diamond pick you where trapped and if you did and you dug up you'd be killed by Lava).

Anyway one day i was on doing something in the base and i heard the piston triggering the trap i went over and ended up having a debate with the admin (who had fell in the trap) over the chat, he insisted i let him out we had plenty of suttle warnings to turn back on the way in (and by suttle i mean attempts on said persons life) - i maintain the defense that he was trying to get into my base and suddenly im banned, the next day my mate went on and the admin was using our base as his own then he banned my friend - i have not played minecraft since the abuse of Admin power is ridiculous on some servers.

AND that is why you dont' play on servers owned by a single person. go for the really big clans, with good reviews, corruption is less common, and more controlled when there are other admins they have to report to.

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  Festivefire said:
AND that is why you dont' play on servers owned by a single person. go for the really big clans, with good reviews, corruption is less common, and more controlled when there are other admins they have to report to.

Like Kill-Streak Gaming. You won't find a better community.

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I was playing Left 4 Dead 2 versus mode, when a guy on our team rage quit after the first round because we were losing by a couple of points. Of course before he quits he cusses out everyone on the team, claiming we're all noobs who should learn how to play the game properly - standard stuff. We all agreed as a team that he was in fact the noob who was too slow and not keeping up with us, and carried on playing.

Later that evening, I happen to come across him again. The second I join the server he starts cussing me out again, and somehow convinces the server admin that I'm a complete noob who can't play the game. Even though at this point in time I have killed the most special infected on my team and we are extremely closely matched with the other team. So, despite being the best player on the team I suddenly get booted out of the game and receive a message from the server admin telling me I've been blacklisted from his server. So for whatever reason the server admin believed some random guy who was swearing and shouting instead of the guy who was keeping quiet and playing the game properly.

I got the last laugh though, I messaged the server admin back explaining. I told him that the guy saying I was a terrible player was some butthurt noob who happened to loathe me because I just happened to be on a team with him when he threw his toys out of the pram and rage quit. I heard nothing for a little while, but about half an hour later I had a reply from the admin who said that after I was kicked, the team started losing horribly. And just like the earlier game, the noob had decided to blame it on his team before rage quitting. My server ban was removed, the admin apologised and asked if I wanted to join his game... I accepted and we kicked ass ;)

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One day on a Minecraft server I was exploring and found this huge house made of diamond. There was a sign on it it that had te owner of the house's name on it. I rember that guy was a hacker and was banned recently, so I contacted the admin. He told me I could keep the diamonds. It was about over 6 stacks of DIAMOND BLOCKS!

Later, another admin saw me with all the diamonds and banned me. I was unbanned because the first admin told the second I was okay.

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  sporkafife said:
I was playing Left 4 Dead 2 versus mode, when a guy on our team rage quit after the first round because we were losing by a couple of points. Of course before he quits he cusses out everyone on the team, claiming we're all noobs who should learn how to play the game properly - standard stuff. We all agreed as a team that he was in fact the noob who was too slow and not keeping up with us, and carried on playing.

Later that evening, I happen to come across him again. The second I join the server he starts cussing me out again, and somehow convinces the server admin that I'm a complete noob who can't play the game. Even though at this point in time I have killed the most special infected on my team and we are extremely closely matched with the other team. So, despite being the best player on the team I suddenly get booted out of the game and receive a message from the server admin telling me I've been blacklisted from his server. So for whatever reason the server admin believed some random guy who was swearing and shouting instead of the guy who was keeping quiet and playing the game properly.

I got the last laugh though, I messaged the server admin back explaining. I told him that the guy saying I was a terrible player was some butthurt noob who happened to loathe me because I just happened to be on a team with him when he threw his toys out of the pram and rage quit. I heard nothing for a little while, but about half an hour later I had a reply from the admin who said that after I was kicked, the team started losing horribly. And just like the earlier game, the noob had decided to blame it on his team before rage quitting. My server ban was removed, the admin apologised and asked if I wanted to join his game... I accepted and we kicked ass ;)

That seems awesome actually :P

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I got banned of a bf3 server for killing all the owner and his "high protecting admins" I also got kicked from a server for being bad with a new gun I just unlocked the owner said if I can prove I'm good I can re join I rejoined my team had zero conquest points and were loosing badly I get out "Sheila" my aug and won the game for my team I was then banned for "hacking"

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