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[0.23.5] Hollow Structures & Hulls (Updated: 2014-04-09)


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A decoupler or just a spacer?

First off, thanks for all this work and support. I'm loving building hollow ships.

I usually use separators but decouplers would be fine.

Also, I am trying to use a hull plug as a floor, and then continue the ship below that. The problem is that once the plug is attached, nothing further can be attached to it. Also note that depending on the way a plug is rotated it may or may not protrude from the part it is attached to.

Also... the hull plugs may be even more versatile if they had a hatchway in their centers.

Also... some of your surfaces are a bit dodgy as far as attaching stuff flush against them. It's not a huge deal as I can often manually rotate parts into place.


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Here is my space hotel showing the location of several of my "2m Crew Caps" in the 2nd picture. I mentioned before that once I entered any of these I couldn't leave them. You can see their configuration here if you want to look into it.

Thank you for making this ship possible. It's really fun jet packing through it. My hotel guests love it.

P.S. Installing new version of HSH. :)

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I'm glad you're enjoying the mod. Hope you don't mind if I add a few of your pictures into the thread. I need to figure out how to insert an entire imgr album.

Funny you mention the plugs, they are already fixed. Also check out the bulkhead doors. What size spacer were you thinking?

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I'm glad you're enjoying the mod. Hope you don't mind if I add a few of your pictures into the thread. I need to figure out how to insert an entire imgr album.

Funny you mention the plugs, they are already fixed. Also check out the bulkhead doors. What size spacer were you thinking?

No problem using my pictures. I'll post more. I will be building several vehicles, stations and bases heavily featuring this mod.

I don't know much about imgur. I don't even have an account.

I just installed the latest version of your mod so I'll look at those bulkhead doors.

As far as this "spacer" goes, I'm not sure what you mean. I mentioned decouplers and/or separators. As I'm sure you know, these are the things you use to separate stages from each other once you're done with them. It would be convenient to have a 2m and a 4m one that fit on the ends of your parts.

Hammerhead = awesome.

I think you might agree that the rooms on the crew deck are just too small, even for Kerbals.


If you do agree, I believe an improvement would be to move the corridor all the way to one side and have rooms only on the other side. Then you could add glass to the non-room side of the corridor. Hopefully, the part would remain balanced mass-wise on all axes.

Another possible solution would be to scale the part up to 4 meters with appropriate tweaks. It might even then be able to service rooms on all 4 sides of a central corridor.

Just trying to be helpful. :D

My dog's breakfast of a launch system, but I got it up in one piece.


Full view of craft with a guest ascent capsule docked on the bottom where the lifter stage once was.


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Well, the 4m hull plug works much better now. But there's still a bit of a problem.

If I mount it flush "inside" the 1st part, then the second part also wants to connect flush to the hull plug, which means both parts on either side of the hull plug overlap. The bottom of the 1st part physically occupies the same space as the top of the 2nd part.

However, this does not cause any performance issues that I'm aware of since I've launched a test rocket with this situation built into it and encountered no problems. The rocket is simply a bit shorter than it "should" be.

Alternatively, if I mount the plug just "outside" of a part, the second piece will also only attach "outside" the plug. The result is two pieces separated by a plug that is "virtually" hovering between them.

I haven't tested this configuration as it is just plain ugly and appears structurally unsound.

Maybe if the plug was a bit bigger, extending to the outside walls of the connecting part, like your docking ports and doors, there wouldn't be a problem.

I hope this helps.

I will continue building and reporting stuff.

Cheers :D

P.S. I have not tested the 2m plug

Also, my new concept in seating arrangements for launch. One must give one's guests the most memorable experience possible. :cool:




Yes, that's the runway down there.

We're going to have a special talk with Paul Simon if he wants a ride. :rolleyes:

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does the mod come with bucket and mop for post blast off clean up of the glass????

We find that the following week's launch cleans up the mess nicely. At least what's left of it.

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We find that the following week's launch cleans up the mess nicely. At least what's left of it.

If Kerbals take their kats to space, just sprinkle Baco's on the mess. The Kats will take care of it quickly...

But then, frigging kat hairballs floating around.....

na, bad idea....

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I wish i could provide some textures...but i am so non-talented...These are awesome, they simple deserve a beautiful kerbalike texture :o gotta reinstall it, my part Count should thank me :D

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I see what you mean about the plugs. I usually put fuel tanks and such internally so that was the original thought. I'll double up the nodes and see if that fixes things. I intentionally wanted to have something which could be mounted flush.

I think I'll make a .5m spacer and a 1m spacer for now. Shouldn't be a problem. Also I have an extremely basic IVA for the Vulture now. Keep letting me know about small fixes. I'll get what I can, but then I'm off on vacation for a while. ( I'll upload that stuff tonight, and then that's probably it )

My textures suck, but man you should have seen the original stuff I put out. I cringe at the memory.

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Lol :D

Good work, ill put it on my HDD this evening :D Maybe we can Lure a texture dude to finish the design up (with your permission ofc...) CBBP for example, due to the fact your addon frees up computing ressources (part Count down :D) there could be some detailed texturing up it, ...if hes willing to do it. :o

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Yeah, I'm actually using all .png files (which increase load time) with the hope of tricking someone into learning how to texture. I just have very little patience for it. Every time I mess with it I think up a new part that I'd rather make. Cfg files fall into this same category. I really need to go through those as well.

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As long as we're talking aesthetics, would it be possible, and easy, to have a little .ini file where the "trim" color could be changed from BLUE to, say, orange by setting a variable, say COLOR = FF0480, or whatever? Or must this be hard coded?

P.S. Enjoy your wedding and honeymoon man. I'll have a few more ships for you to look at when you return.

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That is beyond my immediate capabilities. The textures are .png files so they're easily modified. Just replace the blue w/ the color you want. Unfortunately you'd need to copy that file into multiple folders, but almost everything uses the same few textures.

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That is beyond my immediate capabilities. The textures are .png files so they're easily modified. Just replace the blue w/ the color you want. Unfortunately you'd need to copy that file into multiple folders, but almost everything uses the same few textures.

Thanks, I might just try that. But first I have a few ships to build.

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Update released.

-Vulture CP now has a very basic IVA.

-4m Wing section added.

Plugs still only have two nodes (oops) & no spacers yet (double oops). I got excited making the wing section yesterday evening and forgot about these. I may make a few .cfg edits or forum posts, but as of now consider me out for the next few weeks.


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I tried your mod...it killed almost my CPU :D

Well, thats not the fault of your mod, but ive got a decent package of em and your huge parts burned almost my cpu :D (i have a i7 with 4+4 x2,0-2,9 GHz...one core is not really good without his companions :o).

Dont have a solution to get it work without wipe-ing half my other mods *scratches head*

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I tried your mod...it killed almost my CPU :D

Well, thats not the fault of your mod, but ive got a decent package of em and your huge parts burned almost my cpu :D (i have a i7 with 4+4 x2,0-2,9 GHz...one core is not really good without his companions :o).

Dont have a solution to get it work without wipe-ing half my other mods *scratches head*

Are the load times the issue or are you having trouble in game? My old 2008 build handles these with no lag, but I also don't have very many other mods installed.

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I haven't had any problems with lag and I have a 1.5 MHz machine. (4 processors but that doesn't help :()

Here's my new space limousine to ferry guests to my space hotel.

Don't worry if it gets cold. We have space heaters.



Here is one of our guests moving from a command pod to an observation pod while on the launchpad.


I told them the observation pods were made of transparent aluminum. (They're not.)


If you're travelling into space, you might as well have a good view.


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