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mechjeb 2 issue

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Hey all, is anyone else having some trouble with mechjeb2 and launching to rendevous? Mechjeb 1=8.whatever.whatever did a great job of getting within 1-3km. For some reason after installing mechjeb 2 it only gets me in the same orbit. (yes I am launching to rendevous, not orbit plane)

Also occasionally it skips right past T-0 and does it quite a few times in a row!

I am not sure how to fix it...

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Same here... I've gone back to MJ1 for now.

I even launched with both versions on the same craft and it still worked. Used the MJ1.9.8 for launch to rendezvous and then used MJ2.0.7 for the rest of the flight and it still worked fine.

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Sorry guys, looks like you might have to learn how to actually play the game...

In order to rendevous with a ship in the same orbit as you make your orbit lower in order to speed up and catch your target or make your orbit higher in order to slow down and let it catch up to you. Then just time accelerate for a few orbits until you are close. You can easily use the maneuver node system to plan rendevous with even more precision. It's not hard. You might even learn a thing or two by playing the game without mechjeb.

I suggest getting rid of the training wheels and playing the game manually. It can be difficult at first but soon you will be rendezvousing and docking like a pro. You will laugh at how much fuel mechjeb wastes on its ascents and how much RCS fuel it wastes when docking.

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