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LV-N stack decoupler problems.


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I'm having some issues using LV-Ns with stack decouplers. Namely that when the engine activates, the side panels blow off explosively and destroy any other part of the ship near the engine.

Is there any decent workaround for this? I really need to use a stack decoupler for my LV-N core, and unfortunately there's really no way for me to accomplish this without it being surrounded on all sides by more engines and fuel tanks.

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You could attach your payload to the booster rocket "upside down" so that the nuke engines are pointing up at launch. Then at payload release spin the spacecraft around before firing up their engines.

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I've taken to putting a set of armour plates in between whatever you're trying to protect and the LV-N. For example,


The shroud does get stuck there, but it protects the solar panels perfectly, and all you have to do to remove the stuck fairing is despawn the model (go to the tracking station or go to a ship more than 2.2 miles away).

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