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[0.90] LazTek SpaceX Launch, Exploration, Colonial Transporter & Historic mods (1/25/14)


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  DarthVader said:

so much lagggg

and what is the strut connector medium? i cant load any ships

i seem to be missing it, maybe i deleted it

your spaceport link is broken.

Edit:another thing, can you use something other than mechjeb for guidance, you really don't need it unless you are OCD about your circular orbits.you could use a giant powerful ASAS instead for control.

Edit:why do you need MJ for your interstage fairings,all they do is separate stages,not move back and forth like your payload shrouds.

Edit: this mods 22 parts have added an entire 30 seconds to my load time.


other than these things,excellent mod, i was looking for something more than KerbX, not that that mod is bad or anything.

excellent first release, the parts look great.

I've added optional ASUS parts to the updates.

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Ships actually load now but laggg(my computers problem) prevents me from launching them.

Nice pack, the parts look good

I'll try again with a faster computer when I have time

How's the KSPSP upload?

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  Nibb31 said:
Three major issues:

1) It's way too big for the common scale of parts in KSP. I suggest editing all cfg files to add rescaleFactor = 1. The Falcon isn't a really fat rocket, so a 2.5m diameter in KSP is ok. It also fits better with cBBp's Dragon that way too.

2) I was unable to attach the heat-shield/landing legs of the Falcon 9 upper stage. I can't see any attach nodes in the VAB.

3) The file sizes are really excessive. Your whole mod is 900Mb uncompressed, so it simply won't run if people have other mods.

Most other designers keep their part sizes below 1 or 2Mb for the most detailed parts. If it's because of the textures, there really is no need for such an excessive resolution. 40Mb of textures for a single engine is crazy. Nobody is going to be flying with their camera zoomed in on the Falcon 9 logo or an engine bell (which is all plain black anyway). You should never really need more than 256x256 textures, except maybe for the larger parts.

The models are very nice though. I'm eagerly awaiting for an updated version.

Also, in the SpaceX video that showed upper stage reentry, the heatshield was on top in order to preserve the engine bell and the stage rotated for landing. I'm guessing you didn't do this for mass reasons. My suggestion would be to use your MechJeb pod as a heatshield, change the texture from yellow to a black heatshield, and make it the same weight as the engine. This should allow MechJeb to keep it prograde for reentry and retrograde for landing.

The new 2.5m version should fix the problems you've mentioned. The artist's concept that SpaceX has on their website does indeed have the upper stage reentering the atmosphere "headfirst", which would occur after ejecting the secondary payload system, I would have to guess - the animation doesn't show that actual transition. The system I've designed allows for more complete reusability, even though it is likely way off the mark of what SpaceX will actually have on their future ships. I'll update these packs as SpaceX unveils the real things. You can fly the stages in headfirst if you prefer, of course - KSP doesn't care. ^_^ I might make a future version that ejects the SPS and the first stage fairing, exposing PICA-X heatshields underneath on the rounded tops of the tanks.

Edited by LazarusLuan
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  Blaylock1988 said:
Both links are the same Zip with the large stuff, I only want the 2.5m pack

I'm having the same problem. It's a shame because the game won't run with the high res pack on my computer.

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  LazarusLuan said:

Please try the new version I just loaded to http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazTekSpaceXLaunchPackSmall_1.0.zip and see if this works better for you.

Avgutally I did, and reinstalled it, again, tried again, went diretly to the VAB and works fine.. Tried to launch.. *Crash*..

And it doesn't even give me an error log to see if I could trouble shoot it..


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  LazarusLuan said:
The new 2.5m version should fix the problems you've mentioned. The artist's concept that SpaceX has on their website does indeed have the upper stage reentering the atmosphere "headfirst", which would occur after ejecting the secondary payload system, I would have to guess - the animation doesn't show that actual transition. The system I've designed allows for more complete reusability, even though it is likely way off the mark of what SpaceX will actually have on their future ships. I'll update these packs as SpaceX unveils the real things. You can fly the stages in headfirst if you prefer, of course - KSP doesn't care. ^_^ I might make a future version that ejects the SPS and the first stage fairing, exposing Pico-X heatshields underneath on the rounded tops of the tanks.

My comment really has nothing to do with this quote, I just wanted to speak directly to Lazarus, and to you I say WELL DONE!!!

I was skeptical of this at first, but WOW you have done well. You even got the Grasshopper systems in well. I nearly landed the 2 stage, but I'm an admittedly bad pilot so thus why my first attempt ended up splashing into the ocean... But still. WOW

One more thing... What is this "Connector Medium"?

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  tjmick1992 said:
My comment really has nothing to do with this quote, I just wanted to speak directly to Lazarus, and to you I say WELL DONE!!!

I was skeptical of this at first, but WOW you have done well. You even got the Grasshopper systems in well. I nearly landed the 2 stage, but I'm an admittedly bad pilot so thus why my first attempt ended up splashing into the ocean... But still. WOW

One more thing... What is this "Connector Medium"?

Thanks - I'm still refining as I go... the latest version of the craft files fix the strut connector medium issue. The new 2.5m version of the mod kit is at http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazT...kSmall_1.0.zip.

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This is a very promising pack, but the latest "Small" package is only resized. The mbm files in it, which I believe contain the textures, are still 12 or 16 Mb each. This means that most parts take up 28 to 59MB of memory. These textures go into the graphics card RAM, which is often limited to 512MB unless you have a high-end graphics card, which means that there is only room for maybe 10 parts.

Lazarus, can you please make another package with smaller textures? I don't know what texture size you are using, but you shouldn't really need more than 256x256 for the most detailed parts (the ones with the decals on the side). Small technical parts like the engines or landing legs will look fine even with just 64x64 textures.

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  Nibb31 said:
This is a very promising pack, but the latest "Small" package is only resized. The mbm files in it, which I believe contain the textures, are still 12 or 16 Mb each. This means that most parts take up 28 to 59MB of memory. These textures go into the graphics card RAM, which is often limited to 512MB unless you have a high-end graphics card, which means that there is only room for maybe 10 parts.

Lazarus, can you please make another package with smaller textures? I don't know what texture size you are using, but you shouldn't really need more than 256x256 for the most detailed parts (the ones with the decals on the side). Small technical parts like the engines or landing legs will look fine even with just 64x64 textures.

The Small pack actually does use lower textures on the main tanks, dropping from 65MB to 12MB each in size and cutting the number of textures used on them by 50%. This brings the total percentage drop in texture images needed by the Falcon 9 by almost 50% and the Falcon Heavy by over 66%, which all but eliminated the extra load time for me. I don't have any lag with the small pack on the computers I've been using for testing (i7 PC, i5 PC, Dual Core MacBook Pro), but I can make a third version of the pack with lower textures all around if enough people have issues with it.

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Yes, I'm still getting crashes with the Small parts pack as soon as I go to the launchpad.

Most of your part sizes are still around 28MB, with some of them being 59MB, which seems a bit excessive. If you look at parts from BobCat or cBBp, most of their parts never exceed 2 or 3MB. Only some very detailed parts ever exceed 10MB.

The F9 upper stage is basically just plain white with a couple of rivets, yet it still uses up 28MB. I'm pretty sure a 64x64 pixel texture would be enough. Your engines have basically just a black and grey texture, yet they are 42MB. I'm guessing that you might have a graphics card that has more VRAM than mine (mine is only 512MB) or maybe you don't have as many mod parts as I do.

I'd really love to get this pack working because it would replace Bobcat's Proton as the main workhorse for my space program.

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The parts look great in the VAB, but I can't actually use them. Memory allocation crashes every time, and I've got fairly decent specs. I'm sure this pack would work well enough if it was my only addon, but that is far from the case.

I eagerly await a version with drastically resized textures. =)

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Is this the same mod author as the one on the Kerbal Spaceport? (Spaceport is currently down for maintenance so I can't check) It's just that i've seen multiple copies of SpaceX craft and I don't want any parts to interfere with the ones I already have.

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Lazarus, thanks for listening to suggestions :) If you are redoing this, can you also fix the attachment nodes for the Upper stage landing gear? It doesn't attach properly because the attachment node is not defined.

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  KhaosCorp said:
im a bit lost..these for 0.20 (as in 0.20 file structure and all...not legacy fix)

These were released a couple of days before 0.20, so they install like legacy plugins for the moment.

  Mekan1k said:
The Download links are not finished.

The correct link is here:


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  lyndonguitar said:
What's better this or the KerbX mod? also what Dragon spacecraft mod should I use? any opinions?
They're all different. Your choice.

This mod is the reusable Falcon 9v1.1 and Falcon Heavy, the KerbX is the unmanned Dragon used for the CRS + Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launchers. The Dragon Rider mod is the manned version of the Dragon capsule. They're all completely different and in some cases, not compatible with each other.

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