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Modelling requests and tutorials

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You REALLY did research well, didnt you ? :)

Well he did say

As long as it's a realistic part and you supply lots of research material (3 views are the best) I'll obviously have a look at it.

Personally I'd love to do some parts for RemoteTech but it seems everything's covered over there.

So i dug up some stuff :P

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Heh, I know, thats why I put a :) there. Curious about the progress on NK-33...And, did I mention that there are several abandoned packs which could be updated to 0.20?For example the russian engines pack...

Also, Im not sure but I think this hasnt been updated either :


It works with 0.17, so it needs a thrusttransform game object in unity I think...

So, afaiu (as far as I understand), its easier then creating a model yourself, and texture it... well, atleast I hope so, LoL

But Im too stupid to do it myself...

EDIT:well, /most/ of it works, I think pics explain this best:





As you see, most of it works, but, as every .dae file, its kinda dark, and there are some weird glitches on the textures...oh,and you cant move 2-3 parts properly, probably cause of the same error...

All of this was achieved just by renaming the module = xyz to Part, so I hope its not gonna be difficult to update...that is, if youre gonna do it

Edited by dimovski
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It looks like *I* have spent 80 years on it, so... :)

EDIT:Just wanted to say that it looks awesome, and very detailed, which is why I would need a whole lifetime to create something like that...

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Ive looked at step one.. thats a problem.. im no where near a student.. im retired from the armed forces, so no free 3d program for me. But ive used a other program and made a basic model.


If i upload it could i get some help putting it ingame?

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Frandsen - there's nowhere near enough detail on that model.

for example in the photos, the docking port bit has internal bits that are visible from the outside;

They all need to be modelled for it to look good in game.

Where's all the piping as well?

The devil is in the detail, depending on your engine you need to be ridiculously detailed in your modelling.

when it comes to texturing it, you have to imagine texturing as painting the geometry.

Yes they may give the illusion of depth but without the geometry, your texture will look flat.

and remember to keep your Triangle count (Tricount) down as much as you can.


The NK-33 is on hold whilst I work on this basic tutorial.

I will be modelling the Mir Docking port as part of this tutorial as it is a rather good starting point IMHO.

Edited by bilsta1000
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Re my fumble-model:

I know, this is a basic shape to see if it works. Ive done a fair bit of modding for OFP/Arma series :)

I will add better details ect later on, atm im making a basic model for docking parts (so the user can attach what ports he/she might like)

Textures will be atted after UV mapping, tho i have to figure out what they layering is like in KSP :o

As for triangles.. it somehow happened during the conversion from p3d to 3ds.. (how i have no clue)

But it sounds awesome that your looking into it. My model/texture skills are very rusty allso the fact that i only know how to model in o2 is allso a bummer..


A APAS 69 ?? i have no clue (:blush: i dont even know what it is :o)

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Download the Salyut, theres no need for the 2 ports on the docking module, just the body, the docking modules are the androgynous docking system > APAS 69 > which is featured there

edit: realized the russkies placed a more modern apas there, but the looks are the same, really, also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgynous_Peripheral_Attach_System

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Ahh the docking port grab-o-stuff whats there name :D

Yes, i dont plan on making the brabby stuff, we got pleanty of those arround, my plan were to make the orange cokecan in the middle. That way it can be truely universial (allso if bilsta is making the propper one i cant rly compeat :P)

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Okay, but tell me, whats the point of it anyway?Is it some sort of airlock or?

It was designed to help simplify space shuttle dockings to Mir (NASA shuttle)

What i like abt it is that it would compleat the Mir look and allso be usefull once the NASA is done :)

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You and me both brother :)

I had a freind help me converting the model for some testing. He was using wings3d for it converting the 3ds to a dae model, and then cooked up a config loosly based on a default config.

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Yeah, Ive got trouble importing a .dae file, when I try opening it up I have to "check my application prefernces" or something like that, and the part as such never shows up...if I could fix this, it would be a piece of cake to add a thrusttransform and make the engines work...

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Oh, I see...well in the end I sort of managed to import a .obj and a .mtl file, Ive added thrusttransform to it...now I just have to figure out how to bring it BACK into the .obj format WITH the empty game object...

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