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Apollo Mission Pack Development (Beta version released!)

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Yeah, I've seen that mod. In fact, if you look in the comments section on the spaceport page for it, you can see my interaction with him, and see how much of a dick he was to me.

Now I found it and even the forums thread for that mod. You are right. Anyway as I remember a bunch of pages earlier there has been a discussion about "advertising" the mod. Has there been any further planning on that? I would definiately help in that in my way.

/And that picture is indeed awesome./

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Now I found it and even the forums thread for that mod. You are right. Anyway as I remember a bunch of pages earlier there has been a discussion about "advertising" the mod. Has there been any further planning on that? I would definiately help in that in my way.

/And that picture is indeed awesome./

Video is a good way to advertise. I mean really the best places to advertise it are here (in the addon forum, and even the spacecraft forum, since this qualifies as both), reddit(don't use it myself), imgur(I know a few people on there that use it), and if possible, Steam. I'm sure there are others, those are just the ones that immediately come to mind.

Oh and a little update for you guys. I've nearly finished modelling the Lunar Module, and I hope to work on the high poly for baking later this week.

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Awesome! I hope it fits inside a standard 3.75m fairing - I've had a hell of a time trying to find (or build) a proper-looking LEM that doesn't clip a standard fairing or result in a bulging procedural fairing. It's really the piece-de-resistance for me.

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Awesome! I hope it fits inside a standard 3.75m fairing - I've had a hell of a time trying to find (or build) a proper-looking LEM that doesn't clip a standard fairing or result in a bulging procedural fairing. It's really the piece-de-resistance for me.

With Procedural Fairings, hold the R key while moving your mouse sideways across the base plate to adjust the fairing width. You can often make them much narrower than the auto-generated size for a particular payload before you see anything clipping through.

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Thanks. I understand that, but the more important concern is an accurate LEM that would actually fit inside a 3.75m cylinder - as it did on the Saturn rocket.

I'm actually working on a functional-equivalent to the Apollo system and the LEM does (just barely) fit inside a 3.75m cylinder, even with a two-kerbal rover mounted on the side of the descent stage. I don't have a picture to show you right now (I'm at work), but it can be done.

If it can be done with historically-accurate scaling of an authentic-appearing LEM, that I don't know.

Anyway, I thought it worth mentioning because a lot of people don't seem to realize that the default Procedural Fairing shape isn't the tightest-possible fit. You can usually make them a good bit smaller than the default configuration.

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Thanks. I understand that, but the more important concern is an accurate LEM that would actually fit inside a 3.75m cylinder - as it did on the Saturn rocket.

It does fit if you use accurate dimensions. I just tried, and mine fits like a glove.

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In that case, I will check out the Beta on the first page. Currently I'm using an NP Thor lander and that works nicely but isn't very authentic. Let's see how this one does.

Well I meant the one that I'm designing. It's not in the pack yet, and probably won't be for quite a while.

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Fair enough - but the reason I said "cylinder" is for game purposes, specifically to mean something that does not hang out past that radius or clip the outer surfaces. I don't care how tall it is honestly, as the taper of a fairing is easily adjustable. I just don't want it to protrude - because if it does, the fairing must bulge to accommodate it.

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Has anybody tried to build a historicaly accurate launch tower to the rocket with stock parts? Try it! I had quite a few hours of fun working on it. This is a pretty good challenge.

I think the only way to do a launch tower properly is to also include a crawler with it. I've been petitioning a few modders to make modular crawlers but they don't seem very interested. Maybe it's something I'll work on in my spare time. I've already started making my own probe parts.

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I think the only way to do a launch tower properly is to also include a crawler with it. I've been petitioning a few modders to make modular crawlers but they don't seem very interested. Maybe it's something I'll work on in my spare time. I've already started making my own probe parts.

I was also looking for possible crawler mods but haven't found any. I was talking about doing it with stock parts only not modding one. Just had an idea and I thought I'd post it here. Well of course it requires some hundred parts do do one in the VAB but it's fun!

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I was also looking for possible crawler mods but haven't found any. I was talking about doing it with stock parts only not modding one. Just had an idea and I thought I'd post it here. Well of course it requires some hundred parts do do one in the VAB but it's fun!

That's up to you. Personally I don't think many mods work very well with the stock parts, especially the ones that mimic real world space programs.

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Hi everyone. I just wanted to apologize for not having updated the pack yet. My summer has not come together as planned, and I just do not have any free time. (A word of advice: trying to simultaneously get married, write a dissertation proposal, and work to make money to keep gas in the car, all while not having a place to live during that time and having to bounce around from place to place, is a bad idea. Don't try it.) I really have no idea when I'm going to have a chance to sit down and do anything with the fantastic models that Razorcane has given to me. I will try to make some time for it over the next few weeks, but honestly it may not happen until I get back to my house in October.

Just wanted to keep everyone updated, and let you know that I haven't completely disappeared, and that the project isn't abandoned. It's just going to be slow going for a while. But have no fear. It will keep going, and will be completed eventually. Thanks to everyone for your support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if it was mentioned before but if I reload a save or return to 'flight' from space center when the lander module is already on the surface of the Mun its wobbling around in one place because of the separate landing legs. It even blows up sometimes. Is it possible to modify the descent stage and the legs to be one part in the next release like the Lionhead MEM's?

Edit: I found a solution to the S2/S3 separation when accidentally S2 tank and S2/S3 adapter separated by setting the decoupler force of S1/S2 interstage adapter to 0. Seems like 30 was too much for some reason.

Edited by Reddragon
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I'm not sure if it was mentioned before but if I reload a save or return to 'flight' from space center when the lander module is already on the surface of the Mun its wobbling around in one place because of the separate landing legs. It even blows up sometimes. Is it possible to modify the descent stage and the legs to be one part in the next release like the Lionhead MEM's?

Edit: I found a solution to the S2/S3 separation when accidentally S2 tank and S2/S3 adapter separated by setting the decoupler force of S1/S2 interstage adapter to 0. Seems like 30 was too much for some reason.

Yes, I have noticed that behavior with the legs. I've actually been thinking I might merge a couple of sets of things that are currently separate parts, including the legs on the Lunar Module. I think that will solve a couple of problems, as well as reducing part count and looking better. It's going to take a lot of work to make it happen, so it will take a while, but I think that's the direction I want to head in.

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Yes, I have noticed that behavior with the legs. I've actually been thinking I might merge a couple of sets of things that are currently separate parts, including the legs on the Lunar Module. I think that will solve a couple of problems, as well as reducing part count and looking better. It's going to take a lot of work to make it happen, so it will take a while, but I think that's the direction I want to head in.

Well if the part count is lower that's never a problem I guess and it makes the rocket even more stable. If I may suggest you when you plan to modify the saturn parts or if Razorcane will someday the 2/3s interstage and stage 2 fuel tank could be one part too. But that's just an idea I really don't want to push it. Also may I ask you how can I disable the fuel crossfeed on the LEM adapter? I started an Apollo base and when I wanted to land a 'solar power farm' which used a different engine and the 3rd stage used it's fuel. I could prevent it after with additional non-crossfeed parts but if there's an easy way to handle it that would be useful for me. If not than I'll stick to my solution scince it really isn't that much of a problem.

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I think if they were going to use something of that quality and detail on this project that they would need to restart the entire thing. Because right now the modeling and texturing on this mod isnt on the same level as that Saturn V. Not to say this project is bad, but the contrast in quality would be significant. Plus this mod will run on most computers, that saturn v engine alone wont run on sub par laptops though it is pretty to look at.

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