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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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It's a long wait to the next Laythe launch window, which I've planned to be my next interplanetary mission. So, I decided to do a Mun landing with separate ascent and descent stages. Here it is on the pad:


The separatrons and decoupler are an abort system. The parachute is concealed under the docking port on top. And here it is finishing the burn up to orbit:


Circularised and corrected inclination, then noticed I still had a bit of fuel left in the lifter. Ah, well. I might trim it down for next time. Waited until I was on the day side to disconnect and perform the docking maneuver.


A nice picture on the way out:


Got a 30km orbit with just over 10 units of fuel in the orbiter. Jeb transferred over, undocked, and fired the descent rockets. The orbiter section had no probe core, and with Jeb in the lander, it was orbiting without control. The lander had considerably more than enough fuel in its descent stage, and Jeb got out, planted a flag and got back in.


Then it was time to fire the ascent, on a single LV-1. Got orbit, circularised, and managed to dock with the deadweight orbiter, using all but 1 unit of ascent fuel. Very little of the monopropellant was used, however. Jeb transferred over, as did the fuel, and with a little spin, the lander can was flung away. The return burn used up all the fuel and 10 units of monopropellant to get a 22km periapse over Kerbin - enough to return. The concealed roundified tank went untouched. Once I got to the periapse, I activated the abort system (which was tested earlier in a launch) - decoupling the capsule and firing the separatrons. This was in order to make the return more swift.

It was a safe touchdown in the plains, that I didn't bother to take a picture of. Might modify the rocket a touch: less fuel in the descent stage, less monopropellant brought, less fuel in the lifter and a probe core in the orbiter. Still, not bad for something I threw together in a couple of minutes without using any of the large parts. It was kind of like a mini-apollo-style, I guess.

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Today I did some orbital construction, and some other stuff but lets talk about the orbital construction first.

This is what my space-station, Cloudbase Kerbin, looked like when I last left it.


Everything under the Lander Can are parts of the Docking array, but parts were missing. Under normal circumstances I would have just launched the whole docking array in one piece, but the big-shots at KSC Administration had decided that Kerbal space program was going green (going green, geddit?), and so "complete reusablility" suddenly appeared on every-kerbals word-of-the-day calendar. And so, everything must be launched in a reuseable vehicle, which means: SSTOs!

The docking array needed four girders in order to space out the X200-8s with the Snr docking ports, so a mission was prepared. Unfortunatly it turned out that the girders could not fit into the Kylon SSTO (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79535-The-Kylon-my-best-high-capacity-SSTO-so-far) cargo hold, at least not in the arrangement I had in mind, so I put an older SSTO, the Thunderlane Mk-5, onto the job (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65968-Thunderlane-Mk-5-Becausethe-old-one-needed-an-upgrade). In retrospect they might have fitted into the Kylon if I had been a bit creative with how I affixed them.


As you can no doubt guess, this arrangement of cargo had the nasty result of shifting the COM just enough out of line of the COT that it became problematic. I won't sugarcoat it, it was an absolute b@#ch to fly, when making the rocket boost to give it a decent apoapsis I had to use most of the onboard monoprop, and everything had to be done at 10% thrust until the girders got dropped off. But it still worked, so I count it as a win.


Here we have Jebediah putting the girders into their intended positions. I do love that little MMU type thing that he's in, so useful (although some would argue that its not a true MMU, Jeb has a strict "No listening to killjoys" policy).


Here we have our proud Thunderlane Mk-5 back on the runway, having completed the mission with flying colors (the colors being primarily white, grey, black with a small dash of lightish blue)

Another Kylon is sent up with the remaining docking array components as well as some additional crew.



The final part of the docking array is then slotted into place, the MMU-thing is wedged in between it and the rest of the space station for the time being, as there are no other standard docking ports.

How the station looks after today's efforts. Just need a science lab and a docking segment for standard ports.


But thats not all folks

I also did some work on a new high-capacity SSTO. This one is still very much a work in progess, but I am very happy with how the main body has turned out.

I present the Orthros Mk-2



It still needs a lot of work, but I hope to eventually be able to ship a full Jumbo into orbit.

That's all folks!

Edited by SofusRud
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I docked for the first time! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Bill and Bob were rescued from a year-and-a-half of orbiting Kerbin, and I'm well pleased with that. :) They got stranded on one of my first orbital missions when I didn't realise they were in the stock space station with no engine, fuel or parachute. Now they're back on Kerbin all is good.

To be honest, I think it was more luck than skill that I bumped the right parts of the rescue ship and the space station together.

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I spent several hours to build this thing, just to realize I fitted all horizontal stack decouplers facing the wrong direction and not detaching from the upcoming stage. :huh: At least I think thats whats causing my staging problem...


Now probably going to start from scratch. ;.;

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Built 2 mini ships (Down Sizing) Mini Map Ship 5 (4 SCAN Satellites + Ship) and Mini RPL (remote landing Probe) Ship 12 (12 RPL's)



Both are headed out of Kerbin gravitational influence to map and probe other planets and moons. Yes I am using many add-on's for these ships.

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Built me a space station: One section has fuel supplies, one section a science bay, and there's also a return-crew-to-Kerbin module.

Here t'is:


Something puzzles me about EVA - when I click the EVA button on a crew picture, sometimes they leave the space station and cling onto a ladder outside (sensible), and sometimes they let go and go spinning off into space (not sensible). Anyone know why / how I can encourage the first option?

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Lol That is alot of DV Trooper I'm seriously impressed 1 for shear size and 2 for the lag induced patients you must have to work on somthing of that size.

keep us posted if you manage to move Mun to Duna

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Absolutely nothing, I've got Jeb and Bill in a KSO shuttle but I've got so many mods now it crashes every time I try to land them. So I spend last night trying to get a linux install of KSP going but think I'm missing some dependancies

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More messing about with that new two-stage lander. Reduced the fuel, brought less unnecessary monopropellant, put probe-cores on all the things, landed in IVA, took another surface sample from a previously visited biome and returned.




Then I remembered that in the thread where I got the idea to try a multi-stage lander for myself, some were discussing flight-recorders, to get the "landed on" science rather than just the "orbited" when returning the capsule. So, I built the Type-B 2StageMunLander, which was only 0.055t heavier than the Type-A - still under 75t on the launchpad. It did mean I had to do the docking in Mun-orbit on monopropellant, but that was fine.


An image of the Type-B on the launchpad



The Mini-Apollo twist. Just time-warp a little to get that fairing out.

Things went rather routinely and to plan, though there was very little left in the lifter for it to deorbit itself once the ship was in a 100km orbit around Kerbin. The landing itself was rather routine: using the high-beam spotlights made it rather easy to tell the landing location. Bob managed to land it on a slope, in a biome I had yet to land a kerbal, so he took some reports down and grabbed a sample.



Remembered to transfer the science over, then decoupled the flight-recorder from the lander-can, leaving it docked to the capsule's nose. The additional probe core on the bottom of the lander can (just above the LV-1) meant that it could deorbit itself with the remaining monopropellant. Then it was a basic return. I decided to decouple the capsule on the way down and leave the engine burning retrograde so that it would crash elsewhere. I also burned off all the monopropellant, before opening the parachute and descending into the ocean.


The flight-recorder worked perfectly, but because almost all my previous Mun-landers were one-can-only pieces, the "recovery of a vessel landed on the Mun" was worth no science whatsoever. Well, it doesn't matter - it was only a proof-of-concept.

I've found that I've rather enjoyed this multi-stage lander business. Perhaps when I do my next career mode, I'll try to use some then.

Edited by Concentric
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Oookay... whos up for another huge album of completely and utterly useless KSP weirdness?

Today I played around with spaceplanes.

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Might be more comfortable to browse through the link: http://imgur.com/a/FzrDx

Also, here are videos from some "landings" in the album:



Edited by Othuyeg
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Today I tested FAR.

Well, even though I had strong struts, my plane was just 73 parts flying for themselves shortly after takeoff.

And I was so happy that my new plane finally took off. :(

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I spent several hours to build this thing, just to realize I fitted all horizontal stack decouplers facing the wrong direction and not detaching from the upcoming stage. :huh: At least I think thats whats causing my staging problem...


Now probably going to start from scratch. ;.;

There's a bug with the 3.75m decoupler. Only the first one will detach when yless that'sou stage, and the rest will stay connected. You have to manually decouple them. Of course, it could be doing that AND be installed backwards too. :)

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I decided that I will use a super capital ship to explore the solar system so i started testing component designs, starting with my Kerbal Rescue And Trouble Escape Raft (aka KRATER). I learned it's hard to slow down when near the Mun. The test pilots simultaneously discovered terror, gravity, and religion. KRATER Mk2 design is tonight in honor of their sacrifice.

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The flight-recorder worked perfectly, but because almost my previous Mun-landers were one-can-only pieces, the "recovery of a vessel landed on the Mun" was worth no science whatsoever. Well, it doesn't matter - it was only a proof-of-concept.
Clever idea. So basically you just have to have at least one part that lands on the Mun and comes back to Kerbin? Or does it need to be a command module?
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Aquired the interstellar mod warp drive today and got a small ship with it into orbit:


After some thinking I decided to give the Serious system a visit, pretty neat with 2 suns!


Where did you get these mods? I want to leave the kerbin system at some point 8)

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