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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Worked on interplanetary ships today, and launched some. Two of them actually, one planned to head to Jool and another to Duna.



Successfully docked the Duna-bound module on my interplanetary booster in orbit, then suddenly I've realized I've done a small error - I've just docked on the wrong ship.


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I'll try to post pics later, when I have wifi. In the last two days I've:

  • Landed on Duna for the first time ever
  • Completed a 233 part, 1,103 ton space dock in Kerbin orbit
  • Began designing/building a base to send to Duna

My program is getting too big to manage, though. Too many facilities and too many missions all happening at once. Even KAC is having trouble with it.

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Still learning FAR. Did a "static fire" test of a Turbojet and RAPIER individually on the runway to get data on their initial thrust levels and compared that with data I already had to determine a rough guideline for how many engines were needed per tonne. Built a spaceplane based on that data that flew pretty well. Still failed to make orbit on account of I haven't figured that part out just yet, but I still feel like I accomplished something.

SPH was acting up last night - it wouldn't let me put any ailerons on the wings. You kinda need those, especially if you want any hope of spin recovery...

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First serous attempted to put meddium sized CommSat into high Kerbal orbit. Failed to achieve targeted orbit sigh but its there and works. Pain for CPU to launch heavy stuff up with Kerbal x10 +30 other mods.

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Another SSTO shuttle. This time a multi-purpose craft.

Here it delivered 4,5 t test payload to the station.


Unfortunately, the next mission of the craft ended in Kraken attack when during the landing parts of the ship started teleporting and exploding all over the KSC. It didn't even hit the ground properly. 2 Kerbals lost (fortunately, there were no passengers)

This is it! Bringing out heavy artillery! Alt+F12. Enabling save/load. No more Kerbals lost due to such anomalies.

Strange thing - the chutes are for cases of rapid unscheduled disassembly, but when Kraken strikes they are torn off first.

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Fired up KSP again for the second day of my return to the game. And then I slapped this together: a rough version of what will become my new interplanetary mothership. This version has two mainsails where it normally would have 6 nukes (this was a version to test if I could launch this thing in one go, not meant for interplanetary travel). It also has 2 empty MkIII cargo bays on the outer cores, those would have landers and/or satellites in the final version. Can carry a total of 58 kerbals with a complete load if my late-night math is correct. But I like to have my guys stretch their legs so probably will never have more than about 20-30 on board at any one time.

so without further ado: here's a couple of quick snapshots taken during testing.

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I wanted to test my 3-Crew Zero-G Shuttle/Space Tug (the "Stephen Baxter") with a "Fuel Trailer". In other words I put a empty trailer in space, a orange tank with a senior port on on end and a normal docking port on the other (with a built-in probe, solar panels on the sides and other equipment so that once part of a space craft it acts like part of the ship and isn't dead weight). The "Stephen Baxter" left the ISS "C.J. Cherryh" and linked up with the trailer. I then sent it to the Mun, figuring to dock it with the ISS "Lisanne Norman" but messed up trying to figure out how to make a stable orbit close enough to the Mun's station. In other words I left the time warp on too long and ended up heading right back to Kerbin. So I had it dock with the "C.J. Cherryh" instead - it was well balanced and the docking was easy as pie for Mech Jeb (who pilots all my stuff). So the test worked, kind of. I dumped all the fuel from the tug into the trailer and the other storage tanks of the station and then decommissioned it. It had a Mech Jeb on it and would not survive the switch to 1.0 anyway. Oh, if I need it before that I can launch another into space and try to perfect its delivery system - I barely got the "Baxter" into orbit as it was.

And yes, I name my stations and craft after sci-fi authors. Even the rovers.

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wow, what do you mean with medium sized here? lol that is huge!

Well dont know, this is my small sattelite Im droping right now all ower the place for testing parts in orbit contracts so guessing thats the middle sized one. Large CommSat I still failed to put into orbit is couple time larger that middle one. FPS go to h... when trying to launch large one, so still no success :(


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I have experienced huge amount of errors in debug menu...seems time has come to make new fresh copy of KSP and put mods in one by one until I discover where the error is.

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I built my first Duna lander, flew it to the planet, started my deorbit burn... Um. Jeb, start deorbit burn. Start the burn, Jeb. Engine is on.. why u not slow down?

Turns out that if you mount the large ASAS ring *above* the decoupler, the engine fairing on your current stage doesn't disappear and the thrust can't reach space. Now it's time for a Duna orbit rescue mission!

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First serous attempted to put meddium sized CommSat into high Kerbal orbit. Failed to achieve targeted orbit sigh but its there and works. Pain for CPU to launch heavy stuff up with Kerbal x10 +30 other mods.

Good lord that's huge! :o

...assuming you're doing this for remote tech, have you noticed that you can target a planet/moon, rather than an individual ship? You should only need 1 dish each for Mun, Minmus, Eve/Gilly, Duna/Ike, etc.

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