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Successfully completed my post-.22 orbit of something other than Kerbin! (Mun!)

I'm playing a slow and deliberate pace. For example, I'll launch a few more orbits, then a few probes, and THEN make a Kerbal landing :D

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Crazy moon mission! (for me at least...) in career mode which I absolutely LOVE.

All or nothing

Sent a 3 stage rocket to the mun. Second flight to the mun for Jeb, first attempt to land. All stock, no MechJeb.

Lift off! First time I try my brand new "Pegasus Mk2" Rocket. MK1 was okay for a quick visit to the mun's orbit and back...

So far so good, I get to orbit, notice my lander is pretty darn heavy but I still manage a not so bad gravity turn. But when I separate my stage 1... I hear a "BOOM"! Holy crap, what just happened!? I look at all the system, deploy the legs, test my stage 2 engines... everything looks okay :\ "Mission control, we are still a GO!" Jeb is a bit stressed.

I then start my Stage 2 burn to the Mun! It's long... too long... oh god... I have a bad feeling about this. I get to Mun capture with 10% of my stage 2 fuel. NOT GOOD. I'm no where near Mun orbit! Jeb is really stressed, he knows this mission won't be easy.

What now? We can abort or do a slight change of plan; forget Mun's orbit. Straight to a landing trajectory, first spot available! Stage 2 burns out fast. Jeb is no coward. "Mission control, it's all or nothing!". He didn't know how true those words will end up being. After some calculations, the optimal, fastest trajectory is set and we separate stage 2. We're down to the last stage, the one supposed to get Jeb on to the Mun AND back. After some tricky maneuvering Jeb gets himself onto the Mun's surface... on the inner surface of a pretty steep crater... but a landing nevertheless!

Hey we got science to do! 3 Science labs, 3 Goo labs and plenty of reports to do send! So, we planted a flag with a plaque. It's time to back, let's look at our fuel shall we? So.. we still have 40% right? right? Jeb stares at his fuel gauge, and a big 5% stares back at him.

Mission control, we have a problem.

Well, we still have some mono-propellant. A lot actually. ~500 units. We've got to get Jeb back. Jeb utters his now famous words again; "Mission control, it's ALL or NOTHING!" Stage 3 burn starts, all RCS thrusters with it. Not 10 seconds later and barely 40k from the Mun's, we're out of fuel. RCS-only now. Jeb's is no fool, he positioned his craft at 45 degrees. Both vertical and lateral RCS are working... itching 1... 2... m/s of velocity. We might make it.. we might make it!

After a very long 2.5 minutes of manual RCS trurst, the Mun's escaped! Can't believe the mission is not over! But, no time to celebrate... we're now at a very-high orbit above Kerbin, still have to get back, with under 100 units of mono-propellant left. Let's be intelligent about this; best bet is do an orbit around Kerbin and when at the Apoapsis let's do it again: "Mission control, it's all or nothing!"

ONE minute of RCS burn later... 5 units of mono-propellant left in the tank... Jeb looks at the trajectory map computer. Something is wrong... it says that at the next orbit he'll get captured by the Mun.... AGAIN! Oh no, oh no!!!

How close was he? How close is the Periapsis??? He rotates the view around Kerbin, his eyes (MY EYES) see the projected altitude marker; 30KM.

5 Kerbin hours later, on the great ocean, a *splash* is heard on the far side of Kerbin.

"Pegasus has landed! Pegagus has landed! ...with 5 units of mono-propellant and a lot of SCIENCE!!!"

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St. Jeb came! Today, I did SCIENCE without all the parts.

And stayed up 'till 3am.. *facepalm*..

This is how I made my first career mode orbit. No struts, SAS off to save power. LV-30 chosen as it generates power, and I kinda used up all the fuel..


He had to abandon his ship in High Kerbin Orbit, as without power, it could not be controlled.


But, his adventures must have given the scientists lots of good info on orbital physics, and atmosphere density. Here he is over Kerbin City.


Geof here is about to supervise the launch of the first unmanned rocket, with remote control systems invented so they could get poor Barfrod down from there.


He, and his valuable science made it home safe.

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Today I sent a scientific probe to Duna (first trip out of Kerbin SOI in career mode) and because I overengineered the lifter I had way too much fuel and decided to land on Ike too. It was a bit adventurous because the lifter was not built for it but I succeeded and landed it on Duna. 2600 Science from this trip (yes I researched everything many times).

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I have learned a lesson, so my next probe design has landing legs on the last stage too. Here it is on Minmus on the trip to finish research of Mun. Behold, Daisy II:


I will probably send one more to Duna to finish research with instruments Daisy I didn't have, then send it to Eve (Gilly + landing) and it might succeed even around Jool.

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Dontrey Kerman, master mountaineer: he did indeed run up that hill.


Dontrey Kerman's final moments, "died doing what he did best".


The hill, and preparing to get an aircraft out of a crater.


Running the engines up for a somewhat unusual takeoff...


Doodsby Kerman, master pilot!


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I only had enough fuel to get within 55km of Kerbin, and so spend the next hour going around the planet shaving off a few hundred metres at a time before, finally, getting the thing to slow down enough to land on the surface. That'll teach me to be greedy and try to do a Minmus and Mun flyby with the starting parts in career mode...

And Manley can land on freakin' Minmus...

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wat dat?

I assume this is a universe replacer texture? You have a link?

On topic... I spent hours going through old save files from previous versions, looking at successful designs that I'd failed to copy across, with the intention of rescuing them and converting them to sub-assemblies. Mod parts always complicate things.

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I finally landed on Mun successfully! I am awful at this game, and while I've landed on Mun before, I wouldn't necessarily call that "successful". This time though, I finally made it, with plenty of fuel to spare.

I didn't realize I was on the deck due to a lack of shadows.


Post card worthy. Note: you can see Minmus in the top left of the picture.


During the return trip, which I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I was just hoping for the best, but I did realize that I had a HUGE amount of speed to scrub off, over 3000m/s.


A lot of speed, I was actually starting to worry I was coming in too hot.


But no, in the end she slowed down nicely and I was able to float down safely. Whew! Too bad this was started before the 0.22 update, I didn't get any science credit. But at least I can say I been to the Mun and back!

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I launched my first inter-planetary science probe in career mode, without nuclear engines (though I did unlock them with the science I got :)). Its original target was Duna. On the way in, I encountered Ike (moar science! :confused:) then got into Duna orbit.

I had tons of fuel left, so I lined up a transfer to Dres (I haven't been there yet). That proved to be too hard, so I sent it to Jool instead. I didn't have enough fuel to get into orbit, so I did a fly-by of Laythe, then used the rest of the fuel to eject from Jool's SOI faster. After just passing its solar periapsis, it clocked a MET of 620+ days! I then named it the ISP-Class "Jebediah", after everyone's favorite kerbalnaut. :wink:


(Can't seem to get it embedded... Oh well.)

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I've launched a double core probe to Eve and managed to collect 2946 science points at the end of the mission. :confused:



I had no accelerometer or the gravioli detector. Goo, science bay, thermometer and barometer only.


One probe went on the surface and one was lowered into the ocean, relatively close to one another.



Bipropellant chemical engines were used, something that becomes tedious beyond Eve and Duna.

It made me unlock LV-N engine, so now outer planets can be reached.

Tommorow I'm throwing one probe on one of Eve's poles, and one on Gilly. Now that I've got all the detectors, I must include them into manned missions to Mün and Minmus. I still haven't sent a Kerbal outside very low Kerbin orbit.

I must say, if you're a beginner in KSP, career mode must be really hard but also awesome. I'm not, but I enjoy it nevertheless. There's also a fairly steep success curve.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Two Mun landings and many, many failed attempts to build a rocket for Minmus. All my designs either don't have enough juice left once I get into orbit to make up for my errors, or they are an absolute pain to get into orbit in the first place (slowing down as they stage).

Half tempted to bite the bullet and watch/read a tutorial just so I know how to do everything optimally. I get the impression my return trips are incredibly inefficient. If I can work out how to do it correctly I'm reasonably sure my Mun rocket could do Minmus too.

I relied on Engineer a great deal, apparently.

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Did my first test runs of my Munar/Dunar lander design for the Constellation Program Challenge. Getting the rovers attached was surprisingly easy for once. Jeb couldn't negotiate the ladder system; I'm hoping he'll have more luck when he gets to the Mun. Didn't accomplish any mission points for the challenge, but I was happy just to get all the kinks worked out with the booster. I sure have come a long way since the Flying Dutchman 7, my first Munar rescue rocket - that one was twenty tonnes, this one is 65.

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No struts? No launch clamps? No problem!


After a partial unplanned disassembly, we decided to abort to orbit. Mun orbit that was!


Melmy had a big sad face on when he had to leave the Mun without landing. But it was ok. With a little adjustments to the QDAW3 vessel:


The lander wasn't supposed to land sideways, but it wasn't too much of a hindrance to take off again.

I also had to delete the plugins for Kethane and Ioncross life support, as they were giving me trouble. They can come back in when they are ready to behave. Strangely, their absence has made the thing that gives a parachute to every kerbal work, and quite a couple of kerbals are alive because of this.

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Started a new Career mode. Rules - Kerbal must have a day (6hour) rest between flight.

Result of the morning...


What are you using there?

Also, here's what I did

"Huston, we have an orbit."


Though jeb might not return, dunno if 14 liters of liquidfuel and oxidizer will get him home...

EDIT : Jeb's coming home!

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