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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Finally (finally, finally, finally, finally) built an atmospheric plane capable of getting off the KSC runway without flipping out of control, and took it on a couple of trips to some nearby biomes for scientific pickups. It eventually managed to get the last few points of science I needed to unlock the PresMat Barometer (moar science!) and the two Telus Mobility Enhancers, leaving me only one tech away from being ready for a manned Munar landing.

I later realized I had forgotten to put half of the tail-wing on the craft, but thankfully that didn't cause too many aerobatic catastrophes.

Currently it's sitting in some northern grasslands with the parking brakes enabled while I send yesterday's semi-failure probe back to Minmus continue studying for my next CPA exam section.

Edited by Landwalker
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Moho launch window. Sent a CM/lander. Eve window, sent a gilly lander. Dres window, CM/Lander, Eeloo window, CM/Lander.

Time comes for the Moho mid-course correction, discover serious staging error. Fix error, fix same error on all other CM/Lander flights.

Dres mid-course adjustment

Moho approach... oh my word what a lot of dV to capture, 25 min burn on a 30min encounter for 3.8kms. No longer happy about return fuel reserve. Discover very late that crossfeed is on for my docking port and the lander tanks have been drained by the nuke, refill lander from interplantary stage. Recalculate return fuel. Calculate next Moho window, get refueler/rescue into LKO.

Sigh, realise Eeloo CM is going to need a refuel too

Sigh, logoff

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Ran over Malwise and Alsie by accident at my Duna base with the rover as they were taking samples. Rover flipped over due to wheel placement and landed on a power station which subsequently exploded, depleting the colony's electricity supply by a half. Looks like I need to plan a resupply run. -_-

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I made my first ever Mun Base, using a housing module I made back in 19.1 :3 Of course, I have also added other utilities to expand the base functionality. 100% stock :3



Shortly after I took these, I decided to take one of the UT rovers for a spin and managed to roll one within 1km of the base. Silly me :) Now I need to send replacements and bulldozers.

Gonna post more about it (including craft files if anyone is interested) here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59515-Showcase-Living-it-UP!-on-the-Mun-my-new-base-3?p=800993#post800993

Edited by GROOV3ST3R
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Finally took Jeb on a mission to orbit Minmus and strip its orbital altitudes of science before returning to Kerbin. Got a pair of gravity assists from the Mun (one on the way there, and a braking assist on the way back), and over 400 science for my trouble, so I was finally able to unlock the capsules I've been waiting for to put a Kerbal on the Mun.

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Launched a trip to the Duna system using an experimental turbojet launch stage...

landed on both Ike, AND Duna :D

That little module on the bottom does a fantastic job of shooting things up to around the midway point through the first lighter blue portion of the atmosphere... The rocket looked really small, compared to what I normally build. I was quite proud of myself.

The staging between the turbojets and the rockets is quite dramatic... cutting the intakes on ~20 engines creates quite a lot of noise, sparks, and smoke.




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Launched a trip to the Duna system using an experimental turbojet launch stage...


Landing not so well but enough for about 3300 science points this flight.


Looks like the curse of Duna is doing it's thing all around, I had a lander-fall-down error too, landing on one of duna's poles. It is now a base...


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I'd planned to do a lot of stuff today in KSP. Land a massive mobile refinery on Mun, deliver a new mobile fuel depot to Gilly, crash another probe into the Sun to see if I can get atmosphere science points.

But then I got sidetracked on perfecting my long-range SSTO spaceplane. It's now extremely stable, has enough delta-V to fly to Laythe from low Kerbin orbit, and of course it looks really cool. (I posted an older screenshot earlier in the thread.) There's just one teensy little problem: it won't take off. I mean, once I drop off that lip at the end of the runway I can climb, so getting to Kerbin orbit isn't the problem, but that's not good enough to take off from Laythe unless you're lucky enough to land near a hill. I need it to lift itself off the runway, but the only way I've been able to get it to do that is to put multiple canards on the front, and I don't want that aesthetic. It shouldn't be necessary, either, given the amount of lift the design has, but at present it just thinks there isn't enough torque around the back wheels to lift the nose.

I think the problem is the old lift inversion bug. Flip some aerodynamic parts upside down and it seems to screw up the lift calculation, but the UI will still make it look like everything's fine. This is easiest to see with the big delta wing; make a simple plane with two of those wings and it flies fine, but flip the wing upside-down and it's completely unstable, despite nothing changing with the center-of-lift arrow. In practice, it appears it's flipping the lift direction, and pulling the plane downward when it should still raise the craft. So I'm betting that the game thinks some of my wing components are upside-down and I'm losing part of the lift that would otherwise pull my nose up off the runway at 110m/s.

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Minmus Station is a go!


Made the station docker Mk2 that uses the regular docking port and will ensure a safe landing for the kerbal in it. Now to get the Mk2's to Kerbstation and Munstation.

But now Kerbal and it's satellites each have a space station orbiting them.:)

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Making the fastest hypersonic jet I have ever seen so far named the BlackStar (There are piles of intakes with a jet engine that are faster...I mean a real aircraft...) so far I have gotten it to 2,321 m/s surface speed at 41,000 m. Pretty fast.

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