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First thing you do in .20?


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  NuclearWarfare said:
I'm surprised. I used to check the forums while on my phone when out of town on weekends. I've done that twice to find an update had been released.

And it always backfired with server crashes and a host of other problems with noone around to fix them... :/

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  NovaSilisko said:
Doubtful. With the QA team fully up and running, we can kill bugs as soon as they show up, not wait until the exp phase to start. Now the exp phase is just feature lock followed by a final checking-over using a larger number of people than the QA team, to make sure there aren't any issues that were missed.

I always thought QA team just checked that everything works, so every major bug is fixed before release, and that we do the search for minor bugs by building the most stupid, impossible, GPU burning, CPU burning, RAM filling, Jeb blowing spacecrafts. You know, the bugs only real madmen can produce, the bugs I encounter when I play KSP when I should sleep. Why else are there bugfix updates? Or is both true, and lies the truth in between?

Oh, and I had another question.

Does the testing team also tests with mods, if so, are there already indications with mods will and won't work?

Edited by MennoLente
Cleaning up
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I'm going with the unoriginal answer of a seat on a booster. :D Then, if savegames are compatible, I'll continue working on my space station. If it's not compatible, I'll start a new one and avoiding past mistakes!

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  NovaSilisko said:
Doubtful. With the QA team fully up and running, we can kill bugs as soon as they show up, not wait until the exp phase to start. Now the exp phase is just feature lock followed by a final checking-over using a larger number of people than the QA team, to make sure there aren't any issues that were missed.

Sounds a lot like next week then if major issues don't pop up. This is extremely bad for my exam project!

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  1. Place a seat on top of a command module.
  2. Launch into orbit.
  3. Prepare re-entry path.
  4. Deploy chutes.
  5. Leave command module, get into seat.
  6. Watch my Kerbal ride its fiery steed back into orbit.

Then probably... Max persistent debris sounds kind of fun.

Then I'll probably do some sort of rover.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm totally making an emergency eject seat because those are AWESOME.

Edited by Luna Lovecraft
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  IvanTehFennec said:
Putting as many furry-themed flags everywhere I can. I want a flag density that's just slightly higher than the teeth-per-square-mile density in rural kentucky. I think 5 ought to do it.

Hey... I live in rural Kentucky..I approve of this message.

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I will gush over new interiors. And build ejecting seat. And rovers. Many rovers with proper seats :D Maybe even glider. Hopefully update will be released before the end of the month. Because we have a holiday in Poland, which means 4 free days. So much time to play. Wohoo! :D

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  IvanTehFennec said:
Putting as many furry-themed flags everywhere I can. I want a flag density that's just slightly higher than the teeth-per-square-mile density in rural kentucky. I think 5 ought to do it.

I live in offensive and I find this message Rural Kentucky.

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  RatBeer said:
seat + SRB

seconding this.

Quick question for the fine folk that will know - if you are sat in a seat, will you, perhaps, be able to get a first person mode view if you 'IVA'?

  llamatoes said:
Do you mean in Kentucky and you find that offensive?

I think he's being ironic as Kentucky isn't exactly famous for smarts... :P

Edited by allmappedout
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