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TT's Mod Releases - Development suspended till further notice


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  Weatherman159 said:
I wonder, do the rams use a different plugin than the OmniWheel for the up/down movement? It would seem that way, since omniwheels work for me and the rams don't, but then they both seem to do the same thing...

They run on the same base code in a different plugin file (because I suck at coding and dont know how to make them reference one common source for that function) but you may find they are working fine. Right click or set action groups up to enable or disable locking of the rams or wheels. rams default to locked, wheels default to unlocked.

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Some nice planes coming up in here guys!

If anyone has tried or is aware of this GPL mumech I'd like to know more about that.

It's linked in the DR thread, it fixed that in .20.2, I haven't tried it with anything else.
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  Darren9 said:
It's linked in the DR thread, it fixed that in .20.2, I haven't tried it with anything else.

Fo now though, it fixed DR. ive been using everything just fine. the only problem i have come across is a weird texture problem with the claw. There is a square instead of a point at the end of it. but im going to try and re install just that part and see.

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Was there a Gravity Engine that kept your rover on the ground once? or was that a different mod? I recall such a thing being here, If somebody knows what I am talking about direct me to it.

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Now released!

Pitch Vector engine


Plugin powered VTOL / Shuttle engine on steriods, the Pitch Vector engine (LV-R40HEVT ingame) is a thrust vectored engine that also features a massive hinge mechanism, allowing it to swing through +/- 90 degrees of motion, and it can do it entirely smoothly - it is neither incremental, or full on/off operation - it is entirely true control, and actuates as long as the action button key is held. Not only that, but it features memory - you can get the engine to remember up to 3 different angles, and return to those at any time. The options are limitless with this thing. Its pretty simple pluginwise, so I'll get an API out for this soon so people can use it on other engines.


Not available yet because spaceport

Mediafire mirror in the meantime:


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  Darren9 said:
It's linked in the DR thread, it fixed that in .20.2, I haven't tried it with anything else.

Fantastic, I'll look into the DR update and get a link on the OP.

  Pigbear said:
Was there a Gravity Engine that kept your rover on the ground once? or was that a different mod? I recall such a thing being here, If somebody knows what I am talking about direct me to it.

Superceded now since the game ended up with the radial 20-77 engine, therefore removed the gravity engine. it was buggy anyway by now.

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The pitch vector engine is awesome. Very smooth control, the memory function is brilliant. These are getting used strait away for new ssto design, and I am resurrecting the rocketboat project thanks to this engine.

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  Mekan1k said:
TouhouTorpedo, could you release the craft for that space shuttle?

Honestly I never really got around to working out the best way to use it - I got it flying stable till 2nd stage, and i kept not quite getting the right combinations from there. Thats when I decided a memory function would be good, but never got around to testing it in the shuttle again and just focused on vtol's after lol.

basically you're probably best doing your own design for now, I've no idea if it'd have worked all the way!

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Honestly I never really got around to working out the best way to use it - I got it flying stable till 2nd stage, and i kept not quite getting the right combinations from there. Thats when I decided a memory function would be good, but never got around to testing it in the shuttle again and just focused on vtol's after lol.

basically you're probably best doing your own design for now, I've no idea if it'd have worked all the way!

TouhouTorpedo, this engine is fantastic. I think it's going to make conventional shuttles a realistic goal now.

However, I'm curious if you might add the ability to set memory angles from within the VAB? For one, it would allow us to save memory angles along with the craft, which would save a lot of time on pre-launch. Furthermore, having to have action groups to change engine angle, then save and recall the saved engine angle uses a ton of action groups. If we could set them in the VAB, we'd need maybe 2 or 3 action groups. One for each saved angle.

Or alternatively, allow us to set them through the right click context menu for the engines in flight. That would at least alleviate the action group spam problem.

It might also be useful to have a rescaled 2.5 meter version of the engine.

Either way though, fantastic work. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with this engine.

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Dammit, TouhouTorpedo! :D

After months of launching shuttles with engines on DR hinges, I finally gave up waiting for modders to integrate the hinge with an engine, so I figured out an ugly and hackish way to get it done without. Now you go and create exactly what I've wanted all this time! LOL

Edit: Okay, I've tried it out and I like it a lot. I have two suggestions to make it easier to control a shuttle-style vehicle, based on many hours of designing and troubleshooting shuttles using DR hinges.

First, turn your gimbal range up to about five. That's enough gimbal to help compensate for small errors in the manual adjustment, but (usually) not enough gimbal to shake the vehicle apart.

Second, and much more important, slow the rotation speed waaaay down. When balancing an asymmetric mass on this manually vectored thrust, you'll find that very tiny movements - just fractions of a degree of gimbal - will have a big effect. It's easier to be precise enough when the hinge turns a whole lot slower. I changed my DR hinges and rotatrons to keyRotate = 6 and that seemed ideal to me; you may like it a little bit slower or faster than that... but in any case, it needs to be a lot slower than the current default.

Edited by White Owl
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TouhouTorpedo, sorry mate if this has been reported, but I can't browse 165 replies :D

problem: vanilla KSP 0.20.2, only MK4 Fuselage installed. I want to use it as cargo bay for truck. The truck is inside the cargo bay, with docking clamps attaching it to the fuselage, using micronodes connected to the front node of the fuselage (or the floor). When I launch on the runway, the truck falls through the floor of the fuselage. Same prob if I do two launches and I dock it afterwards. Apparently, if the object inside the bay is connected in any way to the fuselage, then on launch the object will fall though the floor, it giving the object no support.

Thanks mate, love ur mods!

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  White Owl said:
Dammit, TouhouTorpedo! :D

After months of launching shuttles with engines on DR hinges, I finally gave up waiting for modders to integrate the hinge with an engine, so I figured out an ugly and hackish way to get it done without. Now you go and create exactly what I've wanted all this time! LOL

Edit: Okay, I've tried it out and I like it a lot. I have two suggestions to make it easier to control a shuttle-style vehicle, based on many hours of designing and troubleshooting shuttles using DR hinges.

First, turn your gimbal range up to about five. That's enough gimbal to help compensate for small errors in the manual adjustment, but (usually) not enough gimbal to shake the vehicle apart.

Second, and much more important, slow the rotation speed waaaay down. When balancing an asymmetric mass on this manually vectored thrust, you'll find that very tiny movements - just fractions of a degree of gimbal - will have a big effect. It's easier to be precise enough when the hinge turns a whole lot slower. I changed my DR hinges and rotatrons to keyRotate = 6 and that seemed ideal to me; you may like it a little bit slower or faster than that... but in any case, it needs to be a lot slower than the current default.

The simplest thing to solve this: replace the the rotation speed value in the .dll with a user-definable-variable which can be set in the cfg.

The best thing to solve this: replace the the rotation speed value in the .dll with a user-definable-variable which can be set via the interaction menu of the part ingame.

Just two suggestions, awesome idea though Touhou! :D

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Honestly I never really got around to working out the best way to use it - I got it flying stable till 2nd stage, and i kept not quite getting the right combinations from there. Thats when I decided a memory function would be good, but never got around to testing it in the shuttle again and just focused on vtol's after lol.

basically you're probably best doing your own design for now, I've no idea if it'd have worked all the way!

I solved this problem through the use of adapters. I just strapped an adapter plate under the external tank, so I could mount several small engines under it instead of one big one. When the Shuttle starts tipping over, I just deactivate an engine. It's not pretty, but it works.

This was my latest and so far most successful attempt.

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  BigNose said:
The simplest thing to solve this: replace the the rotation speed value in the .dll with a user-definable-variable which can be set in the cfg.

The best thing to solve this: replace the the rotation speed value in the .dll with a user-definable-variable which can be set via the interaction menu of the part ingame.

Just two suggestions, awesome idea though Touhou! :D

They were supposed to be user definable, but it looks like I forgot to set the values to public. Once they are though, the following lines can be added and tweaked:

targetpitch = 0
currentpitch = 0
memoryangle1 = 0
memoryangle2 = 0
memoryangle3 = 0
pitchTransformName = GimbalHinge
rotateSpeed = 1
maxlimit = 90
minlimit = -90

I'll just have to make an update to allow this as I don't think how its set up now this would be possible yet. Didn't realise I hadn't done this.

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
They were supposed to be user definable, but it looks like I forgot to set the values to public. Once they are though, the following lines can be added and tweaked:

targetpitch = 0
currentpitch = 0
memoryangle1 = 0
memoryangle2 = 0
memoryangle3 = 0
pitchTransformName = GimbalHinge
rotateSpeed = 1
maxlimit = 90
minlimit = -90

I'll just have to make an update to allow this as I don't think how its set up now this would be possible yet. Didn't realise I hadn't done this.

Very nice, looking forward to this. :D

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Touhou - i bow to you sir, and your awesomeness :D This engine is a godsend. Now i can make my new kethane refinery work without sticking DR rotatrons and hinges in uncomfortable places. I have to wait until tomorrow to test it, so i have a question: is the actual engine an integral part, or is it possible to swap it for another (stronger, weaker etc)?

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  Scotius said:
Touhou - i bow to you sir, and your awesomeness :D This engine is a godsend. Now i can make my new kethane refinery work without sticking DR rotatrons and hinges in uncomfortable places. I have to wait until tomorrow to test it, so i have a question: is the actual engine an integral part, or is it possible to swap it for another (stronger, weaker etc)?

The engine and its hinge are the same part, so they can't be changed out. Its structure is fairly simple though, I'm quite certain if I look into how other VTOL engine modders have made theirs model structures, then it should be possible to make this plugin work with those. I do have some code lying around to pull the transform structure out of existing parts in KSP, so thats one way I can get more engines into it - by offering alternate CFG's for other modders engines.

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