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TT's Mod Releases - Development suspended till further notice


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I was gonna send ya one when I get the body on there.

This is what I was modeling off of. Trying to keep the hotrod feel but kerbalize it a bit


ive tried fuel lines into the chassis, and directly into engines. still nothing, odd thing is i still have turnability, so plugin is working right ya.

EDIT: just tred a little test rover, still no-go on the wheels....gonna try to reinstall.

Any known conflicts with other mods I may have missed?

There shouldn't be, and if you have all the parts then its probably installed in the right place too.

Heres a quick test - take a probe body/pod, any standard fuel tank, and put an engine on the end. Then attach wheels to the tank. if it moves plugin is fine. (use a powerful engine to be sure!)

Another thing to note, almost bugworthy i guess, is that if the vehicle manages to be perfectly 100% utterly still it can jam with the engines set to zero torque, but its incredibly rare something ends up perfectly still. And once the vehicle has moved -once- it sets up the engines properly and works fine. (this is why if some people were wondering, the rover doesn't instantly move away when the throttle is pushed on launch - there has to be a tiny ammount of pertubation to allow it to set up, and floating point errors are a good source of this so I didn't feel the need to fix it)

So another thing you can try is putting a seperatron on there to shunt the rover moving, then see if it works fine after.

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There shouldn't be, and if you have all the parts then its probably installed in the right place too.

Heres a quick test - take a probe body/pod, any standard fuel tank, and put an engine on the end. Then attach wheels to the tank. if it moves plugin is fine. (use a powerful engine to be sure!)

Another thing to note, almost bugworthy i guess, is that if the vehicle manages to be perfectly 100% utterly still it can jam with the engines set to zero torque, but its incredibly rare something ends up perfectly still. And once the vehicle has moved -once- it sets up the engines properly and works fine. (this is why if some people were wondering, the rover doesn't instantly move away when the throttle is pushed on launch - there has to be a tiny ammount of pertubation to allow it to set up, and floating point errors are a good source of this so I didn't feel the need to fix it)

So another thing you can try is putting a seperatron on there to shunt the rover moving, then see if it works fine after.

Is this why sometimes when releasing the parking brake it takes a couple of seconds for the vehicle to respond to input?

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Is this why sometimes when releasing the parking brake it takes a couple of seconds for the vehicle to respond to input?

If you just moved vessel to that one then released the parking brake yes, if you just stopped the vessel then put on the parking brake, then released, then tried to drive off, no, as the engine power should still be set. If you have any stock landing gears or landing gears based on the stock module attached, those DO jam on for a few seconds after using the parking brake. The best way to avoid that is don't use stock or stock based gear - use mine! lol

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Now none of my TT wheels work....

I changed to rover I had made before today and they dont drive either. Could resizing one of the wheels cause the plugin to go crasy??

I used config piggy backing to do the resize if that matters. Only thing I can think of.

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Now none of my TT wheels work....

I changed to rover I had made before today and they dont drive either. Could resizing one of the wheels cause the plugin to go crasy??

I used config piggy backing to do the resize if that matters. Only thing I can think of.

yes it would matter. Because I've still got it on the old data system config piggyback doesn't work. You need to copy the whole directory and change the name field of the CFG's.

I'm suprised to see a growing interest in modding the multiwheels finally. Once I have the free time to do so I'll start to investigate updating the mods for Gamedata system since thats starting to look like it could be useful finally. If theres anyone who has any particular interest in making new wheels that use this plugin to run, let me know - I've done an instructional image like the ones for stock gear and stock wheels, so these can be done by other users.

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Guess I should have known better than to try that gag with legacy folder parts...sometimes I don't think things trough so well =)

Glad to know I can still resize them, that smaller front wheel is a must have for the ratrod look.

I had planed on making some other chassis like the ratrod. I have plans for a NHRA topfuel style body, a f-250 style truck, a crane base, maybe some others.

I honestly have yet to attempt making a wheel of anykind...when I hear people like Snjo, InfiniteDice, and Devo saying that wheels can still be tricky, its kinda intimidating to such a noob modder as me. But being able to make wheels that work along with TT wheels...that would awesome!!

I would be very interested in that. If Im gonna learn to make wheels why not make my favorite ones.

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They're suprisingly simple, although my images might make them look otherwise. The important part to remember is they are in unity, basically a stock landing gear with one single extra transform in them - "steeringAxis" - these are all case sensetive. I know most people would know this, but whenever I dev a new wheel I always find I forget and have to fix the names again lol...

Heres two examples.



Wheels will work in BOTH orientations shown, though you'll need to edit this value appropiately to tell the plugin which way you built it - "yforwardtrueorxfalse = false"

I know some mods out there (rollkage) use clever set ups for the wheelcollider to determine behavior. you won't need to do that here as the plugin deals with it. Just use the data above basically. If you were to change them you'd need to change quite a lot of CFG parameters and that isn't worth it.

Also fuel consumption in CFG is a rate per torque output. so you won't need to change that if you change torque output. (but if you want to use a different fuel of course go ahead!)

EDIT : just noticed an error. The text with no line is meant to point to "Wheel"

Edited by TouhouTorpedo
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Hey TT did you understand what i was talking about from post #372? i know you hve more important things going besides me crying about a small tail piece. I use that MK4 set up for several of my crafts is the only reason im asking.

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Hey TT did you understand what i was talking about from post #372? i know you hve more important things going besides me crying about a small tail piece. I use that MK4 set up for several of my crafts is the only reason im asking.

I think I know what it is you're after, but its not a part I'm thinking of making. I somehow missed you mentioning you'd be interested in the MK4 developers kit, so here it is for you!


It contains a standard MK4 fuselage in a variety of formats, as well as a MK4 fuselage standard texture. So you can mess around with the form and have it match up to other MK4 parts. (Bac9 used this in the B9 pack to make a MK4 adapter!)

I'll update the OP to be sure its in there as well.

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I think I know what it is you're after, but its not a part I'm thinking of making. I somehow missed you mentioning you'd be interested in the MK4 developers kit, so here it is for you!


It contains a standard MK4 fuselage in a variety of formats, as well as a MK4 fuselage standard texture. So you can mess around with the form and have it match up to other MK4 parts. (Bac9 used this in the B9 pack to make a MK4 adapter!)

I'll update the OP to be sure its in there as well.

I understand what you mean about the tail piece. i realize your very busy with other things. Thank you for responding and thank you for the link. I appreciate it very much

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Anyone know if the wheels work in .21 yet?

Just about every part mod should work without problems. I've copied over all my parts and all my ships loaded and functioned properly right away.

That said, I'd be wary of mods that change physics behaviors like FAR, or more complex plugins like MechJeb. I use neither so I can't comment on them, but I do use TT's Multi-wheels, and they seem to be a-ok. :)

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Hmm, after the update, the retractable wheel pods don't seem have a retract action anymore? Unless there's some other mod interfering somehow.

Just tested this as I hadn't looked at the right click GUI, its still there for me. I believe another mod you are using is conflicting somehow.

Anyone know if the wheels work in .21 yet?

They have since release, no problems!

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Ack! Can you please make some sort of half-length fuel tank for the MK3? Everything I try to build with cargo bays ends up being painfully long.

I -think- Taverius's Shuttle Mod might have what you are looking for, but I'm not entirely sure. If you do check it out, let me know.

Does the Reaction Wheel work with the MK3 cockpit still? Love the Mod!

(Are there any plans for a MK2 cockpit?)

MK3 Cockpit does need tweaking to be compatible. I just hadn't got around to uploading my fixed version yet. The currently uploaded version should work fine but will revert the cockpit to the old type (non reaction wheel). I do have a fixed and tested CFG here that'll run with reaction wheels but just haven't updated the mod yet.

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TouhouTorpedo, I just came here to thank you for the engine with manual pitch control! Using it I've finally managed to build Space Shuttle-like craft that actually reaches orbit!

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TouhouTorpedo, I just came here to thank you for the engine with manual pitch control! Using it I've finally managed to build Space Shuttle-like craft that actually reaches orbit!

Thanks! Sounds fantastic, upload some screenshots if you can! (I honestly never finished a shuttle to orbit with it myself lol)

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Thanks! Sounds fantastic, upload some screenshots if you can! (I honestly never finished a shuttle to orbit with it myself lol)

This is more of technology validation prototype than "production" vessel, but still...

Climbing to orbit:




I did mod engine a bit to make step 0.25 degree to allow for more precise control (default 1 degree is way too coarse and I was spinning out of control at SRB burnout & jettison).

Speaking of which, can you make a couple of larger-thrust versions of this engine (something with thrust in order of 600-800 kN for middle-size craft, and ~1600 kN for heavy)? It would be extra cool if you would make it multi-engine assembly like real Space Shuttle had, but controlled all simultaneously.

Anyways building and flying this thing was (and still is) fun!

Edited by asmi
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