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Facts of life


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  nhnifong said:
Spend your money not on things, but on experiences, and share them with others.

How do you make an omlette?

You hurl eggs, salt, pepper, and the other stuff into a jet engine. An jet engine that is working.

How can you explain the Principles of String Theory to a 6th Grader?

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  NASAFanboy said:
How can you explain the Principles of String Theory to a 6th Grader?

Pick the right sixth grader. State the need for a theory of everything, explain extra dimensions more than space or time, oversimplify the part about wavelets.

How do you catch a pigeon?

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BTW, omlettemaking 101:

warm eggs

heat pan

put 3 eggs in cup

add salt

mix without making bubbles

butter pan

pour eggs in pan

sweep around side and roll extra liquid around trying to cook it all quickly.

wait about 10 sec

fold close side

hold pan over plate

slide omlette off, folding over in process.

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  TheCanadianVendingMachine said:
You shoot it and then pick up its corpse.

How do you eat a kinder egg in America?

Breaking News!

Kinder Egg Cartel Attacks U.S Customs Office as diversion! Hundreds of pounds of Kinder Eggs sneak into USA. Military is mobilizing in case of attack! U.S Army Reserves on full alert!

Hint hint.

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