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[Mod Craft] Munar science campaign

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Hi folks!

Today I want to contribute something special to you:

The munar telescope!!!


As I am a hobby astronomer I really had to do that.

I built a telecope on some support thingy to be on the far side of the mun.

It has a command centre RA and DEC axis and comes with a fancy ASAS secondary mirror holder *g*

The main mirror is the 2.5m short cone. That does great!

Although it is not moveable, it really looks cool.

It also contributes to my mun science station that is located just a few 9km far.

That distance, to not blurr the image quality such equipment would generate.

Soon I will post more Images of my munar science campaign.

This includes a kerbin relais station at 200km x 200km 0°, a mun orbital station at 50km x 50km 0° as well as the mun science base at 8° 34" N and 116° 52" W.

There is also a mun rover planned, to get the kerbals to the telescope and back to the base.

This one is being built at the time writing.

So hold on - there will be more!

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