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Remotetech question


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ok i know there a thread out there but i cant find it i think it went bybyby when the forum crashed, so any ways.

id like to make an antenna behave like a Sat dish1 i want to point the antenna just like you can with a dish what can i do to make this happen?

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You don't.

Very insightful and helpful. Your parents must be proud.

The real answer is that you go into the .cfg files and copy and paste the code for the dish into the antenna's file.

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But since you use remote tech mod for realism, you can not point signal of the omnidirectional antenaes without dish around it, since onidirectional means all direction, thats why dishes are used to focus signal to one side.

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But since you use remote tech mod for realism, you can not point signal of the omnidirectional antenaes without dish around it, since onidirectional means all direction, thats why dishes are used to focus signal to one side.

ok so its not really needed then to point them at a body? i was thinking of making a super small telsats for my telnet this way no need a dish till i hit minmus.

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But since you use remote tech mod for realism, you can not point signal of the omnidirectional antenaes without dish around it, since onidirectional means all direction, thats why dishes are used to focus signal to one side.

thanks but what part the info looks so much the same from the .cfg files, 'm not sure if i have copyed the right pc. I did try copying and pasting but it did not work do i need to move one of the models as well

Edited by MissMolly
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