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PayPal strike again, Xenonauts developer account get freezen.

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Xenonauts is a proper(unlike some bigas beancounters mikecow FPS)remake of the very classic turn base tactical game X-Com UFO defence.

Now, we all know that Paypal have a history of freezing indle developers accounts, both Minecraft and Project Zomboid had been treaded as such before(with project zomboid having problem with google as well), I don\'t know how the system KSP are using, but its cl ear if PayPal have something to do with it, Harvester should be very careful with that.

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I posted a link to this story in the moderator only forum for Harv to see. Hopefully he has seen it and taken note. I would really hate to see this happen to Squad.

Just one more reason I hate PayPal with a passion. I would have already sent money, but I refuse to use PayPal, period.


Capt\'n Skunky

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I\'ve heard the horror stories as well, of course, but AFAIK they were all resolved amicably, were they not?

They were resolved quite quickly. I don\'t blame them for holding the accounts, i\'d be suspicious too if an account suddnely had thousands of dollars in it

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A lot of old-fashioned banks are doing the same sort of thing now, and it\'s happened to private individuals, not just companies, because governments have brought in anti-money-laundering laws that require banks to be on the alert for 'suspicious' activity. The only way to do that when the banks operate millions of accounts is to program the computers with a set of rules to detect possible dodgy situations and hope they don\'t catch too may innocent customers.

Blame the the drugs cartels and terrorists first. Blame governments second for bringing in badly thought-out regulations. Blame the banks third, for complying with the regulations with less than appropriate degrees of oversight on computer 'decisions'.

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Yep. I\'ve always known Paypal was a problem waiting to happen...

Unfortunately, we\'re very limited in choice of payment engine, since most (good) services don\'t cover Mexico. Paypal is the only one that does that, and still allows for a donation system.

What we are doing though, is rigging up a direct payment system with a local bank account. That means we\'ll soon have an alternative to Paypal.


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Yeah, I eventually got fed up waiting for the new store system and just donated under Paypal. Just, take the money out. Every day, as part of your chores, transfer any money that has come in out of the account Paypal controls. Using Paypal can be fine, but do not leave money where they can touch it. Not 'just until the end of the week'. Take it out, please!

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