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How/will persistent debris work in the next update?


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When i leave my flags behind, it would only make since to also, leave behind my moon landing stages, or whatever i might have left there. but if you have the debris limit set to 100 or 50 or whatever, it will eventually go away, and setting it to infinite is just insane with how un optimized this game is at its current state.



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i dont really know how to explain it any better...

the apollo missions left behind the lander stages no? like in the image... minus the actual capsule they take back into orbit.

what im saying is, unless you have persistent debris set to infinite, that will eventually disintegrate. leaving only your flag on the surface of the moon, and that's boring.

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I understand your point GG. I would suggest looking into one of the mods that allows you to remove your debris by choice. I believe HyperEdit and possibly Haystack allow you to select which debris to remove.

Ignore my answer. The others are better.

Edited by Voidryder
Better ideas and answers.
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not on my end, when i have alot of debris in orbit/wherever, my game constantly gets microshutter no matter where i am, and im rocking 3.5 GHZ quad core.

-edit last time i had my persistent debris high was right about after it even came out, so maybe it has changed since then.

Edited by GalaxyGryphon
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well, i definitely think that if the future, especially with the addition of bases a and stuff, you should definitely be able to right click an object and set it as perma-persistant.

No, just add a probe core onto it like everyone else.. We really don't need that option, in my opinion.

But I, like you, wanted to keep my lander's base on the Mun when I touched down. So I put a probe core on it and it's still there as a beacon of my first landing site.

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I often leave my landers in orbit round the bodies they went to. No point hauling that dead weight back to Kerbin.

Of course, this only works for out and back missions. Lately I've been establishing permanent bases in orbit and reusing the landers.

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